Rebas Kradd, on 18 July 2016 - 09:12 AM, said:
Look, guys...Derek overstepped his bounds and admitted it. He used his mod position to try to act as an unofficial community manager/player advocate, and got snipped for it. There are plenty of boards out there who would do the exact same thing. He owned up to it, why can't you?
End of the day the Derek/Andi thing is a symptom. Not the problem.
The Problem is for the last 4 years, PGI has done a singularly terrible job communicating with their playerbase in any meaningful way.
The Community Manager is invisible.
One of the "Big Three" of the Devs has been MIA for years.
The other seems to spend his time playing Candy Crush, Stalking the invisible Community Manager, and playing with the Dartboard of Destiny.
The "Visible" one seems more interested in belittling his playerbase, then halfheartedly pushing through fixes we the community came up with 4 years ago... and pretending PGI came up with the idea.
Few are denying that Derek overstepped, and got his wings clipped. But what is being lamented is that when the community tries to have any kind of dialogue with PGI, we get told to shut up and buy mech packs.
RedDragon, on 18 July 2016 - 09:15 AM, said:
I can't count the times this meme fitted perfectly to how I imagine PGI makes decisions ...

lol. So true.
BTW about your siggy? Bryan was right about when Community Warfare would start rolling out. This Community has been fighting itself since early 2013. You just thought he was referring to ingame community warfare....