Do You Have Any Decal Suggestions?
Posted 21 August 2023 - 06:28 PM
Posted 19 September 2023 - 12:56 PM
Posted 16 October 2023 - 10:09 AM
Edited by MT Titan, 16 October 2023 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 02 November 2023 - 07:16 PM
I would like to request Japanese numerals to be added as decals.
0 (either 零 or 〇), 1 (一), 2 (二), 3 (三), 4 (四), 5 (五), 6 (六), 7 (七), 8 (八), 9 (九), 10 (十), 100 (百), 1,000 (千), 10,000 (万), 100,000,000 (億), 1,000,000,000,000 (兆), and 10,000,000,000,000,000 (京).
Honestly, 0-10 is probably enough, but 100 and 1,000 would also be nice if the others can't be added.
For a game with so much Japanese-focused lore in the form of the Draconis Combine, it would be nice to have access to the Japanese numbers to put on Kuritan mechs like the Dragon and the Hatamoto-Chi.
Going a slight step forward, adding the basic Japanese characters as decals in the form of hiragana and katakana syllabaries, and maybe a few basic words in kanji (like the kanji for "Kurita," which would be "栗田"), would also be welcome, but of lesser importance than the Japanese numerals.
I have previously posted this request in the Cauldron Feedback Discord server, but I realized that this is probably a far better place to post such a request.
Posted 04 November 2023 - 11:35 AM
Greek Letters:

Zodiac Symbols:

Alternate Zodiac Symbols:

Country Flags, after all PGI already has them as cockpit items:

Also as I stated before, the IS Brigade Decals:

Clan Galaxy Decals:

Animal Paw:

No symbol:

Standard Star:

Skull and Crossbones (a.k.a The Jolly Roger):

Posted 10 November 2023 - 01:01 AM
Posted 23 November 2023 - 05:16 PM
Achernar Battlemechs logo.
Periphery Factions symbols/icons.
Image of missiles in flight.
Image of AMS/CIWS firing with caption "When it rains, it pours."
Posted 01 December 2023 - 10:27 AM
Posted 08 December 2023 - 04:46 AM
Posted 12 December 2023 - 01:41 PM
Posted 05 February 2024 - 04:09 PM
Posted 24 February 2024 - 08:05 PM
Posted 17 March 2024 - 02:24 PM
Posted 17 March 2024 - 05:46 PM
Posted 25 March 2024 - 12:38 AM

On some bigger mechs!
+ expanded with a "Hi there!" words decal (or such decal already included?)
Posted 07 August 2024 - 03:23 PM
Posted 15 September 2024 - 07:42 PM
1. Carolina Wolf Spider, Face of Deterrent convergence, Blonde Beard, Blue Eyes, God the Father/Zeus phenotype. Geometric Fear, Power Projection, re-evolves in all Recessive Reinforced Rich breeds of Apex Alpha Males. See Aboriginal/Super Samoan blonde fro/beard aswell as Hulkamania for more WOLFSHARKFATHERGOD
2. Hannya, the Face of Jealousy, sane thing as (1) but Lunacy clean shaven, not the Macho+ guy but the Electro - Annihilation King one, Ace One King, as Alexander Kerensketchum.
3. Panzer und girls, the Face of Cyborg Humans on the Jihad (classixal gloval warrior helms, Samurai is Hannya and others, Aztec is Jaguar and the Coyotes.)
4. (3) + (1) = Predator, Klathilu, Coatl, Cthulu, spider mandible jaw, DREADLOCK RASTA HUMAN GOD MAN CYBORG BEAST, elemental power armour suit, hunting, Jesse Ventura's humungous clean shaven ball sack.
4. Victor "I don't believe I'm a Klathilu Warrior Steiner BBC CBS Multiverse Crossover BattleMech without royalties, cuz Act of Khrist in the Sky" 9A1 is the Predator Mech, so like, mandible spider face decal and dreadlocks bolt on
5. Hulk Hogan dreadlocks, male pattern baldness.
Ironsides Ouranous, First and Brownest
Crownsides Cronus, Hybrid segundus, blonde and gigantism
Ginger Gnostic Jesus Jew Fro Scythian Scots, Zeus the Jotunn, Joshua the Yeti, Jack the Sasquatch, Seth Rogan HUHUHUHUH weed bro I'm an Olympian God movie celebrity like Kerensky the Clown.
6. IF Irish THEN All in One, Another AOne Again, Ronaldo McRecessivereconcurrentconvergence
So in summary
1. Spider mandibles/googly eyes face/animal deter face/patterns
2. Hannya/human war/deterrent masks
3. Various human weaves, from Mohawks vs. Mullets to Combover Wars to Klathilu Dreadsides
All Hail Michael Ironside, who is the Original brunette master bald.
Hallowed are the Ouranian baldy phenotype, that's all the black haired people so... More of us than of you HA!
***incoming transmission from Big Boos Nastiest Ventura***
9/11. You're all a bunch of slackjawed bigots, zero child casaulties, 3000 cronie banker child ABORTION AFTER BIRTH murdering terrorists dead. Best ATTACK ever, even God showed up to bless it with those smoke faces and angel lasers/Pepe the Frog.
0. If Child casaulties = null, AND Iraqi casaulties = 6,090,666, then USA hijacked by terrorists, not those planes.
**transmission from the Boosiest Boos around end**
Sorry about that guys, History is a science of NOT A MONOPOLY so like, yeh, Free Speech and all, it's the Law, Historical enquiry and zero child casaulties is Fact and Free. So Boss Ventura does have a right to say so, and I'm fused with my VCTR V-Come-To-Klathilu Warbird PredatorMech's AI MurderDeathKill.exe program so like Boos Ventura can Assume Kontrol under certain T&C.
Thx guys, awesome game, Thunderbolt 8S IS Emporer Pope Sheev Benedict XVI, 6xLight PPC and it's Unlimited Power Projection Kannonry.
Is that POWAH from der August 45dmg or 40dmg or 30dmg or 20dmg ir 10dmg or no He's spamming 5s again the ******* from two other universes.
Electronic superposition warfare, i see what you did there Palps, **** the Jedi, what about SHMEEEEEEE!!!!????
Posted 01 October 2024 - 05:08 AM
Posted 21 December 2024 - 06:00 AM
I would love to see Flea or Urban wearing them!
I also want the ability to flip the decal and rotate it at a certain angle...
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