Pronotum, on 30 July 2016 - 10:01 AM, said:
Hint: They're better than you think. Great? Not exactly. They're niched. But definitely not bad. Anyway, if you don't want to contribute to the discussion, kindly leave. You won't solve a thing like that. So, back on topic. We ought to look at the main issues people seem to be having with the LB-10X and see what the bloody problem is... Either it is through poor perception and misuse or through an actual issue. Right now people mentioned crap crits. that all? No. So, what else is everyone's gripe with them? Let's all get to the same page, so we can properly discuss this. Instead of throwing random ideas like crap to the wind.
I am with you on this for the most part. I use alot of LBX cannons on my mechs and have quite a bit of success with them.
First out to about 200m the pellets actually don't have a huge amount of spread All you have to do to see this is go to a training room and then go shoot at some mechs and watch the paper doll. More often than not you will see the damage going exactly where your firing. Obivously the size of the mech your targeting makes a difference in this but with most mediums and larger your not spreading as much damage around as you think unless your trying to fire at longer ranges.
Second, I have fairly often just hit mechs that didn't appear to be all that heavily damage or even fully cored and have them just fall to the ground dead. My only explanation for this that my LBX round must have taken out his remaining armor and the remainder crited his engine 3 times and killed him or perhaps crit his cockpit and killed the pilot. It is very random when this happens but it happens enough I have noticed it dozens of times over a few hundred matches on mechs armed with LBX guns.
Third, often, especially at longer ranges, the spread of the pellets have managed to allow me to hit and cripple mechs sometimes knocking out 2-3 components with a single hit.
Forth, it is much easier to hit with a LBX because it is a shotgun, this heavily includes hitting light mechs which are especially vulnerable to LBX guns. At times this damage might not seem decisive but it is still damage and even if only a few pellets hit, it is better than a clean miss.
Fifth, if your playing Clan, the LBX is the closest thing to a standard, IS solid slug AC that you can get plus with the LBX you have less face time requirement after firing as opposed to a UAC.
So my point is, there are alot of advantages to using an LBX though I am not sure anything smaller than a LB-10x is viable.
As to why people don't like them most of it has to do with the range limitation and the fact that its damage is unreliable.
First range. Like I said, out to about 200m it has a pretty tight pattern, however past that you are spreading pellets everywhere and while damage is damage, not being able to concentrate that damage on a damaged section of the enemy can be a pretty severe disadvantage. Also out past 350m on any of the variants, your going to have pellets start to miss and that is just straight up wasted damage and you can forget falloff damage ranges because between misses and hits that are only doing partial damage, well the LBX is useless. When you compare that against a standard AC or UAC, they will have 2-3 times the useful range of a LBX.
The second thing I mention is that the damage is unreliable. Sometimes, as I mentioned mechs you hit just seem to die randomly for no reason as I mention I think this is due to a series of lucky crits happening however you can't count on that happening. Other times it just feels like your firing and firing and firing and while your getting good solid hits, it just doesn't seem like you getting anywhere. This especially happens when your firing at targets in the 300m plus range but can sometimes feel that way up close too especially when it just doesn't seem like the pellet will go where you want them to hit and instead hit strong armor instead. Basically it just isn't a weapon that you can trust like a good old solid slug IS AC or even a Clan UAC. I think this also tends to cause people to feel like they are much worse than they are.
How to fix them? Honestly I am not sure they need fixed. As I said, if you can get over the fact that they are very short ranged weapons, at max around the same range of a SRM, and that at times they aren't going to "seem" reliable, even though their damage output is pretty consistent, then they are fine and you can have great success with them. However, I can definately see how some people feel they are broken, even when they probably aren't.