Duke Nedo, on 26 October 2016 - 11:09 PM, said:
Yes, you got that right, but I'd also like other mechanism to rein in boated ballistics and boated missiles like some creative use of recoil, convergence, missile spread and missile tubes. I have written that in other threads but didn't mention it here so sorry about that.
About laser boating there are holes that almost lets you do that by combining LPLs with MLs and especially cLPLs with cERML (though a little less so after range reduction). It's close enough for us to call them laser boats after all. IMO, as long as you can do that you can just as well remove GH all together for all I care. Alpha-boats would be a bit more effective but not extremely much so I guess... in any case it could partly be mitigated by reducing the dps of long range weapons significantly relative to short range equivalents.
The point I am trying to make is that GH1 is a poorly integrated grouping full of holes that we exploit as much as we can to stay as close as possible to what we could do before GH1 was introduced. So, if it's now consensus that some kind of GH is needed to reduce alphas I think we should improve on it. A good implementation of ED could do that, but only a good implementation of it.
No, 450 meters is much shorter than 740. Also, you'll notice that those laser vomit builds are not the powerhouse they once were. They are heat capped quickly and situational. I definitely wouldn't consider those builds a problem that needs to be nerfed. Some mechs have the appeal of being able to boat lasers, and they should have their situational use rather than being nerfed to the ground by energy draw just because once in a while someone will be caught flat footed and take a big alpha from a heavy or assault. Clan laser vomit especially is not that hard to mitigate you just have to be on your toes. I don't think those laser vomit builds should be nerfed any more as they are already balanced and not over performing.