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Roughneck Pre Order Is Here

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#61 Pepito Sbazzeguti


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:38 PM

Wow, I really did not expect that much salt for this new mech.

Maybe is not lore but for me Alex did a really great job with this, looks beautiful, half way between a battlemech and a building mech if you look the arms, decals and special camo, I really like the style used here.

Then look at the hardpoints location, arms seem to be high, and torso weapons are at the same level of the cockpit.. High weapons AND high cockpit, so completely different from a Jaeger or a Thunderbolt and with more ballistics + missiles to experiment with.

If hitboxes will be good the 3A variant could be a new meta to substitute/accompany other 3 lpl + 3 ml builds.

Really interested to see the evolution of this mech.

#62 Dreadgorth


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:41 PM

So PGI you have the choice of all the mechs from lore that you can put into this game and what do you do is "invent" a new mech and offer that to us. I am VERY dissapointed in this. My wallet is firmly closed if this is the best you can do. Fix CW/FW. This vomit of meck packs is not going to get me to spend ANY more money.

Edited by Dreadgorth, 03 December 2016 - 03:42 PM.

#63 Wolf Ender


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:45 PM

so what is this we're using weaponized Loading and Construction mechs now? Agromechs next? Is this MW Dark Ages? WTF is this crap? Fail PGI. Fail Fail Fail.

#64 Gusevich


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:45 PM

Hahahaha perfect. **** adding actual content to the game, right? Posted Image

#65 xSONOHx


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:54 PM

No Annihilator? BBBBOOOO! Industrial 'mech? Nice, people wanted that.

Canon industrial 'mech? ...

Still looks interesting to me, I would just personally prefer you stick to adding the currently available canon mechs we do not have (a whole lot).

Good job on the lore and everything though; I did enjoy the read and the artwork is nice.

Edited by xSONOHx, 04 December 2016 - 04:27 PM.

#66 stealthraccoon


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 03:55 PM

View PostWolf Ender, on 03 December 2016 - 03:45 PM, said:

so what is this we're using weaponized Loading and Construction mechs now? Agromechs next? Is this MW Dark Ages? WTF is this crap? Fail PGI. Fail Fail Fail.

I'd pay for a harvester mech, or a rancher! Dark ages = Rocket launchers!

Edited by stealthraccoon, 03 December 2016 - 03:56 PM.

#67 Uncle Totty


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:04 PM

View PostPepito Sbazzeguti, on 03 December 2016 - 03:38 PM, said:

Wow, I really did not expect that much salt for this new mech.

Maybe is not lore but for me Alex did a really great job with this, looks beautiful, half way between a battlemech and a building mech if you look the arms, decals and special camo, I really like the style used here.

Then look at the hardpoints location, arms seem to be high, and torso weapons are at the same level of the cockpit.. High weapons AND high cockpit, so completely different from a Jaeger or a Thunderbolt and with more ballistics + missiles to experiment with.

If hitboxes will be good the 3A variant could be a new meta to substitute/accompany other 3 lpl + 3 ml builds.

Really interested to see the evolution of this mech.

The salt is because we were told we would get something new. I was thinking Axmen and melee combat, or new weapons and tech, or IS Omnis.

But no.

We got this.

Same **** new skin.

#68 Starshield


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:07 PM

As several others have stated already, I am rather glad to see that Alex was given the creative liberty to create a new mech to place in the game. I am even more ecstatic that PGi wanted to inject something new into the game.

With that said I will unfortunately be staying well enough away from this and only getting it when it comes out for Cbills, if even then. I personally feel a great distaste of what is aesthetically an agromech. Solaris mech or not, there is a vast difference between a franken mech and what closely resembles an agromech. Some may enjoy this, I am simply not one of those individuals. Which things are further compounded for me by the fact it is another 65 tonner with what seems to be set up to run builds I would rather run on the Jager or Rifleman. Giving me even less incentive to buy the Roughneck other than for Cbills. And no JJ *sadface

#69 MookieDog


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:23 PM

View PostStarshield, on 03 December 2016 - 04:07 PM, said:

As several others have stated already, I am rather glad to see that Alex was given the creative liberty to create a new mech to place in the game. I am even more ecstatic that PGi wanted to inject something new into the game.

Rough PoS should not have been done. So many mechs that could have been done. PGI will try to spin this as a sexy mech. This mech offers nothing, same as the weedwacker. Its just another add a target for people playing clan mechs.

RIP IS. More peeps playing clan mechs now that IS anywho. Guess this was PGI's intention.

#70 Demos


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:24 PM

Nothing against one invented mech.
Argus, Osiris, Deimos etc .were the same bunch.

But, no thanks. There would have been enough good mechs available, even in the 65t class.
And complete intro-tech in the standard package?
Underwhelming early adopter rewards.
My wallet shall be closed...

Hopefully there are some better news after the "hyped" announcements.

#71 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:29 PM

It is a nice looking mech, but without isUAC 10, but more importantly an isXL engine that does not die on the loss of one side torso, no thank you.

#72 GI Journalist


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:29 PM

The Good:

With excellent concept art, featuring high weapon mounts, this is clearly the first BattleMech designed specifically for MWO. I would love to see more Solaris VII Mechs and variants that use these design principles.

The Bad:

As a LoaderMech inspired design, the lack of a melee or grappling weapon is really disappointing. The lack of melee combat in the game detracts from the otherwise gladiatorial feel of MWO.

The Ugly:

Since reflexes and intellect are the decisive factor in BattleMech combat, rather than size and physical strength, sexism is rare among MechWarriors. The author seems to be writing commentary on 21st Century sexism in a 31st Century context. While self-taught Mech pilot from the lower classes might certainly experience discrimination in the feudalistic Inner Sphere, its unlikely to be connected to the pilot's gender. I'm happy the pilot is a woman, but not certain whether female players will be inspired by this piece of lore.

#73 Lanzman


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:31 PM

Yeah no. All the canon mechs not yet in the game and we get a made-up POS? Nope. Fail.

#74 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:33 PM

It's the power loader from Aliens with cannons and missiles bolted onto it. Logical design senses should be mortified by the concept, but instead I cackled like a lunatic and sit poised to preorder once I decide whether or not I like the collector's camo enough to justify the extra cost

EDIT: Also, I thought of a way that this thing could actually be the prototype for melee - give it a damage bonus quirk for collision damage to put it roughly equivalent to say, a small laser at optimum range so that it's not game breaking. Sure we won't get any fancy clamp-and-tear animation but it's a step in what my admittedly strange directional senses say is the right direction. And who knows, it might be what people need to finally learn not to stand up each others arses all the time

Edited by Audacious Aubergine, 03 December 2016 - 04:48 PM.

#75 Uncle Totty


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:46 PM

View PostGI Journalist, on 03 December 2016 - 04:29 PM, said:

The Good:

With excellent concept art, featuring high weapon mounts, this is clearly the first BattleMech designed specifically for MWO. I would love to see more Solaris VII Mechs and variants that use these design principles.

The Bad:

As a LoaderMech inspired design, the lack of a melee or grappling weapon is really disappointing. The lack of melee combat in the game detracts from the otherwise gladiatorial feel of MWO.

The Ugly:

Since reflexes and intellect are the decisive factor in BattleMech combat, rather than size and physical strength, sexism is rare among MechWarriors. The author seems to be writing commentary on 21st Century sexism in a 31st Century context. While self-taught Mech pilot from the lower classes might certainly experience discrimination in the feudalistic Inner Sphere, its unlikely to be connected to the pilot's gender. I'm happy the pilot is a woman, but not certain whether female players will be inspired by this piece of lore.

Female mechwarriors maybe a minority but they are not rare. (Even 46% is minority and that is about half.)

#76 Jullian Starfingers


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:47 PM

Nice design, a bit disappointed, not to see one of clan or IS light or medium Mech like: Fire Falcon, Piranha or Hollander, but i think is good to see PGI contribuate nicely in the lore of Battletech univers,
i buy it, for the suport :)

#77 naterist


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 04:50 PM

my knee jerk reaction is "oh **** na, they did not just do that." but after taking 4 hours to consider it, im more open to it. im not especially happy about it, but it makes sense from a business standpoint. there arent many mechs left that use only the tech in game right now, so their running low on options. i think this is them testing how the community will take it if they do this more often. if they do it occassionally, then i see it as ok. mektek did it and their mechs were awesome, and some of the most loved. i think the demois was put in canon because of them and it has a backstory to its creation of its own. so im more ok with that, but the other battletech games and fiction need to embrace the new mechs to sell me on them. if the roughneck or whatever new mechs they create are well placed within the BT universe with quality stories behind them, then ill be more accepting of it.

but to be clear, i wont be ok with it if its a continuous stream of made up mechs from pgi. they cant use that as a way out of updating IS technology, and clan tech as well. that their at this point should be a wake up call to them that they need to advance the technology and timeline if they are going to be doing this mechpach a month thing, because there is not an infinite amount of mech in universe.

i do wanna end on a good note though, im glad that new colors are part of the preorder rewards, thats awesome.

View PostUncle Totty, on 03 December 2016 - 04:46 PM, said:

Female mechwarriors maybe a minority but they are not rare. (Even 46% is minority and that is about half.)

well in the real military, females are like.... 30% of the population, and that mindframe is there to a degree..... so id see that trend possibly continuing into a futuristic feudalistic socioty, so it isnt a stretch to say that the people in that timeline see females as outsiders in the mechwarrior community.

#78 Uncle Totty


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:01 PM

View Postnaterist, on 03 December 2016 - 04:50 PM, said:

my knee jerk reaction is "oh **** na, they did not just do that." but after taking 4 hours to consider it, im more open to it. im not especially happy about it, but it makes sense from a business standpoint. there arent many mechs left that use only the tech in game right now, so their running low on options. i think this is them testing how the community will take it if they do this more often. if they do it occassionally, then i see it as ok. mektek did it and their mechs were awesome, and some of the most loved. i think the demois was put in canon because of them and it has a backstory to its creation of its own. so im more ok with that, but the other battletech games and fiction need to embrace the new mechs to sell me on them. if the roughneck or whatever new mechs they create are well placed within the BT universe with quality stories behind them, then ill be more accepting of it.

but to be clear, i wont be ok with it if its a continuous stream of made up mechs from pgi. they cant use that as a way out of updating IS technology, and clan tech as well. that their at this point should be a wake up call to them that they need to advance the technology and timeline if they are going to be doing this mechpach a month thing, because there is not an infinite amount of mech in universe.

i do wanna end on a good note though, im glad that new colors are part of the preorder rewards, thats awesome.

well in the real military, females are like.... 30% of the population, and that mindframe is there to a degree..... so id see that trend possibly continuing into a futuristic feudalistic socioty, so it isnt a stretch to say that the people in that timeline see females as outsiders in the mechwarrior community.

Even 30% is not that small. Did you know some of histories top snipers are woman?



Edited by Uncle Totty, 03 December 2016 - 05:02 PM.

#79 Machinae Mortis


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:07 PM

Lots of suggestions out there of what people would have rather seen. Would personally still love to see the Stinger and Wasp (as long as they're sane-sized), but Crusader I guess would make a lot of sense as well.

Nothing really to say about this one. Nostalgia makes me buy mechs. There's no nostalgia here. Nothing really bad about it; just not for me.

#80 K19


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Posted 03 December 2016 - 05:31 PM

Show a photo about Roughneck old game the Catalyst box game ????? Posted Image

If it does not exist then this a good job but does not practice in the game will be another story because the Malee attack does not exist that makes the mech less used but most of the mech that has in the game has drawings of malee attack .... right Posted Image

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