oneda, on 13 December 2016 - 12:14 AM, said:
Not a little bit. Not maybe. Not moderatly.
As it is right now it is über op.
Ill tell you why.
With those quirks its like a hunchbackIICA on steroids + cybernetic implants.
I dont even have to play it one time to confirm this. Wont be a problem for long though as quirks will all change.
The new summoner can be infinitely more heat friendly with the amount of DHS it can boat. It also has massive quirks, can load the biggest TC, has fantastic agility quirks.
Wihout any quirks whatsoever it would basically be like the hunchbackIICA.
And believe me. Even with zero quirk such hardpoints and two cerppcs are lethal already.
With 700ish dmg and 450 score you havent even begun to tap the new summoners potential.
Trust me.
Ive played the 2 cerppc build in the IICA prolly three times as much as any other mwo player. 700 dmg and multiple kills is a standard good game. Nothing special. I get those and much higher all the time. I dont say that to impress its simply true.
And i get that and much higher without any quirks 16 DHS and heat of 1.43.
Now....the Summoner....hahahahaha.
Lord. It can be vastly more lethal with what it can load in its body.
Give me that mech and let me play 20 games and i will show you that i can easily get 1,2 k dmg and more. Regularly.
I say that again in games that are not super quick i will regularly dish out insane dmg. More than 1,2 k. Prolly more like 1,3 and 1,4. And in super long games even more. Cause with even better heat than 1.43 and more DHS than 16 + TC VII and the already fast ppcs of the can shoot and hit stuff for days. Literally. The dmg will pile up like nothing you have seen.
So, yes. The op was right but he was vastly underestimating and hasnt even tapped the potential of the summoner yet.
Just read my post and youll have a 100 % accurate picture of what it can really do.
Its a monster.
Op yeah. And the quirks should be all taken out to not make it imba.
But right now its a bad *** monster.
Looking at your season 4, 5, and 6 Leaderboard scores it shows you do not even pilot heavy mechs. Or at least haven't over the last few months.
This indicates that all your comments on Summoner performance are based on the perspective of its opposition.
In other words, your Summoner performance observations are all based on being at the "business end" of a Summoner's PPCs. Of course you don't like Summoners and want their performance degraded.
And since you primarily pilot mediums I assume you just do not like Summoners "edging in" on (I assume your) pop-tart 'turf.'
It all indicates that you just don't like competition against heavy pop-tart mechs, especially if they do that same function as well as, for example, the Hunchback IIC.
So you make negative comments on the chassis you don't like in the hope that you sway other's opinions to match yours.
But it is unwarranted.
Again, the Summoner is a viable heavy support mech, but is no "OP God mech."
You hit it a few times it goes down just like any other lightly armored mech would (to be clear: lightly armored for a heavy).
But until it goes down, of course it will be making damage (and hopefully heavy damage) against the enemy team -- as it should.
And off topic:
Those these discussions here in these forums are entertaining for us fellow mechwarriors, I'm pretty sure we are all aware that they don't make any difference at all when it comes to weighing on the developers thought/decisions on game balance.
But again, interesting discussing all this among ourselves.