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240 Tons! Really?

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#1 Contrabandit


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:20 PM

So they have finally crossed the line, with all the quirks and the other advantages the IS babies get, they have to add insult to injury by now neutering our load outs???!!
I would really like to hear what you guys think.
If we cried as much as they did, would we get equality? Because at this point I'm so disappointed I'm debating on wether I'm going to quit playing or not, is that what pgi wants? no clan player base?

#2 Fake News


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:24 PM

i feel like this ******** won't stop. give is players clan mechs and be done with this ********.

#3 NotASecretAce


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:35 PM

It needed to be done. If you look at the war log the clans win like 4+ matches for every IS win. I play mostly just clans. I guess they could give IS players access to Clan tech like in the single player game. Just an idea...

#4 shameless


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:36 PM

2 mad IIC 2 Jenner IIC... pretty hilarious, or 2 hb/ebj and 2 crows...

#5 MovinTarget


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:38 PM

Counter proposal:

Provide a viable, realistic alternative means to "encourage" a chunk of clanners to switch side so thing even out population-wise.

This has nothing to do with insulting clans or rewarding whiners and everything to with population balance. If/when it does normalize, PGI will either drop IS tonnage, raise Clan, or both.

Consider that getting the mercs and less-devoted to switch to IS will ultimately give you faster queues, which, I've heard is a problem.

If it had to do with clans doing too well, they would have done it a long time ago... you saw the swath cjf cut through the inner sphere in phase 3 right?

Edited by MovinTarget, 16 December 2016 - 07:41 PM.

#6 NotASecretAce


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 07:41 PM

Good idea movingtarget! If they made inner sphere contracts payout a lot more than clanners I'd be tempted to flip (I am a merc) ㅋㅋㅋ

#7 Ur-vile


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:04 PM

Yeah, I'm gathering this is because of population imbalance, and the skill levels of those populations. Seems like a bit of a blunt instrument, but whatevs. I rarely play fw as it is. mercs can flip their contract easy enough, but loyalists are the folks this is screwing over.



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:13 PM

If you read, you would see they will adjust based on how many high tier (translation - competitive merc groups ) are in IS or Clan side. Basically, this could be exactly opposite in a week if all the mercs switch to IS.

We will continue to monitor the distribution of high-tier players within the Clan and Inner Sphere populations, and will implement changes to DropDeck tonnages based on those distributions as one method for improving Conflict balance.

#9 MovinTarget


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:18 PM

They used to do that, but i don't think it worked, or at least it didn't have the intended consequence.

My solution (and consider i am a merc as well, our unit just took an extended stay in kurita for our newer players to tool up)

Simply put, as mercs have the advantage of playing both sides, simply restrict them from contracting/renewing with the four/five most active/successful factions. If we can quantify this (simple population is far too misleading) then it would be pretty simple to engineer...

This would create a bit of a see-saw effect, but it would prevent a persistent overload on one side or the other. Could mercs be frozen out of any/all clans? Temporarily, yes, it *could* happen, but it would be difficult for it to be that way permanently.

TL;DR - mercs go to the factions that need the most help.

#10 guyvii


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:43 PM

It is not the mechs, it is the players. It is groups like 228 and MS that play alot and are good. Do you really think that clan Jade Falcon has better mechs then the IS or the other clans? No, it is the team going to that faction. 228 would still kick butt if they were on the IS side. If MWO really wanted to play correctly, the Clan would have their super mechs and would bid down planets to geat the bennies of the planets. 10% planet value for the same drop weight to 100% if they drop at half the iS weight.
Hard to do but the IS has great mechs with great quarks,
The IS player just has to use them.

Edited by guyvii, 16 December 2016 - 08:44 PM.

#11 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 09:04 PM

View PostUr-vile, on 16 December 2016 - 08:04 PM, said:

Yeah, I'm gathering this is because of population imbalance, and the skill levels of those populations. Seems like a bit of a blunt instrument, but whatevs. I rarely play fw as it is. mercs can flip their contract easy enough, but loyalists are the folks this is screwing over.

Many feel the same way and it is a blunt instrument but at the moment this is the most PGI will invest in this. Any further investment would actually be done at a personal level, as there is no real way for PGI to code it. Higher pay/etc? Many already have funds spilling out of everywhere. Map/Planets? Just dots, as there is no real lore or reason. Main reason is new Clan mechs, a few new features to try out, and tons of IS pugs to club to death as they try out the new feature. Basically the mercs are getting in what they can until the Pugs evaporate. If most come over to IS in a week or two for the weight advantage, they will be clubbing the few Clan pugs til PGI changes up the tonnage again or the Clan pugs/few loyalists disappear.

The only way PGI can make a real difference is to actually GET involved, the same way Kesmai was involved with their communities from 91-96 with EGA MPBT 3025 on GEnie, from 96-2001 with defunct SVGA MPBT 3025, aka MPBT Solaris on AOL/Gamestorm then at the start of MPBT 3025 on EA before EA canned all non-inhouse projects. During all that time the community's health and morale was always their concern, which meant making sure all Houses were always on the same page, assistance was provided House to House when needed, active participation for all, even if it meant asking units to transfer from one House to another.

That is something that can not be coded into a game. Even if a few attempted to create a council of merc units to offer suggestions and direction, eg x-units go clan, y-units go IS for x-amount of contracts, and keep switching it up so it is not always the same mercs vs mercs, there is no guarantee that many would follow said directions, especially if not sanctioned by PGI. Why should they as long as they are getting drops and winning? Why cannot PGI code it (chuckles) ? Who really wants competition? Oh, we do but on our terms.... Even when Clan could fight Clan, that rarely happened cause it was frowned on and it easier to fight IS who has a ton more pugs, because it is easier for new players to purchase IS mechs initially, do horribly in FP, eventually upgrade said mech but that would still not be as effective as the "preferred" mechs, since the IS has a gaggle of average and mediocre mechs.

Both sides are screwed one way or another unless almost everyone gets on the same page using the same book.

#12 General Solo


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:06 PM

It hasn't been that big a disadvantage

still winning games

Better than CW being a ghost town, even if it is a bit of a challenge

#13 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:07 PM

How Clan pilots are dealing with this news:

Stage 1: Denial.. "that can't be right, they just buffed the IS to 265 tons yesterday...it can't be true.."

Stage 2: Anger: "They JUST buffed the IS 15 tons.. now I am facing 4 waves of laser vomit Heavies or 2 Assaults per IS pilot!...with WHAT?!?!?"

Stage 3: Bargaining: "maybe if they made the IS XL engine like the Clan XL or let IS pilots drop Clan Mechs they would give us those 10 tons back."

Stage 4: Depression: "I have to redo all my dropdecks...all of them...I haven't used some of those mechs in months or years...maybe I should put a Mist Lynx in there...I need another beer"

Stage 5: Acceptance: "I am going to take those 240 tons and those mechs I hadn't used in months and kill them all with it"

Edited by Marquis De Lafayette, 16 December 2016 - 10:10 PM.

#14 PraetorGix


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:20 PM

So, an average player like myself can go F himself because 228 is playing clans atm. What a disgustingly PGI way of solving population imbalance.

#15 latinisator


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:28 PM

View PostPraetorGix, on 16 December 2016 - 10:20 PM, said:

So, an average player like myself can go F himself because 228 is playing clans atm. What a disgustingly PGI way of solving population imbalance.

What would you do instead? Forbid big teams to choose a certain side? And tbh, 240t is good enough. Sure, the big trained units will seal club - or continue to, as they did before. But if it is IS pugs vs Clan pugs, the IS now can stand a chance.
I see it that way: differences in tonnage = challenge. I accepted (ok, I always ran below the max drop tonnage, but whatever).

#16 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 10:36 PM

No need to worry guys. After things really start getting bad for us, the mercs will leave Clan space and the seesaw will shift the other way. As always, no one takes the migrating merc units into account.


Edited by Jep Jorgensson, 16 December 2016 - 10:36 PM.

#17 Commander A9


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Posted 16 December 2016 - 11:08 PM

Doesn't matter.

We're still winning.

All that matters.

Keep at it. More tonnage to shoot. More C-Bills to make.

Every time we win, we break their pathetic algorithm. So keep at it. Keep fighting. Keep winning.

#18 MischiefSC


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 01:07 AM

Did you ask *why* all the units have moved to Clans steadily over the last 2 years?

Tonnage change impacted.... nothing. Other than a 15% pay increase for Clans.

#19 Chi Guy 1


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 01:27 AM

I am sick of these Communist MWO dictators charging an arm and a leg for good mechs and then watering them down AFTER we invest time and money into Mastering them. My Kodiak is no longer a good brawler so I can only win by using it as a missile boat. They even reduced the torso twist to a joke radius not considering how big of a target the Kodiak is. Since their goal appears to be make all mechs the same regarding ability, why do they still charge premium price for the watered down versions of what were initially premium mechs worth the price?

MWO is run by con artists communists who don't want any mech to feel special. Everyone gets a trophy regardless of how much time, effort, and money they invest into their mech lines. These dictators will water down any mech that performs well AFTER ripping you off by charging premium cash for them. They make Fidel Castro, Kim Jun Dufus, and Putin proud.

You people who keep patching good mechs into hunks of junk and walking target practice are horrible. You already watered down the weapons so why water down the mech performance too AFTER ripping me off with your bundles of premium mechs that are now bundles of junk? Shame on MWO.

I have played Mech Warriors off and on since Windows 95. If they don't restore my Kodiak's torso twist and keep watering down mechs whilst charging premium prices for them I will have to find another game to play. Don't you hate it when decision makers come along and ruin things just because they can? I hope MWO eventually goes bankrupt as a result of their recent frequency of poor decisions.

#20 Chi Guy 1


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 01:47 AM

View PostWANTED, on 16 December 2016 - 08:13 PM, said:

If you read, you would see they will adjust based on how many high tier (translation - competitive merc groups ) are in IS or Clan side. Basically, this could be exactly opposite in a week if all the mercs switch to IS.

We will continue to monitor the distribution of high-tier players within the Clan and Inner Sphere populations, and will implement changes to DropDeck tonnages based on those distributions as one method for improving Conflict balance.

MWO methods suck. Its basically gaming socialism on steroids. If anyone performs well take their abilities away to make them perform as weak as the other player. MWO charged me premium cbills and real money for the Kodiak line. After I invested time and money to master the line you nutered them all. Kodiak is just a giant target now with poor torso twist. You already watered down the weapons. Why water down the mech as well other than to follow the MWO Socialist Manifesto?

Stop injecting your dictatorial patches into the game just because someone is winning more than others. Isn't that the point of gaming? Nothing stops anyone from investing in better mechs. Thanks to MWO's socialist agenda there soon will be no better mechs to invest in as they all will perform the same so whats he point of "upgrading" into the same nutered mech with a different body?

I hate this watered down generation of "everyone deserves a trophy" mentality. MWO is being run by a generation of sappy people who wants to make us all the same (in our imaginations). Don't excel because you may hurt someone's feelings. Don't perform better than anyone else even if you are willing to invest the time and money to do so.

Give my Kodiak his nads back. Socialism makes everyone weaker. Versus motivating people to improve. MWO is becoming the ultimate socialist gaming experience where we all will be watered down to being the same according to the MWO dictator's wishes.

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