RealityDeviant, on 19 December 2016 - 05:27 AM, said:
Dropship total weight is +/- the same as with the change.
Superior range makes it that clan should have damaged more the enemy when they start brawling and the numbers difference would probably even out things.
The current weight makes it so that most clan assaults are not viable as dropdeck option.
Imo PGI not considering that approach is a bad start. When creating and tweaking its bad to see what you only want to see.
Also it doesn't matter if you have units like MS,SO, 228 dropping in a 8+ group. Teamspeak and game skills make it that if they only took and 80t dropdeck they would still win. Faced once MS, 12 man group and in my team were i was the only merc, half loyalists and the rest freelancers answering the call to arms. At our second wave we had been spawn camped.
Again, PGI has stated they can't effectively do stars v lances. I am not sure why or how thoroughly they investigated the feasibility, but they have said they can't do it. So we can say "it would be better..." until we are blue in the face, its not gonna happen.
The other part that is near unenforceable is the behavior of clan pilots... if you really want lore, you have to recognize that ultimately the clans were beaten back not by improved tech, but by exploitation of their honor code. Point being, most clanners today would probably be dezgra based on how they use clan tech.