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1453 R, on 19 December 2016 - 03:29 PM, said:
Dunno about this one. The JagerMech-style arms make for a potentially solid poker, but the engine cap is anemic and the thing would need a slew of PiranhaTech variants to make up for not getting any FutureTech. Which would also need to make up for the thing not having very focused hardpoints the way folks like for their PowahBoating shenans.
That said, looks like it might be a solid platform for Gauss/2xPPC if those arms stay high, so it could edge out a niche as a competent hill impregnating snipah with heavier firepower/potentially better geo than the JagerMook. Something, I suppose.
Stock 300 engine means 360 cap in the 'MechLab. It can run fast if it has to, though as a dakka/FLD sniper, it need only run at stock speeds anyway, since that's what the Night Gyr and Warhammer do.
You only need three or four hard-points to be meta, all some combination of energy and ballistic. It meets this requirement easily.
I especially like this 'Mech because the stripped arm looks like it would make a decent shield, too.
Dragon Fire
Mmmm...Dragon Fire. You want a competitor to the Cauldron-Born on the Sphere side? Here ya go. Engine cap's still a bit crappy, but that's going to happen with any Sphere 75-tonner of the era, but unlike the Toyama this thing promises to be a squat, hitbox-positive BallistiBeam monstrosity. Just look at that thing - it's got a better frontal profile than the Marauder, almost as good as the Stalker, and
look at those arm mounts. Just look at them!
you'd still end up with a flood of PiranhaTech, but at least the base chassis looks like a very solid contender. Definitely worth investigating for Sphere guys wanting a powerful new toy.
Again, stock 300 engine means 360 in the 'MechLab.
The Toyama will shield better, the Dragon Fire will distribute better. I'd say durability likely ends up a wash. I'd probably want the Dragon Fire more the closer the range bracket. Lack of arms gives me pause about the XL-viability on the Dragon Fire, though; the Marauder has some arms to soak damage, and the Dragon Fire has a similar torso configuration (read: long). Then again, the Catapult can XL pretty well, but only when running fast.
Looks all sleek and Future-y. Swank. Main variant engine cap is once again crap - dem Sphere guys just don't like to go fast - and the strictly arm-mounted weaponry could be a big durability problem, but it's another case of high-up JagerArms with big honkin' guns in them. And the second listed variant, with ashloads of energy hardpoints, an AC/20, and a stock 350XL?
That's more like it. That thing could be a very mean hitter, kitted out for both PPC/Gauss mobile sniping or the heavy brawlyness it's originally built for. The 004 comes with tons of SRM hardpoints, as well.
Lots of juicy weapons configurations in this one. Kinda sad it's Amaris' 'Mech and thus almost certainly never going to materialize again. It's actually a pretty solid design.
280 stock engine means 340 cap in the 'MechLab so...yet another case where it can run fast if it has to. That said, with dual Gauss and Jump will not be running fast.
Having to stuff all your weapons in the arms is a concern. Most 'Mechs strip one or both arms to maximize available tonnage; this 'Mech can't do that. The tonnage you'd shave from stripping an arm is normally what you'd put toward JJs, but since we can't do that we'll have to take it away from either engine or DHS, which means PPC builds run hotter than competitors.
Black Hawk KU
This sucker? Hueh hueh, dat old MW2 loadout, bruh. I would not have picked this as an 'Effective IS 'Mech', though. Free tonnage on this jackwagon is lower than the Linebacker, and it's not nearly as fast. Sure, you can slap in Endo and dump the jets to get a ton more room, but what're you going to do with it? You can build it with a 360XL to match the Linebacker for speed and then...have a 97kph, 60-ton Nova with heat problems.
cool, but it doesn't seem all that stronk. Especially those alternate variants. Lulz. Would rather see the Dragon Fire.
This 'Mech has exactly
one purpose: Medium Laser nuke-boat. The IS do not have
any 'Mechs that can do this, and to my knowledge there are no other alternatives if we want an IS 'Mech with 12 lasers. This 'Mech might even be better at it than the Nova, since it burn a target down from 300 meters vice 200.
It's also fast.
Marauder II
BECAUSE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA. Take the Marauder, give it the size/mass/speed-and-agility issues of a 100t 'Mech, but only without significantly increasing its weapons payload.
Blegh. I mean you could fix it, provided the hardpoint inflation was severe enough, but it still sorta smacks of "let's make a Marauder IIC for the Sphere except make it kinda bad."
Even if the irony of one-upping the Clan one-upsmanship of bolting ten extra tons onto the Marauder ("Oh yeah? I'll see your ten tons and raise you fifteen!") makes me giggle, I would kinna much rather have a...
This is basically an IS MAD-IIC. Speed isn't a problem; the best Clan MAD-IIC variants are usually running about 69.7 anyway, often less. There is even a variant of the MAD II that features Gauss in the arms. This, combined with its narrow frontal profile, makes it a solid option for corner peaking.
Kinda like a Pillager but with a better frontal profile and Cauldron-Born/Big O arms. Slow as hell, but possibly a very potent distance 'Mech with stock Dual Gauss and potentially room for dual PPCs as well after cramming Endo in there with a hammer. In that role it could potentially match the Kodiak in terms of sheer facemeltery, given that all four guns would be much closer to higher up and thus easier to hit with. You (potentially) expose a lot less Nightstar than you do KDK-3 for twin Pepsigoose loadouts. Also has one variant with an Executioner engine instead, if that matters, and a variant with jump jets and giant FutureTech boomsticks. That could be fun. Provided we get giant FutureTech boomsticks.
Honestly, PGI would do well to artificially inflate the engine cap on this one to at least 360 (they inflated the PHX, why not the NSR?). With or without, considerable room is available for firepower on this 'Mech.
Still, the IS's overriding problem is that, even when they
can fit 2xGauss + 2x PPC, they can't usually fit any additional cooling. It all went into the 8 extra tons it requires to run the IS versions of those weapons. If PGI would let the IS fire
three PPCs of either type together, you could save
a lot of weight and run a comparable 45 PPFLD for the same weight and slots
and have room left over for cooling. The BNC-3E, actually, can fit 17xDHS with this load-out. If they removed or dramatically reduced (to, say, 10-15%) the IS Gauss explosion chance, we'd have a lot more viable 'Mechs already without having to add new ones.
It's incredible the effect those two small tweaks would have on the game.
Thinking the Dragon Fire, Dragoon, and Nightstar are your best bets short of the Sunder becoming possible, but will also admit that any of these (with the possible exception of the Marauder II) would be much better additions than the fraggin' WASP or STINGER. Seriously...why do people even want those useless heaps again?
Wasp and Stinger are trash-tier, and always have been. 20 tons is not enough to bring JJs and dangerous firepower and still be fast enough to evade.