Notice how the topic is only sticking to IS ERLL and C-ERLL because the two are almost equal in range with IS 10% range buff, where similarities end.
But the C-ERLL is smaller and so are C-DHS,therefor take up little room.
In any case IS ERLL and C-ERLL are both sub par weapons.
Let's instead talk about LPL, MPL, ML, SPL, SL.
IS LPL: 365m(min), 730m(max) - 11dmg - 7 heat.
C-LPL: 600m(min), 840m(max) - 13dmg - 10 heat.
IS MPL: 220m(min), 440m(max) - 6dmg - 4 heat.
C-MPL: 330m(min), 561m(max) - 8dmg - 6 heat.
IS ML: 270m(min), 540m(max) - 5dmg - 4 heat.
C-ML: 405m(min), 688m(max) - 7dmg - 6 heat.
IS SL: 150m(min), 300m(max) - 3dmg - 2 heat.
C-SL: 200m(min), 360m(max) - 5dmg - 3 heat.
IS SPL: 110m(min), 220m(max) - 4dmg - 2 heat.
C-SPL: 165m(min), 297m(max) - 6dmg - 3 heat.
IS DHS: 0.15 dissipation - 1.5 heatbase - 3 slots - 1 ton.
C-DHS: 0.15 dissipation - 1.5 heatbase - 2 slots - 1 ton.
C-DHS are smaller and more can be added than IS could, therefor clans can overcome heat issues if they're not packing more weapon than they should.
(ie: putting 4xC-LPL on a EXE which leaves little room for DHS, a mech with low amount of slots to start with vs a Ebon with enough slots to fit ample amount of DHS.)
People are putting too many hot heavy weapons on clan mechs and wonder why their mechs are getting too hot, gotta find that weapon synergy between right amount of heavy weapons and support weapons.(like this ebon build here
EBJ-B see how it has the right amount of heavy weapon to support weapon ratio)
Also another note to add, IS DHS take up a metric crap ton of space leaving little room for weapons.
Edited by GrimRiver, 02 January 2017 - 10:21 AM.