Some numbers to consider.
IS Variants 5% Quirk: 9
IS Variants 10% Quirk: 77
IS Variants 15%+ Quirk: 3
5% - 2
10% - 16
15%+ - 0
Total IS Light Variants 40
5% - 4
10% - 21
15%+ - 1
Total IS Medium Variants 68
5% - 1
10% - 18
15%+ - 1
Total IS Heavy Variants 61
5% - 2
10% - 22
15%+ - 1
Total IS Assaults: 59
Total IS Variants with Weapon specific energy quirk: 15
Total IS Variants Overall: 228
Total IS Variant with a Weapon Quirk: 77
~ 1/3 of IS variants have an energy quirk, though this doesn't account for variants that don't have the ability to mount more than one or two, or have them in the CT spots and are limited to large lasers or smaller.
Max Energy Points on any IS mech: 9
Max Energy Points on any Clan mech: 15
I'm not enough of a mathematician to figure out how many different combinations the clans have with their omnipods, but I'm guessing it's a lot more than 228