Dean, on 29 January 2017 - 10:21 PM, said:
so I would like to know Why light mechs don't fight other light mechs? They seem to run around and cherry pick on the slower mechs and that tells me that the people who pilot the light mechs are back stabbing ****** and of low skill level who don't want a challenge. These same light mechs won't cap on conquest mode, and after I post this I suppose some moron will post I do this or I do that, talk all you want but drop into any game and see light mechs act like parasites it takes away from the game and for me makes the game very unpleasant to play. What say you?
Why light mechs don't fight other light mechs:
You can't view light mechs as a homogenous group. They're not all the same. An ACH with SPLs is not the same as a LCT with SRM2's or an ADR with LRMs or a RVN with ERLLs or a SDR-5K with 4MGs or a Mist Lynx with ECM and CERPPC. They all do very different things, they all have different target groups and there's also a very clear hierarchy if you let these light mechs fight each other. Specifically, mechs like the SPL ACH or the SRM JR7 IIC tend to eat most other light mechs as a light snack. So unless you have a light mech built for killing other light mechs, you can't really win against them unless you have considerably superior skills.
Second, there are medium mechs and heavy mechs that are far, far better at killing light mechs than certain light mechs are. Put two LCT-3S against each other and let them try to kill each other with SRM2s. It's probably going to take 5 minutes. Now let a SPL Nova or Streakcrow fight a LCT-3S. The medium mech wins in 5 seconds.
Why don't light mechs act more like teamplayers?
This is a simple bias. Let me show you.
The duties of heavy mechs and assault mechs are generally the following:
- Share your armour
- Join your team when pushing
- Kill stuff
The duties of light mechs are generally perceived to be the following:
- Scout and find the enemy
- Cap bases
- Defend bases from being capped
- Get in the circle in Domination and try to survive until your teammates can take over.
- Use TAG and hold locks for your LRM boats (they get really angry if people aren't holding locks)
- If you have ECM, cover friendly mechs with ECM so they don't get smashed by LRM boats
- Shoot down UAVs, because heavies and assaults with only torso weapons can't do that
- Pop UAVs for your team
- Protect your assaults when they get isolated (even if it's their own fault)
- Kill enemy light mechs
Light mechs will regularly be shouted at and blamed for any defeat if they don't succeed in all of the above. It's a lot easier to notice things that light mechs aren't doing. Especially when your team has 4-6 heavy mechs and 2 light mechs who are supposed to do all of the above. Which is generally the case.
Also, if you died trying to stay alive in the stupid Domination circle (dumbest game mode ever. seriously) or died defending base while your assaults just abandoned all logic and started capping instead, nobody will give a sh*t or thank you. They will just care about the guys who survived and the heavy / assault mech that did 1000 dmg.
So... yeah. Cry me a river about selfish light mechs.
Edited by Tristan Winter, 30 January 2017 - 04:22 AM.