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Civil War Update Details!

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#381 Edward Hazen


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:09 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 16 March 2017 - 05:45 PM, said:

Im not whining like you 2 loyalist lorenards who have no idea about balance. Ill still play have fun playing both sides.

Well, I am done for now, finally home from work and ready for some beer and Mechs. I am curious though, which mech is currently at the top of the Quick Play leaderboard?

Edited by S0ulReapr, 16 March 2017 - 08:11 PM.

#382 SocialistKiwi


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:11 PM

I have been reading through these posts today and I have to say I am disappointed and saddened by the way everyone has been acting and talking with each other. This to me is a great game and I have been waiting for the new tech to come through but now I have a sour taste in my mouth because of the way everyone is acting. Wait to see what it is like in the PTS before reacting and try to be courteous to each other be they clanner or IS FFS!!!!!!

#383 Carl Vickers


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:12 PM

View PostS0ulReapr, on 16 March 2017 - 08:09 PM, said:

Well, I am done for now, finally home from work and ready for some beer and Mechs. I am curious though, which mech is currently at the top of the Quick Play leaderboard?

Sounds like you already know so why didnt you just say so?

Edit to add, enjoy those beers and mechs, 4 hours till im finished for the day.

Edited by Carl Vickers, 16 March 2017 - 08:15 PM.

#384 Duvanor


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:20 PM

View PostJustin Wolf, on 16 March 2017 - 07:45 PM, said:

Sooo are the Jags going to be gone? What sort of impact will this have on Faction play? Will it be Wolf and Lyrans Vs the rest of the IS? Or will it just be the same faction play with time current weapons and gear? Annnd will Clan drop weight go back up with the balancing of tech?

In theory there would be 2 fronts. Lyran Alliance vs FedCom (with volunteers from other Houses on both sides) and the Jade Falcon Incursion to Coventry in the Lyran Alliance.

The Crusader Wolves should fight some skirmishes against the IS and Harvest Trials against other Clans and if I remember correctly the Ghost Bear Dominion has some fighting against the Combine/Clan Nova Cat after an attack by the Black Dragon Society and Alshain Avengers on Alshain.

Jaguars would be gone, FRR has 6 planets full of ComGuards, Wolves in Exile and Nova Cats are allied with the IS. Diamond Sharks are around without any real holdings, Steel Vipers are in the Falcons zone and I think the Hells Horses arrive in Clan Wolfs backyard and win 3 planets. I think it would be too early for Star Adders or Snow Ravens.

Edited by Duvanor, 16 March 2017 - 08:21 PM.

#385 Carl Vickers


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:21 PM

Im not sure PGI is going to add more factions even though we are down to 1 bukkit, perhaps 2 bukkits when the shenanigans start.

#386 Duvanor


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:29 PM

True. I doubt we get Clan Nova Cat and Wolf in Exile or there is a way for Clan vs IS/Clan. Probably the Jaguars will be gone and we get the Vipers instead. Diamond Sharks are not doing anything really and Hells Horses are nothing more than an anomaly. FRR might change to ComGuards or ComStar but there is no real reason for that.

#387 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:32 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 16 March 2017 - 07:52 PM, said:

This is a game based on BT, not TT so there must be balance. If you cant get that into your head go back to TT.

I've never played TT so keep your presumptions to yourself, but I have played previous MW games all the way back to MW3 & balance wasn't a problem then. The stats were set. Weapons had their damage, heat, range, cool down & duration (for energy) locked in & players had to work with that. No ******** about I play the game on Tuesday & everything is set. Then when I come in Thursday, I am not hitting people anymore with my lasers (oh yeah they reduced the range of that weapon) or my lbx is taking longer to fire (oh yeah they increased the cooldown for that) or people are taking more of a beating than normal (oh yeah they reduced the damage for that).

Based on BT you say? let's examine that.........


Warrior Testing Center
Strana Mechty, Beyond the Periphery
21 July 3051

"Natasha, I have a couple of questions for you."

"Ask away."

"The LRM launcher in the left shoulder is loaded with Swarm missiles in its first twelve racks?"

"Swarms are LRMs that will saturate an area with submunitions. Our foes will be grouped together like Siamese triplets at the start of this operation. Standard procedure is for them to engage us one at a time. You've shown how to really screw them up when you just start nailing anything and everything. The Swarms will ladle out damage generously."

"But won't that get all of them attacking us at once?"

Natasha's laugh survived computer modulation intact. "Of course. Would you prefer that they use a strategy that makes them comfortable or uncomfortable?"

"Point taken. This LBX autocannon has Cluster loads."

"Shotgun shells. It'll sand all the armor off a foe. Once you've softened him up, your lasers ought to cut him to ribbons."

Pay attention to the date.

So if we had Swarm Missiles & Cluster Load LBXs, I could say yes things are as they should be. The IS is now catching up blah blah. But that didn't happen & as I mentioned earlier Laser AMS was out since 3048 & they are NOW giving it to us & calling it "New Technology." Balance my ***. Do you want you keep going? I have a whole BT library to club you over the head with. You can try that **** on somebody else not me.

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 16 March 2017 - 08:36 PM.

#388 Carl Vickers


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:40 PM

Lol, not lore master, [Redacted].

It has been said before that this is basically an alternate BT universe, what happened in the original is not whats happening here. Guess we will know for sure when this whole Fedcom civil war starts. By rights, your clan no longer exists.

Edited by draiocht, 16 March 2017 - 10:12 PM.
insult, inappropriate language

#389 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 08:58 PM

Events NOT technology ******, especially seeing as they are being rolled out at this time. So where was Laser AMS all this time? Or Swarm Missiles or HEAP rounds?

Also as you so rightfully said this is an alternate BT universe so Jags might be around. By thine own mouth you are condemned. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 16 March 2017 - 09:00 PM.

#390 Carl Vickers


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 09:06 PM

Merc, swapping sides is easy, next time pay more attention to the forum pic

#391 Zergling


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 09:07 PM

View PostKhobai, on 16 March 2017 - 06:07 PM, said:

uh rocket launchers actually arnt all that bad.

1.5 tons to do a one-time extra 20 damage is pretty cool if you ask me.

theres tons of uses for that like lighter mechs bringing rocket launchers so they can attack mechs out of their weight classes.

The damage output of RLs is a very inefficient use of tonnage and weight. I'm sure people will try them out a lot once they are implemented, thinking they can make 'one shot kill' troll builds and stuff like that, but before long they will be relegated to the dump heap.
Then they will be only used in very rare (and likely terrible) niche builds that have the weight, slots and hardpoints free.

They are even less useful than ER Micro Lasers and Micro Pulse Lasers, which will likely be of some use for brawler builds on mechs that have excessive amounts of energy hardpoints (like Nova and Executioner).

View PostKhobai, on 16 March 2017 - 06:07 PM, said:

The point is they generate less heat than normal lasers at the expense of using ammo.

It basically turns an energy slot into a ballistic weapon.

That is far more interesting than microlasers will ever be.

Im all for chemical lasers being added instead of garbage I definitely wont ever use.

They have the damage and range profiles of Inner Sphere standard lasers, except for 1 less heat for the medium, 2 less heat for the large.

There is literally no reason to ever use them on a Mech over Clan ER Lasers, as they are truly complete garbage.

Compare the Chemical Large to a Clan ER Medium:
8 vs 7 damage
6 vs 5 heat
5 vs 1 tons (not including ammo for Chemical Laser)
2 vs 1 slots (not including ammo for Chemical Laser)
15 vs 15 hex range

And Chemical Medium to a Clan ER Small:
5 vs 5 damage
2 vs 2 heat
1 vs 0.5 tons (not including ammo for Chemical Laser)
1 vs 1 slots (not including ammo for Chemical Laser)
9 vs 6 hex range

View PostJaroth Corbett, on 16 March 2017 - 07:28 PM, said:

You are missing the whole point. The very essence of the Clans was better tech vs the IS higher numbers.

And MWO was designed from the start so 1 player = 1 opposing player.

It sure hasn't achieved an ideal level of balance, but the game was never designed for asymmetric balance which would substantially worsen balance issues if implemented.

Asymmetric balance would also result in a large population shift towards Clans, despite Clans being the faction requiring the smaller number of players.

View PostJaroth Corbett, on 16 March 2017 - 08:32 PM, said:

but I have played previous MW games all the way back to MW3 & balance wasn't a problem then.

Lol. Previous MW games made no effort to balance Clans vs IS, in neither numbers or 1 vs 1 balance.

As such, any player that played an IS tech only build was at a severe disadvantage versus players using Clan tech.


Edited by draiocht, 16 March 2017 - 10:17 PM.

#392 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 09:17 PM

View PostCarl Vickers, on 16 March 2017 - 09:06 PM, said:

Merc, swapping sides is easy, next time pay more attention to the forum pic

I have heard so but I can't bring myself to do that..

View PostZergling, on 16 March 2017 - 09:07 PM, said:


Carl said MWO is BT based & I quoted a BT novel for facts about weapons emphasizing the date to back up my point. I think I made perfect logical sense. [Redacted]

Edited by draiocht, 16 March 2017 - 10:19 PM.
insult, Quote Clean-Up

#393 ExAstra


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 10:06 PM

I just wanna pop in and say I'm hella hyped for not only the Mad Kitty Mk Desu (my favorite Gundam), but also the new tech coming along with it. I, for one, welcome our new Lite Engine'd Inner Sphere overlords.

Really looking forward to RACs and LFEs on the IS, and Heavy lasers and ATMs for clans.

#394 draiocht


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 10:21 PM

[mod]Redacted or removed several posts due to
insults, unconstructiveness, or inappropriate language.

Please be constructive & polite when posting.
Thank you.[/mod]

#395 Sniper09121986


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 11:57 PM

View PostDuvanor, on 16 March 2017 - 08:29 PM, said:

True. I doubt we get Clan Nova Cat and Wolf in Exile or there is a way for Clan vs IS/Clan. Probably the Jaguars will be gone and we get the Vipers instead. Diamond Sharks are not doing anything really and Hells Horses are nothing more than an anomaly. FRR might change to ComGuards or ComStar but there is no real reason for that.

Well hell. I agree that we will hardly see Exiles and Nova Cats at all, but if Wolves go all Crusader who am I supposed to play for? As for Hell's Horses though, they do arrive properly during the Jyhad and basically force Wolves to relocate. Unlikely to happen because timeline, but otherwise there is basically no playable Warden clan in the whole game other than Ghost Bears.

#396 Arkhangel


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Posted 17 March 2017 - 12:11 AM

@Jaroth: Well, in fairness, the Smokes might not have been stupid enough to orbitally bombard and wipe out Edo on Turtle Bay this time around. Hell, from some of the little lore blurbs i've seen a few Jags do, you guys even seem to be decidedly Warden.

Hmmm.... Maybe Phelan saved IlKhan Leo Showers instead of Ulric? and actually completely changed the views of the Clan?

Edited by Arkhangel, 17 March 2017 - 12:13 AM.



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Posted 17 March 2017 - 12:55 AM

I'm not hijacking this but here's another example of the bias towards the Inner Sphere, LORE is not being followed in this game but some of it is so that's good BUT,
After over 20 years of following the books and games the only thing this game has in common with MechWarrior is the name.
Mechs not delivered to the clan in the appropriate time line, clan weapons nerfed so much I could throw butter and do more damage, Clans forced to fight in 4 man lances not 5 man stars, now with the release of this pack another joke has been presented to us.

I know for a fact that the clans had superior mechs and weapons, the clans invaded the inner sphere but it is a different game.

Clans are the galaxy clown-shoes, Armour thinner than cheap lingerie, weapons that when fired make noise like a 1960's tin toy gun but not harmful in any way, restricted in star (lance) size against far superior opponents it's like watching sheep at the slaughterhouse.

C'mon PGI, I know your so one eyed towards the Inner Sphere that run in circles, that's why your always right and never go left but surely with todays level of tech and some imagination you could at least give us our 15 man drop in the clans, even the odds a bit, I have nearly $4000 invested in this game, I've shown you loyalty how's about something in return.

#398 Duvanor


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Posted 17 March 2017 - 03:03 AM

View PostKHAN ATTAKHAN, on 17 March 2017 - 12:55 AM, said:

I'm not hijacking this but here's another example of the bias towards the Inner Sphere, LORE is not being followed in this game but some of it is so that's good BUT,
After over 20 years of following the books and games the only thing this game has in common with MechWarrior is the name.
Mechs not delivered to the clan in the appropriate time line, clan weapons nerfed so much I could throw butter and do more damage, Clans forced to fight in 4 man lances not 5 man stars, now with the release of this pack another joke has been presented to us.

I know for a fact that the clans had superior mechs and weapons, the clans invaded the inner sphere but it is a different game.

Clans are the galaxy clown-shoes, Armour thinner than cheap lingerie, weapons that when fired make noise like a 1960's tin toy gun but not harmful in any way, restricted in star (lance) size against far superior opponents it's like watching sheep at the slaughterhouse.

C'mon PGI, I know your so one eyed towards the Inner Sphere that run in circles, that's why your always right and never go left but surely with todays level of tech and some imagination you could at least give us our 15 man drop in the clans, even the odds a bit, I have nearly $4000 invested in this game, I've shown you loyalty how's about something in return.

How is this all supposed to work out in Quickplay? Do you want pure Clan vs pure IS teams? Or will the team with more Clan Mechs just have the advantage? Or are you saying we need 15 man drops because the 12 IS Mechs we are facing are OP?

#399 BadgerWI


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Posted 17 March 2017 - 03:56 AM

Shouldn't inner sphere pilots have access to the MC MKII as well? The Sharks sold that thing to everyone.

#400 Mcgral18


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Posted 17 March 2017 - 04:14 AM

View PostKHAN ATTAKHAN, on 17 March 2017 - 12:55 AM, said:

I'm not hijacking this but here's another example of the bias towards the Inner Sphere, LORE is not being followed in this game but some of it is so that's good BUT,
After over 20 years of following the books and games the only thing this game has in common with MechWarrior is the name.
Mechs not delivered to the clan in the appropriate time line, clan weapons nerfed so much I could throw butter and do more damage, Clans forced to fight in 4 man lances not 5 man stars, now with the release of this pack another joke has been presented to us.

I know for a fact that the clans had superior mechs and weapons, the clans invaded the inner sphere but it is a different game.

Clans are the galaxy clown-shoes, Armour thinner than cheap lingerie, weapons that when fired make noise like a 1960's tin toy gun but not harmful in any way, restricted in star (lance) size against far superior opponents it's like watching sheep at the slaughterhouse.

C'mon PGI, I know your so one eyed towards the Inner Sphere that run in circles, that's why your always right and never go left but surely with todays level of tech and some imagination you could at least give us our 15 man drop in the clans, even the odds a bit, I have nearly $4000 invested in this game, I've shown you loyalty how's about something in return.

Oh no. It's a Clam apologist who wants OP AF Clams and ROFLstomp the powerless Spheroid Surats

Do you know why I prefer Clams? Because they're more powerful
Do you know why the majority of a Comp drop deck is Clam? Because they have better robots

To say otherwise is to balance by Potato and Munchkin
You don't balance by Potato

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