SilentWolff, on 15 March 2017 - 06:29 PM, said:
Umm that has nothing to do with anything. The game has a foundation its built on. Your opinion is irrelevant. ( in this instance anyway)
LOL. It has everything to do with it. MWO is NOT Battletech. PERIOD. If you want Battletech then I would suggest the new game from HBS.
MWO is a real time, team based, first person shooter in which teams of 12 are formed from the available players and the only balancing mechanisms are mech weight class and a fairly poor metric of pilot skill. What this means is that in MWO, the video game, in order for the game to be reasonably balanced and fun for all, that mechs of the same weight class should have somewhat similar contributions to make to the play of the game. As a result, some idiotic, lore based idea of weapon balance is completely irrelevant to MWO the first person, real time team based, shooter because it is NOT Battletech the board game and has completely different balance requirements ... in particular, that although clans and IS function differently, they need to be roughly comparable in performance by weight class in order to create a game that has even a minimum level of balance and is fun for all players.
So .. at least in my opinion .. the foundation the game is based on (Battletech the board game) is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to producing a decently balanced MWO real time team based video game .. it is simply there for flavour