El Bandito, on 08 April 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
1. But I have to buy 3 different battlemechs if I want to use different Hunchback setups.
2. Bad omnimechs can be quirked. OP's suggestion such as unlocking engine, and fixed heatsinks would further powercreep the already good Clan mechs since they can in addition switch pods. So instead of blanket buffing Omnis, thus risking power creep, just buff the underperformers with quirks, like IS mechs.
Let's be honest. No Clan pilots buy just ONE omnimech of a particular chasis and fiddle around with weapon pods. (And this is regardless of mastering)
Unless you are the type of person that also make people wait 10 min between match because you have 4 engines amongst 200 mechs. So the argument of whether you just need one or 3 is just moot.
For example, I have 8 EBJs for 8 configs. I don't feel the omnipods are helping me in any of those scenarios.
Ok, I should clarify, some EBJs must be mixed for effective energy boat, and here lies the weakness of Omnimechs... a regular battlemech can be given 5 energy hardpoints on a torso because PGI/lore deemed it energy config. An omnimech need to scrape together like 4 pods to do the same things. And here and lies my argument... any config an Omni can do, can be found on some variant of any battlemech. It's not like Omni's have this amazing new combo that cannot be achieved by other battlemechs.
And if they do, that's another story, and we have a real argument on Omnimechs being awesome, because they can piece together awesome combos not possible on other mechs. Except, that's not the reality.
Again, I raise the argument that Omni's only seem awesome because they are Clan, not because they are Omnis. You really wan to go lore, almost all Omnis are frontline mechs... meaning, best of the best. All the IICs are second line.. meaning: housewives mech. Yup, because of the stupid restriction PGI put, IICs and other Clan Battlemechs are so much better than Omnis... which isn't right by all account.
Now, because people get too caught up in the Clan vs IS argument. I am raising the issue more as one sect of Clan tech vs another. So, don't bring your Bk or GHP into this. (a more apt comparison would be Avatar vs BK, if and when PGI decide to have Avatar in the game) Now, obviously, I don't want to see Powercreep. So simply making Omnis the better Clan mech isn't my intention either.
But there has to be ways to make Omnis... different. Otherwise, as I said, battle-lize the Omnis, cause the designation means absolute bullflop right now.
Lykaon, on 08 April 2017 - 10:11 PM, said:
What is special about omnimechs?
Well first as you did point out omnipods. You may be wondering how this is oh so special when you also pointed out that due to variety of Battlemechs you can shop around and get a Battlemech with the hardpoints you want.
Just own a fully XP capped mastered Omnimech and reconfigure the pods for new mission roles.
I want a laserboat...new pods or new battlemech with no XP mastery?
I want a Missile boat...new pods or yet another unmastered battlemech to grind?
Want a ballistics heavy loadout? set of pods or a third unmastered battlemech AND of course the mech bays to fit all these battlemechs in.
Omnimechs have been a huge advantage under current system. Buy three variants grind the mastery and sell off the un needed cores and keep the pods.
Omnimechs are significantly lower in cost overall compared to a stable of battlemechs each designated for a seperate and distinct role.
There are a few omimechs with less than optimal locked components. But there are the Arctic Cheetahs,Stormcrows Timber Wolf and Ebon Jaguars etc that are right out of the "box" pretty much as optimal as can be.
Now with all that being said. If there is ever to be Inner Sphere Omnimechs something needs to give.
With locked components Inner Sphere Omnimechs get a whole new batch of issues.
Locked I.S. "deathtrap" XL engines on chassis with poor geometry to avoid side torso destruction (Sunder)
Locked single heatsinks making the cooling inferior to other options ( Strider)
Locked "standard" equipment like BAP TAG and other role specific options (Owens)
Locked standard engines limiting potential payloads and podspace if the XL risk is acceptable to to the designer (Haupman)
Inner Sphere omimechs will be far worse off than clan Omnimechs with the current design rules in MWo.
This is very similar to El Bandito's argument which I posted right after you posted yours. Basically.. NO ONE use one Omnimech to switch between "missions."
1: There are no "missions."
2: Mechs are not so expensive with Cbill, that you wouldn't just get 4-5 of the same thing.
3: No one in the right mind except super Cheapskape that don't mind weighing their own unitmate down for 10 min between matches will have just ONE omnimechs to switch weapons. If you do, shame on you for being a cheapskape.