vandalhooch, on 22 April 2017 - 07:39 PM, said:
Quote mining for fun and profit! What was the context of "evenly matched?" Was player skill supposed to be evenly matched or Tier levels?
Yes, you're only here to argue, very obvious with that.
The Tier system was originally intended for more balanced matches, and yes to also protect the noobs, who originally came it near the top end of Tier 4, avoid playing against vets, or being put on the side of vets who don't typically like having to carry 'potatos'.
So if the matchmaker has 24 Tier 1's in two sets of 3-3-3-3, it won't immediately launch the match? That's the very definition of making matches as fast a possible.
Sure, but due to the Tiering system being slanted to favor winning over losing, only the worst of the worst will NOT be able to move rank.
So the longer it functions this way the more meaningless Tiers 1-3 are (BUT, interestingly enough, it makes Tier 5 really mean something, because man you have to play REALLY sh!tty, consistently, to deserve a spot in Tier 5).
So while, from a Tier and tonnage perspective it's "balanced" and quickly, as soon as someone actually looks at the performance of the players, they find that the MM is regularly setting up sides where one side has more higher performing players than the other side, resulting in an upwards of 80% accuracy in predicting which side is probably going to win.
So the match was fast, but it wasn't actually balanced.
ELO was a mess because ELO can't be used for individuals that make up a team. You can use ELO in games that are strictly 1 v. 1 or for teams that remain the same from match to match. MWO was never appropriate.
Totally agree, it was doomed to failure before it began, they wasted a LOT of effort on someone misapplying elo.
Ahhhh, selective memory. The Tier system was implemented to reduce the chances of new players being thrown into matches with veteran's. The fact that we have only five Tiers shows that it was never designed to differentiate between skill levels within Tier's.
That was part of it yes, didn't think it merited mentioning because that's obvious. No one wants brand new players being butt ***** by people who have been playing for years. While it might be fun to club seals, it's no fun being the seal. BUT ALSO, it was an attempt at producing a mechanism that worked better than elo, and would create more interesting and fun matches by ensuring that both sides had as close to equal skill as reasonably possible.
No. I'm here to point out, yet again, that just because somebody "did some math" doesn't mean they have any actual evidence to support their position. I'm not here to defend the current matchmaker as great, but if we want to discuss it's weaknesses then let's use actual evidence instead of made up nonsense.
Sorry, but that's kind of how science works. You observe, you gather data, you try and understand what the data is telling you.
The limited sample supports what it appears a majority post regularly about in the forums, MM is not doing its intended job.
If you just want to make matches as quickly as possible, you don't need Tiers, or rankings, you just start slopping people together as soon as they show up.
We had that, we didn't like it, we got elo, then we got Tiers.
I say again, so what? Do you see me arguing against that statement? It seems you've joined the conversation without paying attention to what the OP actually claimed. He said he had done a "study" that showed that the matchmaker purposefully builds lopsided teams. Are you supporting his assertion or not?
I'm supporting these sentences:
"In fact matchmaker doesn't assemble the equal teams. It makes teams to be unequal. "
This from experience and two different people doing analysis independently, appears to be proven.
Yes, yes, he goes on to say:
"The one team is determined to win, the other - to lose."
Poorly worded, perhaps a bit hyperbolic if the syntax was intended, but it doesn't invalidate the fact that it really does appear from the data, and reported experiences, and my own personal experience, that MM is NOT creating balanced teams and if/when it does, it's more accident than intent, primarily because the key measure of each pilot is insufficient, the player's Tier ranking is not sufficient to gauge skill.
After all, I'm fairly certain that in
most circumstances any player with a W/L ratio of less than 1.0 should be going DOWN in ranking at some point. HOWEVER, with the Tier system as slanted to wins as it is, you can have a very low W/L ratio and STILL grind into Tier 1.
And wait times at the higher Tiers would either increase due to lack of enough pilots or the release valves would open and Tiers would be mixed. In other words we would have exactly the same situation we have now. Changing how Tiers are determined does not overcome the fundamental problem that this game has a relatively small player pool from which to build matches.
Or, we Tier 1's could suck it up and let MM churn for another minute or two...
AND/OR BETTER YET: PGI could actually spend for some WoT level TV and magazine ads to maybe attract more players so that we could actually HAVE a decently sized player base to avoid the wait time...
Then put your money where your mouth is, give us your algorithm for determining player skill and explain how it should be implemented in the matchmaker.
I guess I wasn't clear:
" it should be using other data, W/L, MS, etc. all seem like a good place to start."
PGI has this information already, surely it can make sure that the average W/L, match score, and damage per match amongst the two sides is closer to even.
You want me to write the code for that? Soon as PGI hires me away from my current employer, and trust me, in Canadian dollars, that's gonna be a LOT more than I bet they're willing to spend, I'll be happy to.
And did this rearrangement produce more balanced matches? Oh wait, you and he can't possibly know that.
Doesn't invalidate that, at least at that level, IT CAN BE DONE.
Since we're fairly certain we're not getting balanced matches now, it'd sure be nice to at least attempt it, no?
Or are you just here to argue?
Observation bias is a thing. And statistical illiteracy appears to also be a thing here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... "lies, damned lies, and statistics..."
BTW: Dimento just tried to tell me that true pilot skill is a combination of WLR, KDR, and MS. Gosh, it seems like there's no universal agreement on what metrics truly indicate an individual pilot's skill.
I didn't mention KDR.
I mentioned W/L ratio, match score, and damage per match.
I think those are pretty good places to start measuring 'true' pilot skill.
Are we not seeing people that generally considered "very skilled" at the top of the leaderboards month after month? What are their W/L ratios, avg. match score, and avg. damage per match?
Typically they're MUCH better than people lower down the leaderboards...
It seams a not unreasonable thing to try...
Edited by Dimento Graven, 22 April 2017 - 09:18 PM.