Dimento Graven, on 23 April 2017 - 08:29 PM, said:
You've repeatedly told everyone who doesn't agree with you that their wrong, their numbers are somehow wrong, even though the numbers are gathered from the system, therefore their analysis are wrong, they don't have enough numbers, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH...
I get that you don't actually understand how statistics work, but now you're just being a petulant child.
At the very least, the numbers from the stomps show that AT A MINIMUM, for those matches, MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, the winning side has higher performing players than the other.
In these instances MM fails to provide truly balanced teams.
Are those types of imbalances more common than they should be? You can't possibly say because you don't even know how often they occur at at all.
Even with the hundred or so samplings provided by Tarogato and the OP, it was a very obvious thing to observe from the numbers.
I don't see how you can keep denying that, yet you do.
I'm not denying anything. I'm pointing out that you are claiming that the numbers support an assertion that they simply don't.
Gee, do I have to stick my hand in a thousand pots on stoves to understand that stoves can make things hot?
Or can do I get to stop when my hand is only mildly scalded and get to conclude, "Y'know, there might be something going on here..."
Your analogies are getting dumber and dumber.
Ok Mr Webster, please define it for us. I've used the most common definitions bandied about on the forums by just about everyone, up to and including, PGI employees when they speak on the subject, so, YOU define it.
Take a look at what Taragato did. He gave imbalance a mathematical definition. That's what you need. Once we have that, we can start to look at some actual data. You're the one claiming that the matches aren't balanced. So give us your definition of a balanced match.
I'm tired of attempting to get past the fingers in your ears and the loud "NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH" coming from your mouth...
So you're a 'porn scientist' now? Cool!
But seriously the numbers were there, gathered from the leader boards. In a 12v12 I would say any number above 2 is significant, ie: 3 or more.
I could have sworn that's what we were seeing from the numbers.
What number above 2? 2 what? You can swear all you want, doesn't make it true.
Greater number of low skill/noobs in LRM boats, on PH against a number of greater skilled/experienced players in whatever 'mechs they happen to choose? You're not seriously asking that question are you?
I'm asking you to prove that there is no difference to the outcomes of teams like that on Polar Highlands versus HPG.
I'm not asking what your opinion is about how it will go, I want you to prove something.
That's damn near a dream seal clubbing scenario, the noobs/low skills won't stand a chance. You are of course assuming that all the experience players only brought flamer LOLbuilds or something, I take it.
So the imbalance you are complaining about is a team of Tier 1 killers versus a full team of Tier 4 noobies? Nice that you wanted to have a constructive conversation. No hyperbole there at all.
Maps have little bearing on how players apply their skills. Players can have favorite and least favorite maps, may know the terrain better, or what have you, but as far as affecting their ability to aim, pilot a 'mech, utilize situational awareness, get the most out of their 'mech, so on and so forth, the things that experienced/skilled players do oh so much better than noobs/low skill players, again, it'll be a difference that makes no difference.
Sounds like a great hypothesis. Now, get the data to support it.
Better yet, give us a screen shot of your profile stats showing that you have the exact same WLR on every single map.
Ignore maps as irrelevant because a good player doesn't suddenly forget how to aim, pilot his 'mech, or press the R key to target what he's shooting at just because he's on a certain map, while a bad player won't be able to consistently do these things on ANY map...
And in your mind all of these imbalanced matches involve teams at the extreme end of the skill spectrum? You don't want to look at any other levels of skill? So much for the discussion you claimed I refused to engage in, I guess.
Don't need it, the speed at which an average player moves up in rank is not actually relevant. The fact is PGI has admitted that you play enough games, unless you're doing unreasonably badly consistently, you're going to go up in rank.
The fact that you don't think speed of Tier rising matters just shows how very, very bad at data analysis you are. You are not good at this. Quit while you are behind.
The numbers appeared to show a general direction in which stomps occurred, where MM has created teams of lopsided skills.
No it didn't. No it didn't. No it didn't.
How many matches with lopsided teams did not result in a stomp? You don't know. You can't say that lopsided teams create more stomps because you don't even know what the background rate of stomps is.
You are terrible at this. Just stop.
That's the way the data was 'leaning', I dunno, what word do you want to use then?
Certainly not "trending." And since the data doesn't show the pattern you think is there, there isn't any word I would use to describe it because it isn't actually there.
And his data appears to show that when stomps occur MM has created teams of lopsided skill, ergo, it failed to make evenly matched teams.
And what do you make of the fact that 20% of the time the weaker team not only won but actually STOMPED the stronger team? Does that sound like Taragato's system is accurately identifying strong and weak teams?
Again Mr. Webster, you define it then.
You're the one claiming that matchmaker is failing to create it. I'm just asking you to define what it is. Right now it seems that an unbalanced match is anything that you think is unbalanced because . . . reasons?
I was using generally accepted terms, terms even PGI uses.
Great. Plug those generally accepted terms into your handy dandy text-based statistical analysis software then. You've got one of those, right?
Y'know, kind of like how we define stars: "a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions"
Great. Now tell me how you can tell the difference between a class-F star from a class-G star from a class-K star. Do you just go hot, medium and cold? What about class-A stars?
We don't have to count the number of hydrogen atoms before we can declare, "Yes, it's a star."...
"Yes, it's a match. . . "
"Is it a balanced match? How do you know? Does everyone agree that it's a balanced match? Why not?"
Your attempts at analogies are terrible. You don't know enough about any of these subjects to even be trying to use them to play "gotcha."
No, they don't. They figure the odds based on past performance. They have all sorts of statistics on the teams, the individual players, home vs away, temperature variances, time of day of the game, whether it's a weekday game vs. a weekend game. Sometimes the numbers they have makes NASA look like they're playing bingo...
Bwaaa haaa haaaaa.
Do point spreads stay the same from when the initial line is set? Care to explain why not?
So yeah, Vegas has what they feel is a 'reasonable certainty' of how a game is going to turn out and offers odds based on their outcome. As Vegas is more often right than wrong, and most gamblers ate betting their 'gut', Vegas makes pretty good money on it.
You are a statistical illiterate.
Me? When I go to Vegas, I stick to the best odds in the house: Blackjack and craps for me, sir.
Best odds in the house = lowest house advantage. All casino games have an inherent house advantage.
That's exactly how a professional client denier would be paid to respond.
'Yeah, which CO2 sources are raising the temperature of the earth? Is the coal based ones, or the ones from burning petroleum? Do we care about burning wood? Should we dived it all by the number of cows farting methane?'

So, in other words, you have absolutely no idea how to average a player's WLR and their damage per match to determine their "skill level" despite your claim that it would be better than what PGI does.
You are a pompous know-nothing. Got it.
Edited by vandalhooch, 24 April 2017 - 07:50 PM.