Quicksilver Kalasa, on 27 April 2017 - 03:57 PM, said:
FFS, again, YOU feel you are getting more, OTHERS don't. It is as simple as that. Telling them they are wrong is no more ignorant than comp players telling casuals that their experience in solo queue doesn't matter.
This statement right here is you pretty much admitting that the value that is being returned to people with lots of modules isn't equal, by saying that the way you did things is some how more intelligent. Congrats, you are getting more, doesn't invalidate the issues other people have with this refund. At this point you don't seem to really arguing anything, just continually pointing out how you made out better than others.
I'm the opposite of ignorant, I'm enlightened! Look at the glass of water and tell me what you see?
Is it half full, or is it half empty?
I see that PGI has listened, and made an intelligent compromise. The crux of the problem is we want our robits leveled as before, but some of us spent money to buy lots of modules for whatever reason, and PGIs concern has something to do about the economy err, whatever.
Anyways, in the end, we get our robits as they were before, everyone gets modules for SP and the world doesn't explode in a violent fiery cataclysm caused by a woman somewhere eating naptha soaked pancakes before she goes to the hospital to deliver her child.
Not that that would be terrible to witness, no, it'd be quite comical, actually. Especially if you were outside the room. Imagine the expression on the doctor's face as the hellbaby is squirted into daylight before the boomlight cometh forth.
Utterly glorious.
Everything is fine now. They spent their space bux and got their monies worth. Now they can get half back and still be where they were before while keeping half their money. It's almost like they're keeping their modules for free while enjoying the benefits of a large c-bill pile.
Enlightenment is a wonderful thing.