Krocodockle, on 08 May 2017 - 06:15 PM, said:
More accurately; Mercs gonna sweep everyone, yo.
He who hath the most 12 mans grinding away, wins, and assures such if they're winning fairly frequently (you can have a higher w/l and KDA for smaller groups, but it takes some real constant drops/time dedication to match up with folks who can just outdrop you via pure numbers.) When they released the Tukk 1 numbers, it was pretty clear that winning 98% of your matches didn't matter if a bloated unit could just out-spam ya (I should know, I was in a spam unit). That's a -real- burnout, right there.
Not really complaining about that too vigorously, though, nature of the beast just like very other Tukk, and this is just a rinse/wash/repeat of similar. Just kind of sad they never seem to learn their lesson on that.
The only real salty complaints I have that directly tie into the event (beyond the weird *** balance rationals around STD engines, overly high heat dissipation etc. screwing so much up instead of a comprehensive approach to balancing the 4 engine types and moving on from there) are:
1) No seperate rankings of the Mercs from the Loyalists, (screws over loyalists, as usual, though at least contract hopping isn't quite as obnoxious as it was prior), which would only make sense, but for some reason is a no go. A simple thing that apparently is, er... I don't even know why the hell it's not a thing to be honest.
2) Still no matchmaker in FP, making the usual boring-*** pugstomps that much more frequent, and scaring yet more away from ever giving the mode the time of day post event. It really, REALLY needs a matchmaker, hell, a temporary solo queue wouldn't even have been too bad for the event because god, damn.
I mean, I get it, some folks equate fun with "bitching about bringing horrible franken builds in a vaguely competitive environment and not thriving when the effective builds and coordinated teams stomp their sorry asses match after match", and will continue to ***** that their garbage builds aren't really working out over and over, (which apparently is the game's fault, and their opponents fault) for the duration of their time in this game. They won't adjust how they play, they won't adapt their builds, and hell, some of them won't even work with their team mates. They'll never change. Good on them, even the pugs need punching bags to practice on.
I figure plenty of folks giving it a whirl because of the juicy rewards would really have appreciated that solo queue where they get to duke it out for personal glory, even with tag-droppers and the occasional scummy event synch-drop, hell even if it was a leaderboard expanded to the top 50 lone wolves or more. It's always "the side with the most Pugs at event end loses", but I hope to hell the randoms/solos/units of 1-2 etc. are at least getting frequent matches against similar folks (not that you'd see as many complaints about that, loudest squeaky wheels, observational bias and all that, but still... ouch) every other match or more.
Still, it's a good time to recruit as a unit at least for folks -wanting- a group experience, so it is beneficial for something.