1. Mobility reduction increases the value of poke/pop mechs
Brawling is only viable is you have the speed and mobility to close the range while spreading the damage you take and once closed to maneuver such that you're not getting focused. All of those tools are reduced in the new system and so the relative value of hide and poke increases. With the ability of already high performers like the Night Gyr getting the ability to get velocity, burn duration and cooldown quirks you're better off going with range and ECM when possible, poptarting if toy have the skill. These sorts of builds are either minimally effected or straight up buffed in the new approach while brawl to mid range is significantly nerfed. Your ability to twist off or avoid damage is also reduced.
2. Boat 1 weapon type
With the new point based system you'll get way more value out of ballistics + PPCs or just lasers or just missiles as you can avoid splitting points among multiple weapons. You can no longer have a middle module and a ballistic module and run both at comparable value - the nature of gating means tradeoffs are uneven. Boat 1 weapon type, maximize its functionality.
3. Gank > Tank
Don't get suckered into the survival tree. 10% more damage (If not more) from weapon quirks is 30-80 more damage/match, which is to say 1 or 2 more killing shots when you need them. 8-10 more points of health on a single location helps you a little 1× per match, weapon quirks help you every time you shoot. It's like asking if a sing coolshots is more valuable than a cooldown module for all your weapons. Of course it is. All the time vs 1 time.
4. Mobility + OPs are a must have
reduced heat, increased heat cap and more speed each directly equate to saved tonnage. 1-6 tons of engine in value, 1-4 tons of DHS in value depending on the build. There is nothing in any other category that is of comparable value in 99% of builds. Twisting and turning quirks directly relate to your ability to get guns on target, get in and out of positions and mitigate the damage you take. These things are telling all the time in every match and equate to a straight weight savings. It's like taking endo over ff. It shouldn't be a serious question 99 out of 100 times.
5. Because of gating you need to minmax
Gating works by making you buy a bunch of useless stuff to get good stuff. The result of that is you have to give up the best of one tree to get the worst of another. This is universally a bad trade. You're better off getting top mobility tree and speed teeak, which nets you several tons worth of engine upgrade free and downgrading the engine to spend 1.5 tons on AMS than blowing off speed tweak and the best mobility quirks to get the least useful level of Radar Derp. There is no good way with gating to trade a bit of this for a bit of that. It's giving up the best of one tree for the worst of another. Max 2 trees and 1/2 of a third. Anything else is almost always cooing to be a bad setup.
The skill tree won't be a big change to the meta aside from pushing back the recent rise of viable brawling back to poke. It also leans back into poptarting and ppc/Gauss because a nerf to DPS % hurts high DPS builds over already low DPS builds, narrowing the gap between high alpha, low DPS and low alpha, high DPS to favor high alpha over high DPS. Combined with the mobility nerfs it rewards Go Big builds over Run Cool. The main change of the skill tree is opening up a wide range of ways for people to gimp themselves vs players making smart skill choices in addition to mech build choices. Make smart choices and the skill tree is just another advantage good players can leverage (at the cost of reduced customization options).
Edited by MischiefSC, 13 May 2017 - 10:49 AM.