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You ''may'' Have Ruined Our Game

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#101 Mustang


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 01:23 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 16 May 2017 - 03:27 PM, said:

The best part is wasting premium time in the mech-lab.. prem time should only be used WHEN it is used.. in lobby, in-game, etc. Not in the click-tree.

I ask PGI for a premium time reimbursement their reply was" we cant do that for time in the mechlab" my reply was " I'm only in the mechlab because you guys have forced me to be there if I want to rebuild my mechs " so since they are so eager to accommodate I ask for a refund on the Annialator package I just bought and ill just not spend any more $$ with ya

#102 M R T


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:21 PM

View PostKaethir, on 17 May 2017 - 11:18 AM, said:

"Everyone" isn't making the same choices, and suggesting that we, as players, know that "everyone seem to be making the same choices on every mech" is misleading, and there is only confirmation bias to support it. I don't intend to select the same choices on every one of my mechs... and the ones put forward here probably won't appear on any of them. Will that put me at 'a huge disadvantage on the battlefield?' Maybe, but I highly doubt anyone has enough data to prove that yet, and it would be tied to each mech's individual characteristics and loadouts, which means that we shouldn't be picking the same nodes all the time anyway...

Fair enough, "everyone" is very misleading. But like I said, I have noticed a trend, and when I see that trend repeated with all of my mechs, despite that they have very different loadouts and roles to play, and I see the same trend repeated with other players, a pattern starts to form.

I think the skill system is a step in the right direction, and better than the previous system, but it has some drawbacks and are in need of improvements. First of all it is way to complicated for new players, since they dont really know what the different skills do or what they should focus on. Second, like I've noticed so far, it appears we have 1 "good" choice, and 3 "bad" choices. This leads to most players going for the "good" choice. With a few adjustments, I hope the skill system can be made into 4 "good" choices instead. That way, it will feel more like we have to make actual choices and actual sacrifices.

#103 Brom96


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:27 PM

View PostMorte Nilsum, on 17 May 2017 - 02:21 PM, said:

This leads to most players going for the "good" choice. With a few adjustments, I hope the skill system can be made into 4 "good" choices instead. That way, it will feel more like we have to make actual choices and actual sacrifices.

After seeing, in the past year or so, all that happened, I don't think the developer willdo so. The system as it is now is just too compicated for me, let alone that i can see only 3 skill trees in the tabs - I need to drag them with the mouse, no matter which resoluton I use - the choices are set so that you get more of those that you do not need/want, then those you like to have. It all looks like an attempt to do major nerfing of the mechs and the game (as if they didn't like that we had fun ).

Edited by Brom96, 17 May 2017 - 02:28 PM.

#104 Mr Insidious


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 02:29 PM

Well now PGI......what a complete mess......if I want radar derp (almost mandatory for lites) I sacrifice my speed or range or whatever..now I want an additional consumer slot, what else should go...what a mess

#105 B0oN


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:04 PM

View PostCrumudgeon, on 17 May 2017 - 10:56 AM, said:

Take one last hit and pass it. You have had too much.

Dang ... I knew that it was a touch strong .
Shouldn´t have handed it out like dat :P

#106 BBP


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 03:58 PM

****** nerf ...as ussual , lets u buy 237 points for a mech variant, but later ,u find out that u can only use and unlock 91 (SHC in my case) and u cant use the rest of the points u bought....:))))). And with those in any combo the mech does not feel as it used to and dont have the things that used to have. To many mech dice version players complaining that they cant hit anything so PGI's ideea was: lets make all 'Ferraris , Lambos and Porches' 'fell and drive' like cheap 'Hondas' . That way no matter how good u are it wont be much of a difference between a good , average and a bad player and that way our 'new mechs' can actually have a role .I mean....why work and refine Match Maker when we can all be 'equals' ?!. Communism with decals and nice colours !

#107 Dodger1919


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 06:01 PM

Yeah not a fan of the changes. I'm a casual gamer who spent way to much money buying mechs. I liked just being able to log in and play with being on relatively even footing without having to invest a ton of time researching builds. Not fun to be sitting for 10-15 minutes building a mech and then having to respec when it doesn't work the way I hoped....oh and then I get to spend my earned c-bills and experience because there is no testing area to try out the changes before committing to them. Going to lead to a lot of frustration for new or casual gamers who don't have the time to spend figuring this out. Hopefully you get it figured out sooner rather than later. For sure won't be spending any more money on this game.

#108 ManusDei


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 06:07 PM

Change is hard for some, while others welcome it. I personally, have hemmed and hawed through every patch and change since day 1 of closed beta. One thing remains the same....we love this robot game. This is positive change for the game and the community and I welcome the new skill tree its frackn awesome. The best thing ever invented next to the internet.

#109 Koda Shy


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 06:50 PM

bottom line......the skill tree should have be pilot only (it could have even been pilot only for each set of mech). ......modules and old skills was all the mech needed .... i love the fact you had to level 3 mechs....its how i played them..different loadouts different purposes for each...its how it should be.....and if was fine.....it worked... and simple ...... now....maybe it could have been added too.......

you could have had 12 options and could only pick 8 first tier....then pick 8 of 4 for the second tier....then 2 options for the last tier and could only pick one..... that would have been kinda simple and cool.....then add a pilot tree for your style of play for that mech.... would have that been hard? ... we could have kept our mods.......and all pgi had to do was refund our mech xp and not this confusing refund system....... that would have worked so much better.

i play all my mechs....not just one............ now i only have 148 mechs....so my boat not as big as others..... so really...i can sell everything back now and keep maybe .... 8 .... the rest are pointless now and no need to buy anymore packages.....

my poor mk m2 will never see the battlefield ..... such a waste......you dropped the ball pgi....your pts people musta been high as kites if you thought this was a good idea.

#110 Tenfingers


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:10 PM

Yuppers break time...maybe for good....If you haven't wrote a review on steam i'd take the time to do so now....maybe if enough people leave they will learn....

#111 Tenfingers


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:14 PM

Yuppers break time...maybe for good....If you haven't wrote a review on steam i'd take the time to do so now....maybe if enough people leave they will learn.... well once less founder, been here from the kickstarter....i kicked them money, they kicked me in the balls

#112 Strapped McGee


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:43 PM

i know exactly what happened. PGI hired the same morons from POE. if i wanted confusing skill trees i would have kept playing POE. mechwarrior should be all stompy stompy pew pew. ehf this abortion of a skill tree! some ehfin hipster millennials with no idea how to play mechwarrior decided this was a great idea to improve sales on MC. they can suhk meh ballz... both of them!

#113 Caboose


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 08:56 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 16 May 2017 - 07:56 PM, said:

Yeah man, talking to a lot of our pilots - break is on the cards, myself included. It's just ridiculous and so convoluted I don't even know where to start?

I spent 20mins this morning trying to theorise one mech because you are effectively punished for making a bad choice with reskill costs... So I just logged off and went to work. I'd planned to spend a few hours but, after how bad it is. Fk it.

QP / FP / Comp all need different builds, plans, skills. You literally have to spend DAYS in the mechlab trying to sift through it all to even get a vauge idea of what is going to work in each circumstance/modes/area of the game.

I cancelled my pre-order as well for this reason. Voting with my wallet on this one.

This is my first post and I have well over a thousand hours into the game. That said, you are spot on! I requested a refund for my preorder as well. I can't in good conscious spend money on mechs that won't perform anymore as what they were marketed to do. All my hero mechs are broken now and even when I skill them to "mimic" what they were before; they are hollow shells of their former selves. The community really needs to knuckle down for once and not blindly be money whales after this one. I am uninstalling the game and taking a break too.

Edited by Caboose, 17 May 2017 - 08:59 PM.

#114 Wruin


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 09:49 PM

While I will agree that the skill point/currency system is unintuitive (six different resource pools to buy skill points), I fail to understand how the people on this forum could possibly be confused by the skill tree itself. The new skill progression system amounts to nothing more than a simplistic flow chart; in fact, I'm not sure what's more sad: the Skill Tree (if you can call it that) or the fact that many you think it's complicated. If navigating the 'Skill Tree' hurts your head, I can only assume that you failed (won't complete) high school.

In a few weeks time the (less mentally challenged) player base will have figured out the optimal path through the 'Skill Tree' and will have recommend load outs available online for those of you who find remedial math to be an insurmountable challenge. Beyond that, it is highly likely that PGI will release recommended skill progression templates for new (and old) players to follow if they can’t be bothered to think...

(heaven forbid you let PGI think for you)

#115 DexiledWarrior


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 11:11 PM

All i see is meta copy pasters bitching.....guess using ur brains has become a chore....

If u want wait a few days for the spreadsheet warriors to figure this out and after you can be the meta fopy pasters u once were...

In the meantime 'll enjoy testing things out the good old way... after that i'll decide.

But god forbid we play non meta for a while.

#116 Wibbledtodeath


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 11:46 PM

I have noticed the competition is getting fiercer now all the cry-babies are quitting/taking breaks. Its awesome.

#117 BlacknDecker


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Posted 17 May 2017 - 11:55 PM

Garbage.. took a mediocre game with no real content to it, and made it worse. This is such a disappointment, that I honestly don't care enough about the game anymore to bother putting in real feedback. If your someone who likes to just log in for a bit to play a couple rounds this patch just ruined it for them. If you have 50+ Mechs that you had relatively dialed in so you just just log in and play, you screwed them over too. For people who spent loads of hard earned MONEY on Mech packs and liked the Mechs because of Quirks or abilities, you just insulted them all. Unreal. oh Wait, Unreal had Content and a purpose when that game came out. this game doesn't.

#118 MAX3D2


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 01:46 AM

Absolute PGI disaster!!!!! WTF were you guys thinking? I am thinking about all the money I have spent on this game and now it is ruined!!!!! All of my mechs are screwed!!! Why would a Kodiak need Shock Absorbance???? I never dreamed PGI could screw something up this badly!!!

#119 David Sumner


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 02:14 AM

View PostWruin, on 17 May 2017 - 09:49 PM, said:

While I will agree that the skill point/currency system is unintuitive (six different resource pools to buy skill points), I fail to understand how the people on this forum could possibly be confused by the skill tree itself. The new skill progression system amounts to nothing more than a simplistic flow chart; in fact, I'm not sure what's more sad: the Skill Tree (if you can call it that) or the fact that many you think it's complicated. If navigating the 'Skill Tree' hurts your head, I can only assume that you failed (won't complete) high school.

In a few weeks time the (less mentally challenged) player base will have figured out the optimal path through the 'Skill Tree' and will have recommend load outs available online for those of you who find remedial math to be an insurmountable challenge. Beyond that, it is highly likely that PGI will release recommended skill progression templates for new (and old) players to follow if they can’t be bothered to think...

(heaven forbid you let PGI think for you)

It's not "complicated"
It's tooo BIG to fit on the screen properly
And it takes toooo long to do.
I've got a metric F*** Ton of SP floating around
It would probably save me about 20 hours of time to go "buy all nodes as inactive for this tree" 5 times for each mech.
And then go back and select what I actually want to activate.

#120 Leopardo


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Posted 18 May 2017 - 02:25 AM

all i can say no need to create a node maze - need to have a different node value!!!! like - 1 pont node 2 points node 3 points node 4 points node and on!!!!! no need to confuse the people

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