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Patch Notes - 1.4.126 - 18-Jul-2017

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#61 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:26 PM

View PostDuvanor, on 14 July 2017 - 08:46 PM, said:

Those ATM changes look interesting. Speed buffed, spread toned down, ammo increased, damage reduced to two.

ATM's are complete $hit.

A 1/9 extra speed boost? Chicken feed.

Spread? I bet it is really going to be great.

Ammo increased? By a fraction like the speed (whoopee).

And the damage was seriously hit by the nerf bat on top of the min range still being there.

I know PGI is allergic to thinking things through and all, but even so, there should be a limit on just how brain dead you can be. I will not be using ATM's on ANY of my mechs and frankly, I do not know anyone that plans to either (just like the SPL's). No wonder why all the mercs switched to the IS. The Clans are barely getting anything useful at all. We knew that we would be getting the short end of the stick from the start and all, but this? I really need to learn to not set any expectation bars for PGI, they think it is a limbo stick and always tries hard to stay as far below it as possible.

View PostProfPyro, on 14 July 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:

I'm mildly concerned about the ATM damage number. I only see two range brackets and I REALLY hope that doesn't mean the 3 damage bracket got removed. I don't think that'd be the case, but with the minimum range being added as a PGI built in nerf I can believe that it is a possibility.

They did. So we only get maybe one half-decent tech (HL's) out of this entire patch while the IS gets several.

View PostShadowHimself, on 14 July 2017 - 10:42 PM, said:

Oh tasty salt, ALWAYS a pleasure to read these patch notes for both resonable posts and the QQing, its new tech, who cares! be happy they haven't taken the money and run and we have a battlemech stompy game still :3

Give them time.

Edited by Jep Jorgensson, 14 July 2017 - 11:38 PM.

#62 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:28 PM

View PostJep Jorgensson, on 14 July 2017 - 11:26 PM, said:

ATM's are complete $hit.

A 20+ speed boost? Chicken feed.

Spread? I bet it is really going to be great.

Ammo increased? By a fraction like the speed (whoopee).

And the damage was seriously hit by the nerf bat on top of the min range still being there. I know PGI is allergic to thinking things through and all, but even so, there should be a limit on just how brain dead you can be. I will not be using ATM's on ANY of my mechs and frankly, I do not know anyone that plans to either (just like the SPL's). No wonder why all the mercs switched to the IS. The Clans are barely getting anything useful at all.

ATMs still do 3 damage 120-270, so with those buffs sounds like they got a little better.

#63 Arkhangel


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:31 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 14 July 2017 - 09:41 PM, said:

Yeah, **** that! Lasers it is then?

Dumb as ****.

Yeah people are just going to switch to laser vomit or dakka or dakka-ppc. All this did was lower variety. Dumb AF.

hey, You guys overused the pinpoint Gauss/PPC meta. don't whine because you got nailed by a response to it.

this actually varies builds so people aren't using ONLY Gauss and PPCs. ONE Gauss and ONE PPC are probably going to be completely fine together. take a third type of weapon to back them up. plain and simple.

this isn't discouraging Variety. You guys just don't want to adapt, which frankly, given the sheer ridiculous amount of Tech we're about to get, is something we're ALL going to be doing for the next few months.

You don't like the change, the door is there. The rest of us will enjoy the game, and tinkering with new builds for mechs.

Edited by Arkhangel, 14 July 2017 - 11:43 PM.

#64 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:37 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 14 July 2017 - 11:31 PM, said:

hey, You guys overused the pinpoint Gauss/PPC meta. don't ***** because you got nailed by a response to it.

Lol that's funny because stats show that other builds perform better for me in quickplay. Frankly, I prefer running dakka/ppc or laser vomit builds because I like the DPS. I just think bandaiding away Gauss/ppc because potatoes complain about it is a terrible idea. If its overperforming a little, balance it properly, don't link gauss with ppc ghost heat. That's just garbage and lazy.

This is without doubt the worst rationale for a change I have ever seen. "You guys used it so now you got what's coming to you!" Lol. Spare me. You think I won't be able to play as well without PPC Gauss or something?

Edited by Gas Guzzler, 14 July 2017 - 11:37 PM.

#65 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:37 PM

View PostW E N D I G O, on 14 July 2017 - 11:34 PM, said:

Lmao, yeah, five years later they get into the same ghost heat bracket. I'd call that a direct response...

PS: Or is this some kind of even to advertise the mythical-magical unicorn called "Energy Draw"?

Actually, it was LORDs that exploited the Gauss + PPC jump-sniping meta and got both weapons nerfed to begin with, in fact they may have been the reason we have ghost heat in the game too Posted Image

#66 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:40 PM

View PostEd Steele, on 14 July 2017 - 11:37 PM, said:

Actually, it was LORDs that exploited the Gauss + PPC jump-sniping meta and got both weapons nerfed to begin with, in fact they may have been the reason we have ghost heat in the game too Posted Image

"They" are not the reason for anything. Even saying that sounds ******* stupid. There is nothing "evil" about taking an effective loadout in a video game.

#67 Marius Evander


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 11:50 PM

"Five years have passed since the defeat of the Clans at the Battle of Tukayyid."

Wut ?

"activated the forces of Clan Steel Viper and Clan Nova Cat"

LuL no Diamond Shark I feel sorry for a few specific people.

"Faction play Blah Blah Blah"

.... wheres the info about if our contracts will be reset or not which russ tweet hinted could happen ..... #trappedsincePhase3

....... Wheres info on if tonnage 240 vs 265 will change at all with the launch of civil war.......

"Weapons blah blah blah"

Wheres info on What changes have been made to Mrm's and rac's since pts

MRM, do they still fire out the side/back of your mech when you turn? or do they follow reticle now?

RAC's are they any different from pts ?

"Equipment blah "

Why doesn't Stealth armor add tonnage or decrease armor efficiency ? surely it would do one or the other.... ?

targeting computers, was beam range boost text info missing on PTS or did both sides lose beam range boost on t-comps and this is a website info error ?

light tag...... why? so streak-boats can save half a ton for ammo? so it looks like clans are getting more things?

Posted Image

Civil War Hero variants

Isnt the hero Mad Cat the Blue Diamond shark one ?

The IS AC20 being linked to U/AC20 so if you have a AC20 and a UAC20 you get ghost heat ? what about 2 UAC20 's same as PTS or changed ?

The futher nerfs to clan weapons with all the new IS options, you dont think IS is going to be too strong ?

Edited by Cadoazreal, 15 July 2017 - 12:38 AM.

#68 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:00 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 14 July 2017 - 11:40 PM, said:

"They" are not the reason for anything. Even saying that sounds ******* stupid. There is nothing "evil" about taking an effective loadout in a video game.

I do actually agree with Gas here. LORDS/EMP really can't be blamed for the Gauss/PPC stuff. What they can be blamed for is being a bunch of douchebag tryhards (apart from Proton, he's one of their very few decent guys) who love crushing other players into the dirt, especially rookies and basically pissing on their faces after doing so, which costs the game people.

if you watched the Livestream of the first World Championship, you can tell how "Highly" people regard those guys, given the complete lack of friendly respect 228 and the other team gave them, not to mention the noticeably less exuberant cheering from the crowd as well.

honestly, though... Ghost Heat really isn't a problem if you're not an "Alphawarrior."

most decent pilots know how to effectively stagger their weapons anyways. really the only people this hurts is people who want to not have to aim and reposition, and, you know, actually play Tactically. they just want to curbstomp someone with the first shot all the time at extreme ranges.

in other words, the same group of guys who're also the most likely to use Aimbots.

#69 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:03 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 15 July 2017 - 12:00 AM, said:

honestly, though... Ghost Heat really isn't a problem if you're not an "Alphawarrior."

most decent pilots know how to effectively stagger their weapons anyways. really the only people this hurts is people who want to not have to aim and reposition, and, you know, actually play Tactically. they just want to curbstomp someone with the first shot all the time at extreme ranges.

in other words, the same group of guys who're also the most likely to use Aimbots.

"Effectively stagger their weapons" is not a special sklil, anyone can do that. The point is minimizing your exposure so there is a reason to take a poke build instead of just a DPS boat.

And then the Aimbot comment.... Bitching betty says: "WARNING: Credibility at, 0%"

#70 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:14 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 15 July 2017 - 12:03 AM, said:

"Effectively stagger their weapons" is not a special sklil, anyone can do that. The point is minimizing your exposure so there is a reason to take a poke build instead of just a DPS boat.

And then the Aimbot comment.... Bitching betty says: "WARNING: Credibility at, 0%"

actually... you'd be surprised how few people who play MWO can grasp basic concepts like "using cover" "armor angling" and staggering their weapons to manage heat.

and, to put it bluntly, Gas, Poke Warfare is pretty much the entire reason why Clans actually advanced as far as they have every time, and why IS ends up taking it up the rear. It's far too easy to win poke warfare with clans, especially if your IS opponent is trying to do the same thing. also please bear in mind i'm talking about PUGs and non-competitive units here, the guys and gals who make up the vast majority of the player base.

and as for the Aimbot comment... fact is, there's plenty of people who have them out there. and there's a limit to just how good of a shot someone is. if a guy managed to hit the exact same spot through a tiny crack in buildings in River City 4+ times while you were moving and turning, he or she's aimbotting. Even a special forces sniper isn't going to hit the exactly same place on a target with four salvoes on separate occasions, notwithstanding of course, the fact they'd just take the guy out the first time, but it's the best analogy i could come up with at this time of night.

Edited by Arkhangel, 15 July 2017 - 12:17 AM.

#71 tee5


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:24 AM

CW win conditions

Clans: conquer 3 IS Capitals
IS. conquer 1 Clan Capital

I play CW since the start. And only one time IS was able to push back the clans. And that was when all Mercs switched to IS side.
So in this aspect 3:1 sounds fair.

But on the other hand:

If this should be a sportsmanlike contest, why has the Clans to win threetimes as much Capitals as the IS?

So what PGI is saying, we acknowledge that Clans are three times stronger and better as IS. Because if Clans and IS would be even it would be 3:3

Edited by tee5, 15 July 2017 - 12:25 AM.

#72 Sucy Manbavaran


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:27 AM

So ... Clan get **** Tech for the MAJ,C-MPL Get nerfed ... and the only thing stronk ( GaussPPC RetardMeta ) is nerf ?
when Clanner can only shot with one ER-SL before shutdown and explode ... maybe they'll stop rekt everything

#73 tee5


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:32 AM

Oh and by the way:
You are planning this new weapons thing/timeline change since 7 months and now only 14 mechs can show the new distinct visuals of new weaponry.

How pathetic is that?

#74 pastor of muppets


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:34 AM

no changes to artillery/air strikes
one job PGI
do you even play the game?

#75 Marius Evander


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:35 AM

Annihilator Release Dates
MC Release Date: November 7th 2017
C-Bill Release Date: December 5th 2017

Mad Cat MKII Release Dates
MC Release Date: January 9th 2018
C-Bill Release Date: February 6th 2018

Whats getting released for cbills in January? The mech russ mentioned last town hall begining with P ? that i cant remember ?

#76 Zergling


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:39 AM

Gauss + PPC nerf is only gonna shift the meta to other things, like Dakka, Laser vomit or Gauss + Laser.

#77 meteorol


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:54 AM

Scrap the Gauss/PPC link.

It's not far enough ahead of laservomit to justify such a drastic change. You remember what happened the last time you gutted FLPPD heavy-handed? It was all laservomit. Literally all laservomit for ages.

You really want to run into the exact same thing again? Because that is what is going to happen. Have you forgotten the countless salty crythreads complaining about laservomit? They are about to be back in full force.


Learn from the past.

#78 Arkhangel


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:55 AM

View Posttee5, on 15 July 2017 - 12:32 AM, said:

Oh and by the way:
You are planning this new weapons thing/timeline change since 7 months and now only 14 mechs can show the new distinct visuals of new weaponry.

How pathetic is that?

not remotely as pathetic as your consistent whining about things.

every mech is getting the updated hardpoints eventually, they're just not going to force through stuff that effects game performance and hard drive size for everyone all at once, and takes people off more important things, like, say, you know, NEW MAPS they're currently working on?

You want to control change, go get hired by PGI. They need the help. They don't need the constant badgering by lazy morons.

Edited by Arkhangel, 15 July 2017 - 12:57 AM.

#79 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:55 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 15 July 2017 - 12:54 AM, said:

Scrap the Gauss/PPC link.

It's not far enough ahead of laservomit to justify such a drastic change. You remember what happened the last time you gutted FLPPD heavy-handed? It was all laservomit. Literally all laservomit for ages.

You really want to run into the exact same thing again? Because that is what is going to happen. Have you forgotten the countless salty crythreads complaining about laservomit? They are about to be back in full force.


Learn from the past.

Seconded. Please reconsider. I like having options :(

#80 Reno Blade


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:59 AM

Great looking patch notes.

let's recap:

- New IS/Clan map with new victory conditions
Sounds interesting.
Hope we get more FW patches with additional missions and features to add on top

- New weapons
Very excited (ofc, thats the patch for them)
- New Lasers and Laser balancing seems good enough. Only small issues that should only bother spreadsheet warriors
- New PPCs and ERPPC buffs good enough for now.
- New Missiles MRM/ATM seem good on paper. Need to see how ATMs fair against AMS now ingame.
- New Ballistics are OK. RAC5s will burst everything with 10dps and 4dph while Heavy Gauss will be a niche weapon for Assaults and LGauss will only be used for hot builds switching from XL to Light engine and downgrading from a Gauss (e.g. 2x PPC +1x Gauss Marauder)
overall very happy with the values.

- Heat Scale / Ghost Heat changes
Very happy with the new groupings, especially the Gauss + PPC was long overdue and often enough asked by the players
AC10s and 20s were obvious.
I don't see anything about RAC ghost heat, and the Annihilator even uses 4 of them, so are they not penalized now?

Reminder for everyone who wonders how GH works with Gauss + PPC:
After the limit of the group is crossed, the heat penalty of the hotter weapon is added on top.
So a 2x Gauss +1x PPC will have the same GH penalty as 3x PPC - if they didn't change the mechanic.

The exponential curve for PPCs (as of smurfy) is currently +11.97 for the 3rd PPC and 31.92 if you fire 4 PPCs.
ERPPCs are showing 17.01 and 45.36 currently and cERPPC look at 17.64 and 47.04 (Heavy PPC with 15 heat will be also around 18 and 48 or so).
so a 2Gauss +1PPC would do 2x1 + 9.5 + 11.97 = 23.47 heat
and a 2Gauss +2PPC build would do 2x1 +2x9.5 + 31.92 = 43.42 heat
The biggest punch you can get now is 1x HGauss (25dmg) and 1x HPPC (15dmg) for a total of 40 dmg

"Nerfing" PPC+Gauss was long overdue AND it only affects the Alpha shoot-n-twist advantage.
You can still fire your PPC, charge and release the Gauss - instead of charging and firing both together, if you are good enough.
Remember: Most other weapon combinations require you to have more "facetime" - this "just" brings the highest range - highest PPFLD weapon combination to medium levels of facetime (0.5s to 0.76s).

Edited by Reno Blade, 15 July 2017 - 01:00 AM.

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