Arnold The Governator, on 23 June 2018 - 10:09 AM, said:
Ok, that's not the only piece of evidence. The bigger piece of evidence is right in the docket regarding the dismissal; and it's been mentioned a number of times, already. CGL was also released "to avoid confusion". HG was suing CGL over all of the original macross unseen that they had reimagined as their own version of the classics. CGL had already completed several others that PGI hasn't, like the Valkyrie, Stinger, and Wasp. If they hadn't gotten to the Crusader and Longbow, yet, it doesn't matter. HG agreed to complete dismissal with prejudice "to avoid confusion", meaning that in order to prevent any issues of confusion over whether or not HG can and/or will sue about the classics in the future HG also dropped the case against CGL and "Does 1-10".
The evidence against HG was far too stacked against them; and as you even partially referenced, in order for HG to avoid sanctions against them AND to prevent a courtroom decision which would open them up to ~30 years of bullying victims coming back with lawsuits against them, HG came crawling to the settlement table with their tail between their legs. HG lost big-time on this dismissal . . . and it's not a little loss or a "just wait until the next people come along" loss . . . they lost HUGE. I'd say this is probably an even bigger loss for HG then the Hasbro vs. HG Jetfire settlement, where HG also fled with their tail between their legs.