Mole, on 08 August 2017 - 06:25 AM, said:
I swear there's a portion of the population out there just slavering at the mouth to apply the "P2W" tag on just about anything like the people who run this game shouldn't be allowed to make money.
Part of the issue, I think, is how people evaluate 'Mechs.
Guy gets killed by a 'Mech, assumes it's OP, buys it, dies in it, realises it's not that OP and that's the end of it.
Guy gets killed by a 'Mech, assumes it's OP, can't buy it, claims P2W.
Appogee, on 08 August 2017 - 07:01 AM, said:
When a Hero Mech is released that contains hardpoints which make it more competitive than variants which aren't available for anything other than hard cash ... that is pay to win.
The other variants of the chassis are a terrible yard stick. So what if the hero Ice Ferret if the best Ice Ferret if you can still bring half a dozen Mediums that are available for C-Bills and outperform the hero Ice Ferret?
The unique hero OmniPods are a legitimate concern but I'll have to check whether the best-in-class builds actually demand them before claiming P2W. I haven't looked at them too very closely, but the EBJ, ACH and HBR are the only high performers and at a glance, the new Pods don't seem to do much that'd potentially break them. We'll see, though.
Besides, I'm off the opinion that it's okay to have good 'Mechs that are C-Bill only. Not OP, but good. But those will quickly get labelled as OP and P2W as well, so this whole discussion is really, really annoying because of the highly subjective measurement of OP'ness.