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This Is How You Can Win Fp

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Posted 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM

after you read this you may have 2 reactions:

1) "ok, let's try this", this is the good one, you will finally start doing 1500 damage as MINIMUM and killing at least 6 players per match

2) " what the hacks is this dude ranting about: my racs, lrms and roleplay bullcrap work fine"
than don't even bother answering, i will keep farming my usual 4000 damage and 12 kills per game on baddies like you. I am doing this just because i am sick of farming players that play worse than bots when i am clanner, and i am sick of doing 4000 damage and 15 kills AND LOSE the match cause bads like you can not do more than 300 damage when i am IS.



IS guys always get farmed in FP.

Because clannes use their meta: laser vomit, uac10 and laser gauss, while IS bads use a bunch of fancy useless trash: mrm, brawlers, lbx, lrms, RAC and all this crap.

Do you want to win? take mechs with quirks on energy heat gen and\or range and put a spam of LL+ ERML.
Find an optimal range (550-300), find a building or a cover, peek-alphastrike,cover. peek-alphastrike and cover. And don't listen to all those pugs that yell to zerg gens or push in voip; i use to eat them as lunch.
In this game the meta is HIGH PINPOINT ALPHASTRIKE, take your positioning and keep trading.
Clans have more range and more alpha, IS have more heat eff, more durability, better agility, better duration.

Example: Black knight6B xl350 no endo yes light ferro 20 dhs 3ll+6ERml tcomp2

similar builds on grasshopper 5h, warhammer6d and rifleman 5d
some mechs like firebrand and warhammer 6r can do 4 erml+2gauss
SKILL TREE: weapons, operations, radar derp, double air strike and a little bit of survival. NEVER AGILITY, it has no effects, NEVER more than 20 survival, you will just make your enemies farm more.

Long range? battlemaster 1g or banshee 3m with tcomps and ERLL.
Lock your arms on the torso and low your mouse sensitivity so you can keep a steady and accurate burn.
bam, job done.



Edited by anonymous223, 29 November 2017 - 03:02 AM.

#2 Davegt27


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 03:18 PM

I see thanks

have any videos

#3 Spheroid


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 03:22 PM

correct, get meta or get rekt.

#4 AnHell86


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Posted 27 August 2017 - 07:53 PM

Also, join a unit which coordinates drops via TS or Discord.

#5 Tereva


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Posted 18 November 2017 - 03:20 PM

View Postanonymous223, on 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

Clans have more range and more alpha, IS have more heat eff, more durability and better duration.

I am confused, if clanners have more range and alpha, why is "peek, alpha-strike, cover" a good strategy?
The clanner should win bc it has more alpha. Heat efficiency will not help the IS has the clan will stay under cover until he can shoot (well at least he should be;) ).

I got myself a Battlemaster 1G, and tried your way but it doesn't work well for me. I try to stay around 300/400m and use the arms as shield, but I go down fast.

What if there are 3 / 5 mechs in front while you are in a group of about the same size? ( << QP situation)
My usual way, was to break contact, circle a bit, and sneak shoot from one flank.
It doesn't work well with the BLR-1G. It is a bit slow for this (even with a XL400), and second lasers are not really sneaky Posted Image
I tried trading, but you can take a lot of damage fast (even if you try to peek after the reds just shot)
How do you handle situations like that?

View Postanonymous223, on 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

SKILL TREE: weapons, operations, radar derp, double air strike and a little bit of survival. NEVER AGILITY..., NEVER more than 20 survival

Operations, really ? Isn't "heat Gen" from the Firepower tree supposed to be more efficient than cool run or Heat Cont. ?
What exactly are you going after in the Ops tree?

I have my "usual round path"of 22 points focusing on armor hardening and Skeletal Density that I use even on my lights. Doesn't "more health" keep you longer in the fight?

Shoot straight


Edited by Tereva, 18 November 2017 - 05:57 PM.

#6 Bonzai VI


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:58 AM


For me, the Battlemaster-1G works best as a Sniper with 6-ERLL.

I think the Battlemaster-2C could work better for you, since the 1G only has a torso yaw of 60° instead of the regular 80°.
The 2C also has Structure quirks the 1G doesn't have, the 10% range isn't important enough.
You can equip the 2C with 3 LPL + 3 ML, at least that's what worked best for it on my side.

Well, I actually prefer the Grasshopper or the Roughneck for such playstyles, simply more mobile. You can just prevent damage instead of tanking it.
Grasshopper (5P and 5H) with 3 LPL + 3-4 ML, and the Roughneck with 3 LPL + 2 ML all high mounted, work very well.

You can easily put away one LPL and put more ML in. i.e. the Roughneck, you can go for 2 LPL + 5 ML. Different playstyle, both work well, if you can find the one you like more you're just gonna wreck everything.

View Postanonymous223, on 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

SKILL TREE: weapons, operations, radar derp, double air strike and a little bit of survival. NEVER AGILITY, it has no effects, NEVER more than 20 survival, you will just make your enemies farm more.

Wait what? Never agility? You are aware that the enemy will get less accurate if any shots in when you've got acceleration/decceleration + anchor turn (well, my playstyle, normally you take torso speed to twist dmg).
You don't have to get

And the enemy can farm you if you take more survival? What? If you take more points into survival you are able to live for longer, like Tereva already said.
Worst case, you can tank the enemy for one more alpha, best case you can fire several more shots before going down while distracting the enemy.
Besides that, what's the problem if the enemy can get some more points of damage in? Some more C-bills for him.
You know, you can utilize that thing people use, it's called teamwork.

That ones subjective but radar derps to far down on the list.
Operations is not efficient enough to take points out of agility/survival/firepower.

On many builds coolshots work better than air/artystrikes but oh well, if you have to pad your score be my guest.

Edited by Bonzai VI, 19 November 2017 - 01:03 AM.

#7 Omaha


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 01:06 AM

PFFt! I dont put any point into weapons......... Well Unless I run an srm build. Missle crit is decent. If i go regular laser, I may get some shorter bean time. I put some into weapons, don't get me wrong. But most of my points go into everything else, I don't even touch the consumables.

The points I use are pretty much always max structure with exception of like a few points (I'll trade them around as I go) I go for Max speed ALWAYS! with some torso twist, or hard brake depends on the mech. I'll get some cool runs, and what have you. But on weapons, its usually a few points into range and heat gen, or cool down depends on weapons chosen. If i plan on using jets I add some stuff from there too!

Then again......I dont even touch FP lolz! Glhf!

Personally I cant believe they even added a survival tree. Structure and armor and less crit is hella OP! I always thought these kinda quirks were chassis dependent! But Ol wellz! Each to their own i guess.

Edited by Omaha, 19 November 2017 - 01:28 AM.

#8 Kompleks Ognevoi Podderzhki 320


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 02:11 AM

View Postanonymous223, on 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

after you read this you may have 2 reactions:

1) "ok, let's try this", this is the good one, you will finally start doing 1500 damage as MINIMUM and killing at least 6 players per match

2) " what the hacks is this dude ranting about: my racs, lrms and roleplay bullcrap work fine"
than don't even bother answering, i will keep farming my usual 4000 damage and 12 kills per game on baddies like you. I am doing this just because i am sick of farming players that play worse than bots when i am clanner, and i am sick of doing 4000 damage and 15 kills AND LOSE the match cause bads like you can not do more than 300 damage when i am IS.

IS guys always get farmed in FP.

Because clannes use their meta: laser vomit, uac10 and laser gauss, while IS bads use a bunch of fancy useless trash: mrm, brawlers, lbx, lrms, RAC and all this crap.

Do you want to win? take mechs with quirks on energy heat gen and\or range and put a spam of LL+ ERML.
Find an optimal range (550-300), find a building or a cover, peek-alphastrike,cover. peek-alphastrike and cover. And don't listen to all those pugs that yell to zerg gens or push in voip; i use to eat them as lunch.
In this game the meta is HIGH PINPOINT ALPHASTRIKE, take your positioning and keep trading.
Clans have more range and more alpha, IS have more heat eff, more durability and better duration.

Example: Black knight6B xl350 no endo yes light ferro 20 dhs 3ll+6ERml tcomp2

similar builds on grasshopper 5h, warhammer6d and rifleman 5d
some mechs like firebrand and warhammer 6r can do 4 erml+2gauss
SKILL TREE: weapons, operations, radar derp, double air strike and a little bit of survival. NEVER AGILITY, it has no effects, NEVER more than 20 survival, you will just make your enemies farm more.

Long range? battlemaster 1g or banshee 3m with tcomps and ERLL.
Lock your arms on the torso and low your mouse sensitivity so you can keep a steady and accurate burn.
bam, job done.

You're late with this advice for IS for half a year. I'll send you to a drop for 2 alpha strikes in CT or 1.5 for the right torso. Use SRM, MRM with lasers, Heavy PPC, or ER LL. On balistic - UAC2, Ultra 20. I have marauder on IS with 75 alfa strike for 1 location and optimal dist - 300 m. I get minimum 600 + dmg every match on him with out arty strike.

Edited by Kompleks Ognevoi Podderzhki 320, 19 November 2017 - 02:20 AM.

#9 MovinTarget


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 03:29 AM

Yeah, did the numbers... The BLR-1G and other ranged quirked IS mechs level the playing field if not give IS an edge (the edge really being their *other* quirks). +10 range puts the difference within *meters* of clan...

(note screenshots show max range skill of +15%)

Clan ERLL:
Posted Image

Max Range: 1702m

IS ERLL (+10% Range)
Posted Image

Optimal: 843
Max Range 1687

That's not even taking into account all the other quirks this mech has that help with ERLL like 15% Duration. It makes it a more effective hill humper than most clans.

The challenge for IS is that you have to find the right mechs from all the many, many variants/chassis to match up to each scenario/map/mode/tactic where with clans it is much more plug-n-play. Not saying clans don't have their own challenges, but apart from the up front costs, it is far easier to tailor your existing omnimechs to your needs where IS you may have to go out a buy a whole new mech.

So my assertion is that is you have an FP drop where skill/teamwork levels are about the same and both sides bring the "right" mechs for their tactics (suiting map/mode of course) that the playing field would be far more level.

But not every IS players brings/knows to bring the best mechs...

Edited by MovinTarget, 19 November 2017 - 03:33 AM.



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Posted 19 November 2017 - 03:44 AM

View Postanonymous223, on 27 August 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

IS guys always get farmed in FP.

, while IS bads use a bunch of fancy useless trash: mrm, brawlers, lbx, lrms, RAC and all this crap.

In this game the meta is HIGH PINPOINT ALPHASTRIKE, take your positioning and keep trading.
Clans have more range and more alpha, IS have more heat eff, more durability and better duration.

Only reaction I had was to point and laugh.

The amount of salt I have farmed from clanners is legendary by playing and thinking like that.

BY all means, PLEASE keep playing like that, you make it to damn easy.

#11 bayoucowboy


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 03:59 AM

Based purely on observation (which admittedly has fewer pug FP drops), the 4000 dmg, 15 kill rounds are only a result of the rest of the team getting focused, while the guy "with the superior strategy" farms damage because he is not an immediate threat, and gets the "clean up" kills on already trashed mechs. It is a typical, "let's play QP" in FP mentality, and does not work to win FP matches against experienced players. Again, my opinion is biased by personal observation, so please OP, show us the FP matches you have won.

#12 Knighthawk26


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 05:37 AM

How to win at Faction Play?

First, find a team that still plays FP and is active. Wow, that is hard today. The first noun, "team", is the hard one to find. There are lots of units with individuals who gather together to play FP like QP. There aren't many teams that bother to coordinate their mechs, loadouts, play style, and battle plan BEFORE they drop together. When I play with an IS team that brings all brawlers to a map like Veridian Bog and swarms the poor Clanners in mass, well you can almost guarantee victory.

There also aren't many active teams anymore, at least in faction play. I guess it is harder for me in the EU time zone, maybe.

The team members also need to bring the right mechs and loadouts, and some mechs need to be modified for FP versus QP. Your average player either doesn't know about this or doesn't bother, and that hurts a FP team overall.

The team members need basic piloting skills, but a team with only basic skills that coordinates their fight before they drop and has a solid leader to call the match, can beat a team with better individual pilots.

If you find a unit that prepares ahead and fights like a team, you will roll over the enemy regularly.

If you are part of a unit like this in the EU timezone please contact me. My old team grew inactive and I am looking to get back into the game with a good unit.

Knighthawk26 (A modified version of my old military pilot call sign)

#13 JaegerDjinn


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 06:21 AM

View Postbayoucowboy, on 19 November 2017 - 03:59 AM, said:

Based purely on observation (which admittedly has fewer pug FP drops), the 4000 dmg, 15 kill rounds are only a result of the rest of the team getting focused, while the guy "with the superior strategy" farms damage because he is not an immediate threat, and gets the "clean up" kills on already trashed mechs. It is a typical, "let's play QP" in FP mentality, and does not work to win FP matches against experienced players. Again, my opinion is biased by personal observation, so please OP, show us the FP matches you have won.

Sounds about right. While everyone else is fighting, he is hiding like a coward and taking the kill steals. Whats his theory when everyone hides like a coward and time runs out because he was afraid too take damage. Been in many FP wins and it wasnt done by his theory.

#14 JaegerDjinn


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 06:31 AM

View PostKnighthawk26, on 19 November 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:

How to win at Faction Play?

First, find a team that still plays FP and is active. Wow, that is hard today. The first noun, "team", is the hard one to find. There are lots of units with individuals who gather together to play FP like QP. There aren't many teams that bother to coordinate their mechs, loadouts, play style, and battle plan BEFORE they drop together. When I play with an IS team that brings all brawlers to a map like Veridian Bog and swarms the poor Clanners in mass, well you can almost guarantee victory.

There also aren't many active teams anymore, at least in faction play. I guess it is harder for me in the EU time zone, maybe.

The team members also need to bring the right mechs and loadouts, and some mechs need to be modified for FP versus QP. Your average player either doesn't know about this or doesn't bother, and that hurts a FP team overall.

The team members need basic piloting skills, but a team with only basic skills that coordinates their fight before they drop and has a solid leader to call the match, can beat a team with better individual pilots.

If you find a unit that prepares ahead and fights like a team, you will roll over the enemy regularly.

If you are part of a unit like this in the EU timezone please contact me. My old team grew inactive and I am looking to get back into the game with a good unit.

Knighthawk26 (A modified version of my old military pilot call sign)

Hawk try out the LORS[legion of the Rising Sun]. You can find them in the FRR hub close too top of channel. Great bunch of guys, are mercs and willing too help anyone[ not saying you need it]. They are merc base and change contracts once a week, if decided. I personally am not part of them by choice[on solo mission] but have ran with them in qp and fp and have alot of wins and fun. Also should mention they have EU players on most of the time. Good luck and /0. Just tell them Jjyn sent you.

Edited by JaegerDjinn, 19 November 2017 - 06:33 AM.

#15 MovinTarget


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Posted 19 November 2017 - 07:01 AM

People just don't register that going into fp solo or in small groups opens you up to near automic seal clubbing.

Sure we've all had those games where the pugs beat the teams, but those games are not par for the course. Playing as a team dramatically increases your success.

#16 MischiefSC


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 07:35 AM

There is no single mech or strat. You need a ranged and brawl, hot and cold deck setups. Maulers for Vitric and Sulfur and Caustic, BLRs for frozen, boreal, polar, grim. You take 3 or 4 waves of trade mechs you're going to lose on a lot of maps and situations. Attack or defend you need at least one fast, punchy wave to clinch in a lot of maps/modes.

The hang back and snipe guy is 9 times out of 10 dead weight to his team in matches of equal skill. There is only a couple of maps/modes where you can poke and ghost the whole match as a team and do well.

#17 TheMightySpin


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 10:35 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 19 November 2017 - 03:29 AM, said:

Yeah, did the numbers... The BLR-1G and other ranged quirked IS mechs level the playing field if not give IS an edge (the edge really being their *other* quirks). +10 range puts the difference within *meters* of clan...

(note screenshots show max range skill of +15%)

Clan ERLL:
Posted Image

Max Range: 1702m

IS ERLL (+10% Range)
Posted Image

Optimal: 843
Max Range 1687

That's not even taking into account all the other quirks this mech has that help with ERLL like 15% Duration. It makes it a more effective hill humper than most clans.

The challenge for IS is that you have to find the right mechs from all the many, many variants/chassis to match up to each scenario/map/mode/tactic where with clans it is much more plug-n-play. Not saying clans don't have their own challenges, but apart from the up front costs, it is far easier to tailor your existing omnimechs to your needs where IS you may have to go out a buy a whole new mech.

So my assertion is that is you have an FP drop where skill/teamwork levels are about the same and both sides bring the "right" mechs for their tactics (suiting map/mode of course) that the playing field would be far more level.

But not every IS players brings/knows to bring the best mechs...

Seeing even a lance of these BLR on Boreal Vault or any other siege map is enough to make most clanners nervous. When 10 and 12 man teams run these with a good drop-caller I've seen teams just give up after they get sniped to death from the gates.

With the cool-down quirks, duration quirks, difference in ghost heat and the extra tankiness of those BLR there are only a few Clan builds that can effectively trade at range with them.
Brutal, man.

Edited by TheMightySpin, 26 November 2017 - 10:37 AM.

#18 MovinTarget


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 10:58 AM

View PostTheMightySpin, on 26 November 2017 - 10:35 AM, said:

Seeing even a lance of these BLR on Boreal Vault or any other siege map is enough to make most clanners nervous. When 10 and 12 man teams run these with a good drop-caller I've seen teams just give up after they get sniped to death from the gates.

With the cool-down quirks, duration quirks, difference in ghost heat and the extra tankiness of those BLR there are only a few Clan builds that can effectively trade at range with them.
Brutal, man.

But its a mighty big *if* that you see will that many on any given drop... again theres only a handfull of IS mechs that can compete at range...

Edited by MovinTarget, 26 November 2017 - 11:14 AM.

#19 MischiefSC


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 11:02 AM

MAD IIC 2HLL, 6CERML absolutely destroys them inside 650m.

Outside of that SNV, even quad ERPPC WHK can smash them. MC MKII 2 Gauss, 2xerll, 2x cerml too.

Even better, take LBKs and roll over them.

#20 Charles Sennet


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 11:10 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 19 November 2017 - 03:29 AM, said:

Yeah, did the numbers... The BLR-1G and other ranged quirked IS mechs level the playing field if not give IS an edge (the edge really being their *other* quirks). +10 range puts the difference within *meters* of clan...

(note screenshots show max range skill of +15%)

Optimal: 843
Max Range 1687

That's not even taking into account all the other quirks this mech has that help with ERLL like 15% Duration. It makes it a more effective hill humper than most clans.

The challenge for IS is that you have to find the right mechs from all the many, many variants/chassis to match up to each scenario/map/mode/tactic where with clans it is much more plug-n-play. Not saying clans don't have their own challenges, but apart from the up front costs, it is far easier to tailor your existing omnimechs to your needs where IS you may have to go out a buy a whole new mech.

So my assertion is that is you have an FP drop where skill/teamwork levels are about the same and both sides bring the "right" mechs for their tactics (suiting map/mode of course) that the playing field would be far more level.

But not every IS players brings/knows to bring the best mechs...

Exactly. This is why I have been saying that at long ranges the ability to fire 3 LL without ghost heat vs Clans 2, is a major imbalance between good teams and why we have banned cERLL altogether in our unit drops. Clans simply have no comparable answer to the BLR-1G. Someone was arguing the SNV but you can still only fire 2/2/2 and have to expose a lot more to fire the arm mounted lasers. Not many people understand that clan range advantage is a bit of a myth in actual team fights.

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