Yeonne Greene, on 20 September 2017 - 07:25 PM, said:
And no, you can't really combine it with lasers. There is no point. If you are adding lasers, you are going for a burst build over sustain. You need a fourth ERLL added to a build that would otherwise to 3x ERLL + Gauss, and in exchange you spend 32 tons on weapons instead of 30, you get level 1 ghost heat, and you get worse sustained DPS when you fall back on just the Gauss than you would had you taken normal Gauss. There's no synergy there.
Now from my experience, comboing gauss with energy (lasers right now since they killed gauss-ppc) is where gauss truly shines. While there are always exceptions, most mechs that can run gauss vomit actually GAIN both alfa strike and sustained DPS from the switch (from pure laser vomit). The reason is 2 fold, one, gauss rifles provide a steady sustained DPS (2.1 for LGR, 2.6 for GR, 4.3 for HGR) which is heat free (well not entirely but 1 point of heat per rifle is irrelevant for all intents and purposes) and can be used non-stop on EVERY map regardless of your current heat bar, and because of the way DHS scale in the engine. The second point is really the biggie, yes you gain DPS for every heatsink you add, but if you have 20 DHS, the 10 outside the engine are quite a bit less effective then those in the engine (unless PGI altered how HS work). In other words, you can run say 6 ERMLs with just the internal heatsinks, and its going to have more then half the DPS of the same thing with 10 additional HS.
As an example we will look at 2 chassises in particular, the stormcrow and the rifleman (just so we can see both clan and IS and these are mechs that are both sorta in the middle of the tonnage range and are similar to each other).
A fairly standard laser vomit stormcrow consists of 1ERLL and 6 ERML with 22 heatsinks, giving 53 alfa strike, 4.1 sustained DPS and 10.5 burst DPS (until heat is a problem). The gauss vomit crow uses 6 ERMLs and 2 DHS, as well as a GR. The ERMLs alone, provide 2.4 sustained DPS, which is then suplemented by the 2.6 DPS from the GR (which is basically heat-free and does not decrease the laser's DPS when it is used). In total, it has 57 alfa strike, 5 sustained DPS, and 11 burst DPS. On the clan side, skill permitting (it takes quite a bit more skill to use 2 dissimilar weapons together then just laser spam), gauss vomit is almost always superior to laser vomit in every category, comes with more alfa strike, more DPS, and also gives 15 PPFLD which cannot be spread or effectively shielded unlike the laser beam. Even on mechs like the hellbringer with no endo or ferro, gauss vomit is still a little bit superior even if it isnt as big of a difference.
Now for IS, we will look at the rifleman (its a bit heavier but gauss on mechs lighter then 60t dont really work well). One laser build ive run, uses 6 ERML and 1 ERLL, and gives 39 alfa strike, 3.9 sustained DPS, and 9 burst DPS. The gauss build, is 6 ERML with 3 extra heatsinks and 1 GR. The 6 ERMLs, provide 2.6 sustained DPS, with teh gauss rifle doing 2.6 ontop of that (im not counting quirks which increase this) for a grand total of 45 alfa strike, 5.2 sustained DPS, and 9.7 burst. Even on IS side, gauss vomit is actually superior to laser vomit just like on clan side. And even if you swap to a light gauss, the DPS on the gauss vomit one would be 3 for the lasers (cause you get more HS due to saved tonnage), and 2.1 for the LGR, bringing it to 5.1 sustained DPS.
Pretty much, using gauss rifles alongside lighter weight energy (gauss rifles dont work that well with most large class lasers), is superior to pure energy in almost every mech that is a medium, heavy, or assault. Ofc on lighter mechs (or those few mechs that have virtually no podspace), using gauss (or any ballistics besides MGs) isnt gonna happen, but if you can afford to carry gauss, you will almost always gain DPS, alfa strike, or a combination of the 2 relative to a pure laser vomit mech. Then, alongside, you get 15 PPFLD, a weapon that can be used up to ~1km to good effect and spammed non-stop regardless of the map or what heat level you are at (flamers wont stop gauss), and since its a very fast projectile, makes a good anti-light weapon (cant count the number of times ive 1 shotted lolcusts from 500m with a single gauss rifle) that is effective against anything nomatter how agile or small it is with good skill and aim (just dont bring it when uve had too many beers).
Sustained DPS may not be that critical really, since both gauss vomit and laser vomit relies on alfa strikes and trading favorably with the enemy rather then facetanking and out DPSing someone, but there are enough situations where having 1-2 more sustained DPS can mean life or death (and its never a bad idea to have 1 heat-free gun when a 12 flamer nova rounds teh corner, saved my life countless times).
Anyways, as for teh LGR, i do agree it could use a teeny buff, but its nolonger completely worthless either and at least its fun, i use it, but i never take it when im trying to carry on any level whatsoever (obviously GR is still superior in every stat that matters). It does still work alongside energy though just like the GR and the HGR, and it has the same advantage the regular GR has, boosting your sustained DPS from a pure energy boat (and since it has stupid high range, is one of the best harassment weapons (if you dont wanna use AC2s).
Anyone that claims gauss is underpowered, should actually consider that gauss vomit is at this point in time, 100% superior to pure laser vomit, with the condition that you have the skills to actually hit the desired component/mech you want to as well as using the laser burn properly. The sole reason to even consider using pure laser vomit is when you lack the skill to use gauss (not everyone has aimbot like accuracy and can hit fast moving targets with good reliability), or when you are going for maximum survivability (if gauss rifles didnt explode, they would become the only thing anyone uses). That and ofc, not every mech has the hardpoints to do gauss vomit well (ideally 1 ballistic and 6 energy, with ballistic best in the arm).
Edited by panzer1b, 22 September 2017 - 11:16 PM.