Void Angel, on 24 September 2017 - 02:13 PM, said:
And that right there showcases a facts-free attitude where confident assertion is claimed as fact. When the only source that has the information available to support or disprove a claim is hand-waved away, you've entered a fantastical land of fairy wishes and might-have-beens where things like "they just have to," and "all they have to do is," never need be based on practical concerns.
Resort to a genetic fallacy via a fallacious, ad hominem appeal to common wisdom isn't a convincing rebuttal - but it is a way to disqualify yourself from being taken seriously.
I don't know about you, but for me prior experience dictates that what PGI says should not be taken at face value. <shrugs>
Or did CW actually come out within 90 days after release?
What about Inverse Kinematics? Is that out already?
Ammo switching for LBX, where are we on that?
And last but not least <drum roll please>:
Dakota1000, on 24 September 2017 - 12:16 AM, said:
Asym teams do seem to work just fine in private matches. I remember talk that people did try out 12v10 IS vs Clan fights at Clan launch and found it to favor IS.
If as you say "the game engine doesn't like having asymmetric team sizes", then why is the above even possible?
Fact free you say? Give us all a break.
Edited by Mystere, 24 September 2017 - 04:24 PM.