Void Angel, on 23 September 2017 - 08:12 PM, said:
Symmetrical teams isn't just an eSport thing; it's a balance and gameplay issue. Leaving aside problems with matchmaking and the engine, giving one side superior machines balanced by more players on the other side is neither simple or easy. Long queue times for the popular side, increased balance difficulty - and the simple fact that it feels better to stride the battlefield as a demigod than to try to drag down a superior opponent through numbers.
I hear over and over, from some quarters, that "if we just implemented the numbers from the totally balanced tabletop game, everything would work out," and I just can't buy it. Clan guns as canon are simply too powerful for a game where we can aim - meaning that you'd have to modify them for balance anyway, and then why bother with the trouble of asymmetric teams? Then there's the question of heat-efficient, long-range Clan 'mechs skewing map balance... and suddenly we're talking about redesigning the entire game.
You can believe that asymmetry fixes all ills if you like, but it's a claim that cannot be strongly supported, since we'd have to actually implement the system to really find out. Yet whatever you think about its effect on balance, it's not a trivial thing that PGI could just easily do if they stopped "insisting" on even teams numbers.
It is still the wrong IP. You'd have an argument if we were in the 3020's. But we're not.
And people always seem to miss this part:
Mystere, on 23 September 2017 - 06:08 PM, said:
Now if only the game used lore-friendly Clan and IS formations and tailored them to the proper game modes.
This makes me think people are too hung up on Clan vs. IS to imagine anything else. I mean, what other reasons could people possibly have to miss the highlighted part.
Why can't we have a classical 2:1 or 3:1 siege mode?
Where is the 1:N rear guard action, or raid, or assassination mission?
Why do all game modes, with the sole exception of scouting, be 12:12 all day every day?
Edited by Mystere, 23 September 2017 - 10:39 PM.