Snazzy Dragon, on 14 November 2017 - 03:12 AM, said:
It's not so much making them more survivable so much as making the terrible assaults better in general and taking the powerhouses down a notch somehow that doesn't completely ruin a weapons system or weight class.
thats exactly the mentality that kills mwo. Has been killing it slowly.
You cannot standardize mechs and make them all equally viable. Some are very good in terms of tech and design, hitboxes or combination of eg. masc, ecm, speed or other variables.
That very mindeset to try and make all mechs kinda good and competitive, is bad.
Instead, it is much better, to actually appreciate the fact, that mechs arent the same and some mechs are very strong. Others arent.
Instead, go the complete opposite direction.
Winning or playing well in much weaker mechs, should be be rewarded. Give players a areal, tangible incentive to play a much wider range of mechs, even the weaker once. By giving them prestige and rewards or much less rearming repairing costs when fielding weaker chassis.
But thats sadly not the route mwo players or the devs wanne go.
They go the direction to whine about how weak or too strong some mechs are and constantly, hysterically demand a fix or nerf for everything. Quite pathetic.
Thats not a good way to handle inherent and very natural differences in terms of generel prowess or combat value of mechs. They try to counter that. Instead of making it a strength.
I would have handled it completly the other way.
Stop trying to equalize all mechs or balance them all the time.
Weird and random distribution of buffs/quircks is the consequence. And not even the devs will be able to say with any certainty, of a 5 % energy buff or range buff or mobility buff will actually make a mech competitive compared to other mechs with better design and hardpoints. Its just a random, weird exception that follows no real laws are a deeper, transparent system.
They are still trying to bandage this inherent dysbalance. Not only with individual mechs but with the inherent dysbalance of clan vs IS.
As I said.Thats not the way to handle such unique and actually great differences. They went and still go the wrong way with all of that. Its quite easy to understand.
Sadly. the community or devs dont see that.
Make bad choices over and over again.
You still go in that direction. A kazillion ppl before you said 'make this mech stronger and that weaker'. Thats basically all they ever demand.Never seeing the greater picture and finding an ultimate, satisfying, fun, encouraging and immersive solution.