Because overall, Lights are the worst class. They carry the least firepower of all classes, the least durability, and the lowest quirks. They earn the lowest rewards in game due to the damage-centric nature of the score system, they are the hardest to play well, and they are the most consistently nerfed class out of all of them.
but if lights are the hardest to play dont you think that skews the results of them being the worst class?
naturally something thats harder to use is going to appear worse statistically because of all the potatos that try to use it and fail
im not convinced lights are actually as bad as people claim. I think theres just a lot of people that are bad at piloting lights due to the higher skill curve and they drag down the statistics for lights.
They earn the lowest rewards in game due to the damage-centric nature of the score systeme
my kitfox says otherwise. it consistently gets the best reward in game because of match score manipulation. shoot down 2000 missiles and profit.
the mistake youre making is trying to get matchscore from doing damage. its true, lights cant always do the same damage as assaults (a kitfox can though because its badass). so lights need to get their matchscore from other things, in the case of the kitfox its triple ams. you just have to play outside the box and manipulate the match score to your advantage.
Edited by Khobai, 27 November 2017 - 11:00 AM.