JackalBeast, on 30 November 2017 - 09:50 PM, said:
Oh hell no, at sub 600 effective range, why would you bring a sawed off to a rifle match? A good IS assault range contingent will shut that down before they get to use their firepower effectively. Now, say IS get in close and near the base, that build is more of an equalizer. But range trading, nope. This where you tell me, that's why you get up closer within that 500-550 range...
Wish I could predictably drop on that match more often to give it a go , tho.
Huh, I guess that's why I lose so many matches in FW....
oh, wait. No, no I don't. I play with the people who literally win the most of any group of players in FW for the last 2 or 3 years. At least who plays FW.
It's not about epeen it's about demonstrating what works.
A) you can out trade at range if you need to. HBRs, SNV, poptart SMN even - the number of players who can out-trade a SMN poptart with ERLLs is really, really short and no more than a handful in the IS. Like less than 5 maybe. ERPPC poptart HBK if you need too. Even a poptart 2xGauss HBK if you need 0 heat.
However you never need to. Pick a map; you can close to 600m with cover and at most give up 1 hit. You'll crush the ERLL builds within that range with mid-range CERML/HLL or even just push builds. There's nowhere, no map, you can force the whole match to long range unless the other team is a bunch of timid pansies.
Which is why IS has success with ERLL teams; most Clan teams are half LRMs and the other half abject cowards. If you have 12 people pushing at once in the same direction one guy is going to get focused down, 1 guy half crippled - at which time your remaining mechs have cumulatively 3 or 4 times the burst and sustainable DPS and just burn the enemy down.
Yeonne Greene, on 30 November 2017 - 10:06 PM, said:
But that's just it...it's only an Assault 12 v 12 once, and if it's defense then you can compel the MAD-IICs into the optimum range by simply not providing any targets. They have to come in, so it really doesn't matter if IS front-load or not.
If it's offense, then yeah, you shouldn't front-load. It should be ERPPCs so you can force them to hide until you are in range of other weapons since a MAD-IIC is going to have a hard time juking a 2400 m/s ERPPC even fired from 1400 m (whoo, 1000 m range on BJ-3).
It's either that, or you Light rush and gimp the Clan assault wave with a throw-away wave and then plow over them with the follow-up.
Now, here's a question: Quad LGauss Slepnir or similar at 1200+ meters?
You're missing the fundamental nature of FW. You can't force a long range match on any map. Your 1200m Quad Gauss gets 1, maybe 2 trades before it's in a brawl if the other team wants - at which point it gets crushed.
You sacrifice 1 guy on Boreal, maybe Polar if the other team spread way out. You take 2-4 range mechs on Polar who take a flank for a crossfire and the rest push to mid range to trade with laservomit or with LBKs and just brawl them down.
There's no map in FW that doesn't let you close to 600m pretty safely. If there's a lot of long range trading going on it's because that's what both teams want. In comp with 2/2/2/2 sort of setups there's limited armor to shed and every loss is potentially crippling. In FW it's actually an incredibly successful tactic to sacrifice 1 or 2 guys against a team that's got hardcore poke builds and push in 10 brawlers, who will obliterate them. Clan vs IS there's no IS strong poke builds that can successfully kite you.