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Patch Notes - 1.4.143 - 12-Dec-2017

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 08:44 PM

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 @ 10AM – 1PM PDT
Patch Number: 1.4.143
Standalone Client Patch Size: ~190 mb
Steam Client Patch Size: TBA
Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.

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Greetings MechWarriors,

The Hellspawn has arrived, and is now en-route to the Hangars of eligible MechWarriors!

With the holidays approaching and a big focus on the recent (and awesome!) Mech_Con 2017, this December patch is on the light side, featuring the release of the Hellspawn 'Mech, minor balance adjustments, and an assortment of general fixes.

Read on for all the details of the December patch and we'll see you in the new year, MechWarriors!

- The MechWarrior Team

MC Release Date: May 1st 2018
C-Bill Release Date: June 5th 2018

You can check out the Quirk information for the Hellspawn as part of our Countdown post here.

The Hellspawn also brings with it 3 new Colours for purchase with MC in-game. Early Adopters of a Hellspawn Pack receive these colours for free.

Command Wheel: Flank Left is now on the left side of the wheel, Flank Right on the right.
MRMs: Fixed an issue where MRM launchers of different types could desync after multiple shots.

This month sees general improvements for five Inner Sphere 'Mech chassis.

• All variants have received a moderate increase to Mobility.

Panther Design Notes: Given the lower Engine cap and the need to shield its RA we are providing all Panthers with a moderate increase to their Mobility to make them much more nimble.

• All variants have received a moderate increase to Mobility.

Cicada Design Notes: With a number of 40-45 ton 'Mechs introduced to the game since the last time the Cicada received notable balance adjustments, we feel the Cicada has fallen a bit behind in one of its key design aspects. We are therefore providing it with a bit of a Mobility buff to make it better able to juke and respond to threats, given that many of its variants are ground-bound and without JJ options compared to many other 'Mechs in its respective weight class.

• All variants have received a +10% Weapon Range Quirk.
• All variants have received a light increase to Mobility.

Uziel Design Notes: As indicated in the September Patch Notes we want the Uziel to fulfill a much more mobile harassment niche to differentiate it from the already extensive roster of 50-ton 'Mechs currently available to the Inner Sphere. We have targeted this months change to better support it in executing this intended role.

• All variants have received a -10% Weapon Heat Gen Quirk.
• Existing Energy and Missile Heat Gen Quirks on the ON1-M and ON1-VA have been phased out with the rollover into the global Heat Gen Quirk listed above.

Orion Design Notes: With only average Mobility and a fairly low Engine cap, we want the Orion to be better able to sustain itself when it does commit to a fight and put its extensive amount of Armor attributes to good use.

• All variants have received a -10% Weapon Heat Gen Quirk.
• Existing Energy and Missile Heat Gen Quirks on the ZEU-6T, ZEU-9S, ZEU-9S2, and ZEU-SK have been phased out with the rollover into the global Heat Gen Quirk.

Zeus Design Notes: With an already extensive amount of weapon enhancements and the best Assault 'Mech Mobility for an Inner Sphere chassis, the current Zeus tuning is intended to leverage it as a primarily weapon support platform with a high amount of Mobility. We feel however that the generous Cooldown Qurks already present can sometimes work against it, as this can often lead to the 'Mech reaching its heat cap quickly without the ability to sustain its firepower. We want to provide it with the Heat Gen Quirk to better support its already existing Quirk list and keep it as a highly mobile weapon support platform.

Heavy Machine Gun
• Spread reduced to 1 (from 1.1)
• Range Increased to 100 (from 80)
• Max Range Increased to 200 (from 180)
• Crit Multiplier increased to 7 (from 6)

Clan Light Machine Gun
• Spread Increased to 0.7 (from 0.5)
• Crit Multiplier reduced to 8 (from 9)

Clan Machine Gun
• Spread Increased to 0.84 (from 0.6)
• Crit Multiplier reduced to 8 (from 9)

Clan Heavy Machine Gun
• Spread increased to 1.3 (from 1.1)
• Range Increased to 100 (from 80)
• Max Range increased to 200 (from 160)

Machine Gun Design Notes: These changes boil down to two things:

• General improvements for Heavy Machine Guns to bring them into better alignment with other Machine Gun types.
• A reduction in Clan Machine Gun secondary attribute effectiveness to better account for their lighter weight.

For Heavy Machine Guns we wanted to provide an across the board Range boost for both Factions, where the IS will be gaining a few additional enhancements to account for the heavier weight associated with their Faction's version of the weapons. For Clan Machine Guns we want them to carry the same general offensive punch as the IS variants per-weapon to play into the Faction's niche, but this needs to be balanced against the fact that their weapons come in at half the tonnage to their IS equivalents. For this pass, we are primarily targeting their spread values in a similar way to what we have done with Clan SRM launchers compared to their much heavier IS equivalents, but we have also slightly reduced the Critical damage multiplier to slightly reduce the speed at which mass Clan Machine Guns can strip an exposed locations components bare.

Clan ER Large Laser
Heat increased to 10.8 (from 10)
Cooldown increased to 4 (from 3.75)

Clan ER Large Laser Design Notes: Given the increased Range and Damage attributes associated with the Clan version of the ER Laser, we want to bring the general performance of the Clan ER Laser a bit closer in alignment with its Inner Sphere counterpart.

Pitchfork [Hellspawn Standing Item]: 750 MC

Wasp [Hellspawn Hanging Item]: 750 MC

Cauldron Warhorn [Hellspawn Mounted Item]: 750 MC

Demon Girl [Hellspawn Early Adopter Standing Item]: 750 MC

Hellspawn Standard Pack [and Collector Pack]

"The Demon"

Hellspawn Collector Pack

"The Nightmare"

These Titles and Badges are only available through their associated Packs. Collector Packs include the Titles and Badges from both the associated Standard and Collector Pack.

• Hell Eye
• Hell Fire

Atlas [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Atlas animation would occasionally appear to jump forward a bit while running.
Blackjack [all variants]: Fixed some clipping issues in the cockpit.
Cataphract [all variants]: Fixed an issue where destroying the LL would not trigger explosion particles.
Gargoyle [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the stub of destroyed arms would have incorrect hitbox coverage.
Jenner [all variants]: Tightened up hitboxes in the CT to reduce some exposure from the sides.
Jenner [all variants]: Fixed a gap in the CT hitbox.
Quickdraw [all variants]: Fixed an issue where vent geometry would not appear in LT when no weapons were equipped.
Quickdraw [QKD-4H]: Fixed an issue where a second NARC in the LT would appear to have 10 missile pods rather than 1.
MechWarrior Academy: Fixed an issue where the Captain Adams dialog could remain on screen after overheating and shutting down.
Mist Lynx [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Cockpit did not have a visible kill monitor.
Nova [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the LA was angled slightly inward.
Osiris [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Arms would not appear to move vertically in 1PV.
Raven [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Raven would sometimes flop around when destroyed.
Shadow Cat [SHC-P]: Fixed an issue where the vent geometry would not appear in LT when Ballistics were removed.
Spider [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Spider would sometimes spin around when destroyed.
Stalker [STK-3FB/(L)]: Fixed incorrect default thumbnail images.
Rubellite Oasis [F5]: Fixed an issue where 'Mechs could get stuck.
Rubellite Oasis [E5]: Fixed an issue where 'Mechs could get stuck.
Rubellite Oasis [Incursion Mode]: Moved a cell pickup from G8 to F7.
Rubellite Oasis [E5 and F6]: Cleaned up collisions on large structure supports.
Rubellite Oasis [E3]: Opened up a path.
Rubellite Oasis [F5]: Cleaned up collisions on top a structure.
Scouting: Fixed an issue where returning to an already retrieved Intel point would still trigger the capture sound.
UrbanMech [UM-K9]: Fixed an issue where a Flamer equipped in the LA had incorrect hitbox coverage.
UrbanMech [UM-K9]: Fixed an issue where Energy weapons in the CT had incorrect hitbox coverage.
Wolfhound [WLF-1A]: Fixed an issue where the RT second Energy slot was missing a mount.

Known Issues

Hellspawn [HSN-7P]: Base Mobility values are incorrect. This will be addressed in a hot-fix after the release of the patch.

Patch Files (Direct Download)

To make the patching process easier for players with limited download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s) that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way; the patching process itself will be the same.

This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.

How to use these patch files
• Download the above file(s)
• For sake of ease we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
• You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
• Launch the MWO Portal
• Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
• Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
• In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
• For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
• Click the blue Patch button
• The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch.
• Once the patch is complete, launch the game

#2 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 08:49 PM

Thanks for burning the midnight oil and getting these done.

Thank you for fixing the Nova's Left Arm finally.

Edited by Rampage, 11 December 2017 - 09:03 PM.

#3 YUyahoo


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:01 PM

Absolutely yes, thanks to the person who put in the overtime to get this out. A little disappointing to see ER larges get nerfed, aren't clan ER large already one of the worst performing lasers already?

#4 Jettrik Ryflix


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:09 PM

View PostYUyahoo, on 11 December 2017 - 09:01 PM, said:

Absolutely yes, thanks to the person who put in the overtime to get this out. A little disappointing to see ER larges get nerfed, aren't clan ER large already one of the worst performing lasers already?

You didn't watch the Tournament finals on Saturday, did you? :P

#5 Sereglach


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:12 PM

Nice to see machine guns getting attention. In fact, it's nice to see some weapon balance in general. Make sure we see this every patch, as 1 month intervals are more than enough time to make assessments and provide the few minor xml changes required to provide weapon balance.

Now, how about fixing Flamers and giving them the proper change of fixed flat values? 1.5-2.0 Heat DPS, 0.8-1.0 DPS, and 1.0 HPS seems like a solid place to start and balance from there. Russ said it was a conversation for another time . . . and now we're approaching the 2 year mark on that. The current convoluted mechanics (not properly explained anywhere in the game, either) ruined what was once at least a niche weapon, and it was all in the name of fixing an exploit that was known about for years but never addressed until one ill-advised change caused "Flamergeddon". Please. Lets address this finally and properly.

#6 Stf Sgt Marblez


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:17 PM

Novas left arm, Big Gimpin' (Atlas), and MLX kill counter? :D

Tiny taps, I like it. Ty

#7 Trenchbird


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:19 PM

Damn, I like the IS Mech buffs. Nice to see that for once.

#8 a frying pan to the CT


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:24 PM

Nice job. I've seen people on the forums complaining about the Nova arm angle and the Osiris arm animations with resignation that they would never be fixed, and then Boom! here you guys catch them. Thanks for fixing the captured beacons from emitting a sound, that annoyed me way more than it should have.

#9 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:31 PM

The demon girl is a bit modest for a demon, but still a nice cockpit item. I will wait and see how the Hellspawn performs before I get one though.

#10 MechaBattler


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:55 PM

10% range bonus on Uziels doesn't seem like enough imo. The only build I enjoy running on them is triple UAC2s. Because I'm special. The 10% heat reduction to all weapons the Orion got would have been a much better buff.

#11 W31rdWarrior


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 09:59 PM


• Atlas [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the Atlas animation would occasionally appear to jump forward a bit while running.
• Nova [all variants]: Fixed an issue where the LA was angled slightly inward.

I was waiting this fixes since loooong time!

Good for the HMGs changes

Oh, and about Orion, the -K variat, still have a SRM rack visual discrepancy.
The lower left shoulder missile rack, appear as an SRM6 launcher, even if I put a SRM2 or 4.

Edited by W31rdWarrior, 11 December 2017 - 11:33 PM.

#12 YUyahoo


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:01 PM

View PostJettrik Ryflix, on 11 December 2017 - 09:09 PM, said:

You didn't watch the Tournament finals on Saturday, did you? Posted Image

Oh I watched, but I dont believe how effectively the elite of the game use anything should be a basis upon which things are nerfed/buffed (I'm not saying it is but I'm just saying that the tournament should be used as criteria to balance the game)

#13 Dee Eight


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:27 PM

the clan MG nerfs are no doubt because of all the mlx-g action at mechcon...

#14 Irrelevant Mirror


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:32 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 11 December 2017 - 08:44 PM, said:

Clan Machine Gun
• Spread Increased to 0.84 (from 0.6)
• Crit Multiplier reduced to 8 (from 9)

"We havent released Piranha yet, but already nerfed it!" - PGI

#15 Gasoline


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:34 PM

Pretty nice adjustments to some older IS chassis! Also finally the Novas got their broken arms fixed, yay!

Another clan laser nerf? Was the Supernova overperforming? Posted Image

Oh hey, clan MG nerf just before the Piranha hits... who would have thought...

You know what's coming next... The Night Owl (Gyr) still handles like a 90t assault. Please, for god's sake give it it's mobility back already...

#16 Curccu


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:40 PM

View PostW31rdWarrior, on 11 December 2017 - 09:59 PM, said:

Good for the HMGs changes

Good for IS not so good for Clanners
Giving more range while increasing spread kinda makes that extra range irrelevant if you can't hit that freakkin' mech because of the larger cone.

#17 Appogee


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:47 PM

Some nice housekeeping in there, such as fixing the Nova gimpy arm, starting to bring the C-LMG down to something approaching better balance, and nerfing the the C-ERL a little.

Uziel however... needs torso armor buffs, not weapon range increases.

This patch has more than I expected, so thanks.

#18 SFC174


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:50 PM

I suppose it was too soon to expect some buffs to the Thanatos (it will get them, it's already disappeared from the battlefield), but I do appreciate the small adjustments rather than big buffs/nerfs in other areas.

#19 Jettrik Ryflix


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 10:53 PM

View PostYUyahoo, on 11 December 2017 - 10:01 PM, said:

Oh I watched, but I dont believe how effectively the elite of the game use anything should be a basis upon which things are nerfed/buffed (I'm not saying it is but I'm just saying that the tournament should be used as criteria to balance the game)

That's a fair argument. I would agree that the CERLL doesn't over-perform in pug queue. It's okay though, I prefer CERPPC anyway. :P

#20 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 11 December 2017 - 11:06 PM

View PostSFC174, on 11 December 2017 - 10:50 PM, said:

I suppose it was too soon to expect some buffs to the Thanatos (it will get them, it's already disappeared from the battlefield), but I do appreciate the small adjustments rather than big buffs/nerfs in other areas.

Agreed, constant small adjustments are the way to go, massive overhauls just creates panic at the disco, till players get in game and actually play it. (In before somebody crying about small pulse lasers, they needed a nerf and you know it)
Really didn't expect the Nova fix, so super happy with it, overall a very very good patch. Thanks Guys.

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