Nema Nabojiv, on 29 December 2017 - 04:16 AM, said:
Now as you see, not everyone agrees on their attitude being pathetic.
In fact what they did? They dropped solo, some probably with bad decks. If they were matched against the same pug team everyone would have a fun game.
Instead they were matched against you with no chance of winning, and arguably, no chance of getting their matchscores so they decided to quit. Well its their choice and right to play or not to play.
It is their choice to break CoC or not, and
they broke it. Which means they deserved their reports and shaming.
Tarl Cabot, on 29 December 2017 - 04:11 AM, said:
As you mentioned, you didnt care you were there to get your unit their FP match scores, which you succeeded in and still was able to kill 20 of them. Question, was the first wave or two mostly linebacker or was the selection different due to the map/mode? Of yesterday, or even the last few days, how many FP has there been that were actual nailbiters, where the final match score was not 48vs20ish or less, etc?
I am on the fence here, even though I would likely have been one of the ones who would not have ejected. And after this event most of those players will not touch FP again, at least not until the next event then it is back to almost being a ghost town.
As for their behavior, it is against the CoC more against their own teammate(s) than you, the enemy. Of course one setup would be that the eject button can not be utilize until mech has reached a certain percentage and/or no weapons can be fired, either to be destroyed or run out of ammo. Would suck though for those who exit the base out the wrong gate with the enemy coming through the another gate
... That is the quicker patch PGI may be willing to work on because they certainly haven't really touched anything else.
I wasn't in that drop so I dunno the drop decks of our team. However it is just as likely that we went Linebackers first, as we went sniper first, in FC map.
You have to realise that (MS) do not mess around--we always plan our drop decks against full 12-man premades. Cause MM doesn't tell us who we are fighting in the drop, beforehand.
As for pugs not touching FP post event, and turning it into Ghost Town, that's mostly
their fault.
They refused to play by the rules,
they refused to get organized,
they refused to "git gut". On the other hand, units such as our (MS) constantly stay active in FP, dropping up to three dropships full of unit members during weekends, keeping FP running everyday during prime time, giving the other units actual opposition to fight against instead of ghost drops, helping smaller units to drop with us for full team experience, inviting and training players who are interested in organized FP, and
we are the bad guys? I don't think so!
Edited by El Bandito, 29 December 2017 - 04:45 AM.