Metus regem, on 07 February 2018 - 10:21 AM, said:
True, but you missed the other part of that, FP is still half-baked and half-arsed with poor support and implementation on PGI's part. I want to see them actually do something all the way through. Like a total revamp on info war that makes sense, give scout mechs an actual reason to be taken over direct combat units... you know role warfare...
Yes, FP is still half-baked and half-arsed because that attempt to fully bake FP was just hilariously terrible and defying common sense that killed the FP population, as I explained above.
If that stupid Long Tom was good idea, you bet FP would had been far more complete and well-made because people would had played more, thus giving the justification for PGI to keep investing on FP.
But Long Tom and other ideas were garbage fire.
But they did stick to it and tried to push the 'update', for 10 months.
And the players responded by simply stoping playing the game. So PGI rolled back the update and we ended up back to square one.... well, except the loss of about 90% of FP population.
"Stick and push" advice is only valid when a person or an organization did enough research on the plan they are trying to push. Without it, it is nothing more than hugging oil barrel and jump into fire.
Which PGI did, repeatedly.
Skill Tree, Mech Rescaling, balance changes, FP 3.0..... the history of this game is filled with PGI being "pick a direction and stick to it". And the consequences were not pretty every single time. By asking PGI to stick to its plan, you are literally asking PGI to do same thing as they did before.