Khobai, on 08 February 2018 - 08:39 PM, said:
I explained why. Because we dont need to go back to that period of time where clan mechs were doing 45 damage from halfway across the map. The PPFLD sniping meta was toxic.
And I also want to nerf gauss/laser and laser vomit.
so using broken examples of gauss/laser or laser vomit as justification for why broken PPC/Gauss combos should be restored is ridiculous.
neither should exist.
Why should we all be forced to brawl and lurm?Because some people will never be able to aim? Why cant we have multiple playstyles with hard counters like we used too. PPFLD is very easy to counter.
This is a PVP shooter, while yes many lose thier matches in the mechlab, What really happens is the guy who makes a mistake 1st loses and deserves to. Because he made a mistake. Learn and re queue.