Darian DelFord, on 16 March 2018 - 07:45 PM, said:
Ya know I was looking at Jarl's list earlier to prove a point against you, however I have come to the conclusion that those stats are wrong. The reason being is since this games inception I have almost 2k drops just in my Jenners alone. So you will have to understand me here when I take his list with a bit of salt.
So with that said.... What are you trying to prove? I have never played an assault? Also not true. I have close to 500 in my Founders Atlas. Now I will give you I am no expert on the assault the way I am on lights. However what was your point again?
My point is you tell me to go jump in a light as see how hard it is...
Yet you haven't been in an assault as of recent on the receiving end of 4-6 piranhas a game insta killing stuff.
My personal opinion it's easier to play and light if you respect the fact that you have to use hit and run tactics. Sure sometimes you get that one blast from across the map that kills you. I get it that sucks.
Hear me out. I'll make a point about the difference between an assault pilot and light.
I constantly have to watch and monitor the enemy movement, my teams movement, while trying to not be left behind, and while also trying to not run into or get ran into by the enemy team. I make one mistake in judgement of where I should position and fight and where to fall back (what little I can actually fall back) at. All my stats are in group queue with just 1-2 friends that still will play this game with me.
Light pilot you have speed the ability to pretty much be where you need to be when you want to be.Sure there is thinking involved but a lot more room for error, and I say this because, lets say, you see the whole enemy team around the corner. What do you do? You run back to your team. What do I do. Well i have to accept my fate and try to fight or hope they didn't see me and 52.3kph my slow *** back to my team if I can. (Let me tell you in the level we play at you and I know they saw me and you and I know I have to fight what I can hoping my team is nascaring behind them soon.)
Lights are spur of the moment mechs that will punish you if you challenge the wrong foe the wrong way.
Assaults are the methodical thinkers that have to plan out their path. Make the wrong judgement get picked off.
I'm not calling either of our ability to play in question here and I never have. We both are positive. As an experienced and good assault pilot I can verify some of these claims are out of their hands and that is not good game design. I've adapted to all these constant nerfs and it has effected me very little, but enough that when it does happen, I don't want to touch this game for months.It's just getting old.
These MG's are the issue and need to be adjusted. Im not attacking lights per say. I am however bringing up past issues that have lead us here. A lot of these face humping tactics would not be viable if the stop when running into bigger objects was in the game. Im not asking for knockdowns again. I know and understand their removal due to griefing. But many of these half added systems are adding up.
Edited by Imperius, 16 March 2018 - 08:33 PM.