Krivvan, on 17 March 2018 - 03:09 AM, said:
One of the points of the game is that a Light mech can counter an Assault. It's not always a case of heavier == inherently better. That's a good thing.
Hi, perhaps my statements for dramatic effect are being picked apart. First off, I love playing certain lights, for example my Commandos, ECM Spider, Firestarters, and Urbies... especially my Urbies, are a lot of fun. With only 4 MGs I can do a lot of damage with an Urbie or Firestarter. But when you tilt the boating so far with a 12 MG clan mech with a clan xl, then I think the game suffers... and as I've pointed out -- and others have pointed out -- its the leghumping tactic, where the light disappears from view in FRONT of you that is in my view an exploit, and not due to the fantastic piloting of a light mech to "rock paper scissors" an assault.
If you want to dance around and avoid fire in a light while returning it and hitting me in the back that's fair game... I can respect that. Even the sneak attack/back stab is acceptable gameplay and a valid tactic. Leghumping while blasting 12 MGs? No, that's just an exploit of the game not allowing the cockpit view to go down far enough (or allow transparent cockpit floor like some games did to solve such situations) and giving 1 mech/weapon combo crazy DPS with no heat and massive CRIT ability.
So for the record, and final time: Lights are OK and a valid part of the game. Leghumping with a light, especially with 12 MGs, shouldn't be a valid part of the game.
I feel like a lot of the people complaining on this thread are light pilots that enjoy piloting lights and even taking advantage of some the games quirks (bad hitreg, no knockdowns, little collision damage) that really benefit lights... if you look at it objectively I think you can see the game could use some improvements, but THAT might require a light pilot's SKILL level to increase dramatically.
Edited by Gaussfather, 17 March 2018 - 02:26 PM.