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Countdown To Release: Fafnir April 17Th

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#61 Mercarryn


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 03:29 AM

View PostNightbird, on 12 April 2018 - 03:25 PM, said:

The Fafnir should be Longer than it is Wide, yet PGI made it Wider than it is Long.

Compared to the Annihilator, much worse hitboxes and quirks.

I sent in my refund request, prove me wrong on the battlefield warriors!

View Postmeteorol, on 12 April 2018 - 07:46 PM, said:

Welp. As predicted they did it again. Worse armor quirks than the anni on the mech with literally the worst hitboxes in the game.
Worse quirks for the interesting variants all around. GG. Strictly inferior mech. Not only that, but those hitboxes combined with the quirks you gave it (or more precisely, didn't give it), makes it literally the worst among the dual HG assaults.

You made the most iconic dual heavy gauss mech the worst of the dual heavy gauss assaults. think about that for a second. gg.

Glad i didn't preorder, safed me the refund. Now those 20 $ go elsewhere.

Haven`t preordered the Fafnir, because I own the Annihilator already and I am satisfied with the latter one.
Nontheless I cannot really unterstand the complains BEFORE the Fafnir has even entered the field. Actually I am quite surprised that the armor quirks for the Fafnir are that huge!

Yes, it has some big side torsos, but tbh, until I see a scaling comparison between Fafnir and Annihilator, I think those armor quirks are allright (or a bit too much), because unlike the Anni, the Fafnir has:
  • Maximum engine rating of 325
  • ECM, which makes it less vulnerable to LRM fire
  • Most arm and torso hard points on cockpit level or only slightly beneath, which let`s it be a nice hill humping mech.
The Fafnir in MWO will not be able to tank as much damage as an Annihilator, but rather be a mid range sniper. People should seriously keep this in mind before they start complaining because their precious little toy got wrecked when facetanking an Annihilator.

Edited by Mercarryn, 13 April 2018 - 03:30 AM.

#62 Leviathan MDK


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 03:59 AM

View PostMercarryn, on 13 April 2018 - 03:29 AM, said:

Haven`t preordered the Fafnir, because I own the Annihilator already and I am satisfied with the latter one.
Nontheless I cannot really unterstand the complains BEFORE the Fafnir has even entered the field. Actually I am quite surprised that the armor quirks for the Fafnir are that huge!

Yes, it has some big side torsos, but tbh, until I see a scaling comparison between Fafnir and Annihilator, I think those armor quirks are allright (or a bit too much), because unlike the Anni, the Fafnir has:
  • Maximum engine rating of 325
  • ECM, which makes it less vulnerable to LRM fire
  • Most arm and torso hard points on cockpit level or only slightly beneath, which let`s it be a nice hill humping mech.
The Fafnir in MWO will not be able to tank as much damage as an Annihilator, but rather be a mid range sniper. People should seriously keep this in mind before they start complaining because their precious little toy got wrecked when facetanking an Annihilator.

Agreed. The biggest poblem my anh x1 faces are lrms/atms since you are to big to hide and to slow to take cover. With the ecm you preserve more armor and it lowers the chance to be snift out by lights. A scale comarison with the annie and kodiak would say alot about the size and hitboxes

#63 GemeinWie10


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 04:08 AM

plz pgi, give it more armor quirks! these are just a joke.

#64 meteorol


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 05:46 AM

View PostMercarryn, on 13 April 2018 - 03:29 AM, said:

Haven`t preordered the Fafnir, because I own the Annihilator already and I am satisfied with the latter one.
Nontheless I cannot really unterstand the complains BEFORE the Fafnir has even entered the field. Actually I am quite surprised that the armor quirks for the Fafnir are that huge!

Yes, it has some big side torsos, but tbh, until I see a scaling comparison between Fafnir and Annihilator, I think those armor quirks are allright (or a bit too much), because unlike the Anni, the Fafnir has:
  • Maximum engine rating of 325
  • ECM, which makes it less vulnerable to LRM fire
  • Most arm and torso hard points on cockpit level or only slightly beneath, which let`s it be a nice hill humping mech.
The Fafnir in MWO will not be able to tank as much damage as an Annihilator, but rather be a mid range sniper. People should seriously keep this in mind before they start complaining because their precious little toy got wrecked when facetanking an Annihilator.

Yeah, good luck hillhumping with a 8 accel/ 11 decel mech. Will eat a shitton with every poke, even if you backpaddle before crossing the ridge. Hint: 100t mobility is utterly, utterly terrible for hill humping. Those nice shield arm? Cool stuff on 60 twist speed and those gigantic side torso. Try to hill hump in a KDK-3 a bit nowadays and see how well that works out compared to hulksmashing things with an ANH. It's strictly worse.

ECM will have close to no impact on the top end of the mechs performance, because lrms are utter **** and irrelevant to judging how good a mech will be, because they one can easily circumvent them on like 9/10 maps.

325 engine is almost irrelevant aswell, provides like 4 kph which is negligible and most builds wont even utilize it because of weight issues.

At the end of the day, the Fafnir trades higher mounts against what will be some of the worst hitboxes in the game, less hardpoints, worse quirks. Which is not a good tradeoff. I'm not asking for a mech that can facetank an ANH. I'm asking for a mech that justifies using it over an ANH, ever. Which i currently can't see the Fafnir doing, so no money from me.

Edited by meteorol, 13 April 2018 - 05:48 AM.

#65 CygnusX7


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 06:00 AM

Be great if all that extra mech surrounding the gauss rifles offered up more protection. All I see is big hit boxes.

#66 Leviathan MDK


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 06:11 AM

As a lurmer with a snv a lrm40a i can utterly disagree. A have solo killed scores of 100t assaults with long range fire. But maybe 1 or 2 mad-iic with ecm. Not that you don't see them but because i cant lock on. Lrms have a rol and are a factor witch determin the end result of a match.
Again, it depends on the team you play with, in know i am repeating myself here, as always no matter what mech you play with.
Teamwork is OP.

Edited by Leviathan MDK, 13 April 2018 - 08:21 AM.

#67 Morggo


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 06:26 AM

YAY! with all the people refunding before even trying it out, I won't have long queue lines to try mine out. Thanks all! :)

#68 Nightbird


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 07:16 AM

View PostMorggo, on 13 April 2018 - 06:26 AM, said:

YAY! with all the people refunding before even trying it out, I won't have long queue lines to try mine out. Thanks all! :)

You're welcome. You have to refund before trying it out though, you can't refund after. PGI policy. I've little choice on the matter. I have 3 packs I waited to 'try out' and regretted it.

If PGI had a policy of refunding the first week, I would try out every pack and keep the ones I like.

Edited by Nightbird, 13 April 2018 - 07:17 AM.

#69 Koniving

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Posted 13 April 2018 - 07:51 AM

With how thick the legs appear to be, unless this thing is unusually short... those legs might as well be Light Mechs, each.

You'd think the base armor quirks would be on the legs.

#70 Arkhangel


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 08:33 AM

View PostMorggo, on 13 April 2018 - 06:26 AM, said:

YAY! with all the people refunding before even trying it out, I won't have long queue lines to try mine out. Thanks all! Posted Image

I know, right? so many people pre-judging a mech before they even pilot it. mean, hell, 80% of the commonly used mechs right now for both IS and Clans were pronounced "DOA" when they showed up. even the Battlemaster. and yet they perform just fine in the hands of a pilot who actually bothered to take the time to pilot them, rather than assuming it sucks just because they're incompetent pilots who don't bother to adapt to a mech, which is why they stay incompetent pilots. I've heard people bash the Quickdraw, Dragon, Thanatos, Annihilator, Treb, Vindicator, Victor, etc, yet i've seen people who pilot them utterly massacre people in the so called "meta" stuff pretty much every time. I've done it myself in them. it's knowing the Mech, knowing its hardpoint locations, how best to fit it due to that, and playing to the design's strengths, I.E. the Victor, Dragon and Quickdraw's excellent mobility, the Vindi's spectacular PPC bonus,etc.,

#71 leony


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 08:38 AM

Well, too late for me that I already bought the Fafnir. I'll try long range weapons to make some damage before I die. Ah never forget to ask for help before the Piranhas come to eat your a.. Posted Image

Edited by leony, 13 April 2018 - 09:44 AM.

#72 Manei Domini Krigg


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 08:47 AM


Hand actuators:
NIGHTSTAR - yes 2 (absolutely useless)

Weapon quirks
FAFNIR - yes
NIGHTSTAR - no (almost)

Armor or structure quirks
FAFNIR - yes

And main question - WTF?

#73 Nightbird


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 09:13 AM

View PostManei Domini Krigg, on 13 April 2018 - 08:47 AM, said:

And main question - WTF?

Are you asking why NS is underquirked?

#74 Nema Nabojiv


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 09:37 AM

Well, quirks are not bad. I'll wait till I see its actual size, and then I probably buy them.

#75 GBxGhostRyder


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 10:06 AM

View PostBig Tin Man, on 12 April 2018 - 12:12 PM, said:

Can we get a 'THIC THIGHS SAVE LIVES' decal?

HAHAHA to funny the Fafnir is going to look like a slow moving DeathStar rising over a hilltop then (POW) its going to die like so quick heck all those players with twin gauss rifles and erls are going to have a field day every time they see one.

#76 DFM


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 10:17 AM

How about a "Down with the Thiccness" warhorn?

#77 Arkhangel


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 10:38 AM

View PostNightbird, on 13 April 2018 - 09:13 AM, said:

Are you asking why NS is underquirked?

if he is, it's because the NS isn't a walking barn door and is actually reasonably mobile as well. it actually works best with small-to-mid-sized ACs, at least for me, particularly RACs.

#78 Gladiolix


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 10:59 AM

Its actually quite funny that people are so fixed on the numbers and expectations. I guarantee people with actual skill can and will make this mech work wonders. It seems now its a worse version of Anni, and propably it is, but to call it total **** tells me more of the player saying that than the mech.

#79 GBxGhostRyder


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 12:41 PM

View PostGladiolix, on 13 April 2018 - 10:59 AM, said:

Its actually quite funny that people are so fixed on the numbers and expectations. I guarantee people with actual skill can and will make this mech work wonders. It seems now its a worse version of Anni, and propably it is, but to call it total **** tells me more of the player saying that than the mech.

NAAAAAA man you got it all wrong we all just having some fun in fact the Fafnir and the flea in Mechwarrior4 were real challenges to pilot and just stay alive long enough to enjoy that hot cup of coco as your on autopilot trying to get to the front of the battle at 40KPH in your reclining bucket seats and ornate cup holders.

And the flea was so sparsely armored one good hit with 1 medium laser would leg it.Posted Image

#80 Captain Grayson Lighthorse


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Posted 13 April 2018 - 01:11 PM

View PostMercarryn, on 13 April 2018 - 03:29 AM, said:

Haven`t preordered the Fafnir, because I own the Annihilator already and I am satisfied with the latter one.
Nontheless I cannot really unterstand the complains BEFORE the Fafnir has even entered the field. Actually I am quite surprised that the armor quirks for the Fafnir are that huge!

Yes, it has some big side torsos, but tbh, until I see a scaling comparison between Fafnir and Annihilator, I think those armor quirks are allright (or a bit too much), because unlike the Anni, the Fafnir has:
  • Maximum engine rating of 325
  • ECM, which makes it less vulnerable to LRM fire
  • Most arm and torso hard points on cockpit level or only slightly beneath, which let`s it be a nice hill humping mech.
The Fafnir in MWO will not be able to tank as much damage as an Annihilator, but rather be a mid range sniper. People should seriously keep this in mind before they start complaining because their precious little toy got wrecked when face tanking an Annihilator.

People are complaining BEFORE the Fafnir has entered the field because of PGI's constant, continuous, never ending desire to make all new 'Mechs and weapons injected into the game weak and inferior instead of the great 'Mechs they are in lore.

This Fafnir is a perfect example. Not enough weapon hardpoints (especially energy), not enough armor, and too low of an engine cap to give it any variety in different roles.

A 325 engine in a 100 ton 'Mech is just barely adequate, and can't even keep up with the nascar races in MWO games.

PGI has nerfed both ECM AND AMS to the point of being nearly useless to carry on a light or medium 'Mech, let alone on a 100 ton slow moving monster like the Fafnir.

You don't hill-hump in a 100 ton 'Mech unless you have a death wish; not even an AS7-BH or Kodiak with a 400XL engine. They do not have the accel/decel to effectively hill-hump. This is a trick for lights and mediums. If a 'Mech the size of a Fafnir with the movement attributes it has pokes its head over a ridge it's gonna take a crap ton of damage before it can get back to cover, and most likely dead.

The Fafnir is supposed to be the meanest, baddest, -->B-R-A-W-L-I-N-G<-- 'Mech walking. And in fact the ONLY one that SHOULD be able to face-tank an Annihilator and win! But not the way it's configured and armored here. It does not have the armor or the firepower to do so. What we "complainers" want, is for PGI to make this 'Mech what it is supposed to be BEFORE it drops. So those of us that have chosen to plank down real money for this "monster" battlemech to get what we paid for!

Edited by Captain Grayson Lighthorse, 13 April 2018 - 01:13 PM.

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