Tarogato, on 13 June 2018 - 09:26 PM, said:
The advantages of IS weapons (shorter duration, faster cooldown, tighter spread, higher crit multipliers, more frontload) are balanced around a gameplay environment where the best IS engine is also the most fragile. You take away that fragility and it's unadulterated powercreep. Like I said, you'd need absolutely massive penalties to prevent that, and even then most people would easily agree that it would still be a better option than anything we have available now.
When you make a change that powercreeps your baseline, you need to reevaluate your status quo and offset that powercreep.
All of this is offsetted by clan weapons having longer durations, slower cooldowns, larger spread, and less frontload.
Really? When isXL were introduced it was associated with TT rules of 3 engine crits and mech is out. Then Clans were introduced w/cXL which had no penalties to start with except the need to lose both side torsos. It was SEVERAL months before PGI even added the heat penalty, then a year later before the movement penalty.
So you are saying that SIMPLY if a IS mech with an isXL will NOT DIE w/loss of the first side torso, it unadulterated powercreep. ./chuckles.... again, because the IS mech would not die with the loss of a SIDE torso, it would take either the cockpit, both legs, center torso (same across all engines) or both side torsos for LFE/CLAN XL, currently.
Lights, mediums and heavies would benefit the most, with the difference being top speed and one or two better weapons. For assaults only a few would benefit and that would the be energy focused mechs with a few KPH speed and an extra DHS or two, or the ability to equip a ballistic + others without dropping to 50 KPH. Most of the other assaults are lucky they are able to equip LFE, primarily due to ALL OTHER IS components taking up more space than their Clan counterparts.
So no, your counter argument doesn't hold much water at all, in an environment that is completely different from the boardgame. Dice is not being used here, nor is there a functional engine crit system in place, something PGI kept noting every time they APOLOGIZED for adding NON-LETHAL penalties when a cXL loss a side torso.
It does not really matter though, PGI does not know what they want to do with the engine issue so they are playing it safe (chuckles) and sticking to only PART of the ruleset while continuing ignoring the rest of it.
/shots time!!!!!!!