justcallme A S H, on 24 June 2018 - 06:25 PM, said:
Just because a 2-man comprising of someone and yourself wouldn't (And there I 100% agree with you).
However that does not mean for a second that it's not going to happen when there are actually solid players in a 2-man, who will just wipe the floor. It will happen because I do it now in GroupQ if I play with any number of people I have on my friends list.
Honestly yes it would. It doesn't take a 1%er to swing the match significantly.
2mans in pug queue are doubling their control of their teams skill level. You are 100% certain to have a useful teammate each match. Just like in FW with whatever the largest team in a drop is (or even GQ most the time) the 2man will have a significantly better ability to give directions that will be listened to by the puggles.
Beyond which the presence of a 2man dilutes the impact of the pugs on their team - the 2man is now the core of the drop around which the pugs are built if you're going to have a 2man on each team.
Anyone who doesn't understand WHY this is significant is fooling themselves.
EMP would gain way more for the mythical 'stat padding' from being able to drop a 2man in QP than they do in group queue anyway. The whole argument swings between the blatantly dishonest ('Oh it's, err, just for wait times. No, I don't want to consider any other solution' or the amazing 'Oh, big groups in group queue or any groups in FW are broken and unfair to pugs, but this is magically totes okay' and everyones favorite 'think of the children! Err, new players! Yes, the reason we don't have new players is no 2mans in QP. Please ignore that the biggest influx of players that stayed was when NPE was way worse than now. THIS IS ABOUT THE GOOD OF THE CHILDREN YOU MONSTER!') and insanely selfish ('Yes but I lose in GQ all the time, if I can play in a group vs pugs it'll be more "fun", by which I mean I'll win more while still being bad at the game. If you don't change the game to let me play with an advantage then everyone will quit and MWO will fail completely and I'll hold my breath until I turn blue and you'll RUE THE DAY!')
2mans are the majority of drops in GQ. PGI has said so - repeatedly. 2mans win all the time; it's statistically impossible for 2mans to be the majority of drops and to paradoxically lose the majority of matches. The reality is that
bad players lose the majority of their drops in any queue. Part of being bad and staying bad is trying to justify how being bad isn't your fault but everyone elses and everything and everyone else needs to change so you win more without having to improve.
Which is what makes this thread so funny. It's people trying to get the game changed to give them an advantage for selfish reasons - ironic as that good players (who know how stupid the idea is) would benefit the most from it.