Wil McCullough, on 17 June 2018 - 07:04 PM, said:
But this is not a solution for you because the actual problem you're having and don't want to admit, is somewhat different. The actual problem is that you're playing in group queue, getting stomped and you're sick of it.
Let me rephrase it for you:
"This is not a solution for you, because the actual problem you're having (and we do not seem to understand) is somewhat different and would not be solved by moving from the full game to a limited experience of 2vs2 gameplay. The actual problem is that the group queue is heavily skewed against small casual groups and is simply not fun to play as you will be stomped by larger, organized teams 9 out of 10 times, with the 10th time a large, organized team on your side carrying you to victory."
You simply make no difference as a casual in a game of two large groups of organized players... at best, if they make the effort to coordinate via the public VOIP, you can contribute somewhat to their efforts, but it is their game and you are just a prop in.
As for the solaris duos, that's another one of those non-arguments. Playing competitive 2v2 is about as far from playing casual 12v12 as it can get. Nevermind the fact, that you are once again telling casual players to go play competitively if they want to play with a friend, but also completely disregard the differences between the game modes.
The rest of your assumption filled BS is just that.. insulting assumptions how I want a change to become more competitive. It would be nice if you could stop that, but since I am not even sure you understand how such words can hurt someone who is otherwise a selfless team player, I'll just call your words out for what the are and leave it at that.
Also find it quite interesting, that far more successful games, like world of tanks - being maybe the closest relative to MWO - have no problem allowing groups of people into solo queues. If you think they do not have clubbers who go out of their way to pad stats against weaker players, then you must be very new to the internet. Still. playing there is fun, as MOST games you feel like you can contribute to the match be solo or in a small group. The few lopsided matches against very good players are easily forgotten because the overall experience is okay.
What you and your kind is saying essentially boils down to this: we should not change the system, because it could potentially be bad some of the time. Guess what.. it already is. 50% of the matches I play in solo, I end up with a team that has no communication and is running around like headless chicken. I just see no reason or argument for how that would be made worse by the inclusion of a single small premade group on each team.
Chortles, on 17 June 2018 - 07:24 PM, said:
One side can prove what will happen because it has already happened before.
BS.. It has not happened before, as what we are talking about today has nothing to do with the grouping mechanisms of old. I was here, I have played during those days and I am truly sick of people contorting / twisting facts and past events to suit their own agenda.