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Alpha Balance Public Test Session Next Week Friday, July 13Th

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#221 Haazheel IIC


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 10:58 PM

This clan nerfing is so depressing PGI...i have a IS only account to see over the fense. I compare both sides but dont understand why you nerf clan all the time, IS mechs mostly perform better, get new weapons, armor quirks but yet you nerf clan all the time. Why? Ahh becuase you can throw away the metas and need to spend time and money for the grind for new builds..i understand! PGI this sucks!

#222 tee5


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 11:22 PM

View PostLances107, on 07 July 2018 - 11:33 AM, said:

Wait there is a Wrath out there that can do 100 damage alpha? Why is that not a problem on IS side and needs to be balanced out?

Ok it is not pin point damage, but the burn time of Clan lasers are sooooo long that only very very good pilots can make it pin point damage.

By the way I "improved" your build. Now the Wrath can even do 108,6 damage alpha. Since ALPHA is the only variable PGI seems to know. They never heard of HEAT, BURN DURATION, COOLDOWN etc.


wait wait


the 140 damage Wrath.

Edited by tee5, 07 July 2018 - 11:48 PM.

#223 Marius Evander


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 11:50 PM

What about the 270 ?? alpha Archer with 9 rocket launchers .... OP!

#224 Y E O N N E


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 12:04 AM

View PostCadoazreal, on 07 July 2018 - 11:50 PM, said:

What about the 270 ?? alpha Archer with 9 rocket launchers .... OP!

Bruh, those already got nerfed.

#225 Ninjah


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 12:53 AM

Killing a game that's already one foot in the grave eh? Please go ahead, finish it. Clan weapon system already suck so hard we all switched to Narc/LRM meta. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. Typical damage in LRM60 Warhawk per game is 1200+. You should be nerfing LRMs not Lasers, UACs, Gauss... You honestly have no clue what are you doing.


Here's a thought: It takes 3 seconds to kill a fresh Atlas with 5 LRM60 meta mechs in Faction Play. So 5 of us take LRM60 mechs, 1 takes a Narcer and we wipe them all in 10 minutes. Focused mech has 2-3 seconds to live and doesn't even get to fire a single shot. You call that balance??



Imaginary case of HBR vs Mauler. HBR has 2 heavy lasers and 4 er mediums, Mauler has AC2s. So HBR can fire once and the shake from AC2s makes the damage (which is huge on paper) spread all over. That takes HBRs heat up to 60%. While it cools down to 40% to fire again it's dead or missing most of the parts. Mauler barely got any significant damage. What are we talking about here? IS has more armor, a lot more DPS, more structure, more everything!

3. Imagine you have 4 UACs. 2 jam instantly, other 2 fire 2 times and jam while the other two didn't unjam yet. Bang, you're dead in 2 seconds and feel like an idiot for putting those damn UACs and never use them again. Then you go laser vomit or LRM meta.

At this point I have to ask: Have you gone completely mad? Any sanity left there?

Edited by Ninjah, 08 July 2018 - 02:28 AM.



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Posted 08 July 2018 - 02:30 AM

Why don't you just delete the Clans from this game? Much easier than constanly nerfing. Sick and tired of all of this, let the IS fight themselves, and you will be fine.

What's the point of all of this, you want to make Clan mechs equal to IS ones?? Then what's the difference? Nice design, huh?

#227 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 02:34 AM

View PostNinjah, on 08 July 2018 - 12:53 AM, said:

Killing a game that's already one foot in the grave eh? Please go ahead, finish it. Clan weapon system already suck so hard we all switched to Narc/LRM meta. If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. Typical damage in LRM60 Warhawk per game is 1200+. You should be nerfing LRMs not Lasers, UACs, Gauss... You honestly have no clue what are you doing.

They even buffed the LRMs, only god knows why. If you like the Warhawk, try the LRM80 Supernova, 2.000+ damage in FP.

View PostNinjah, on 08 July 2018 - 12:53 AM, said:

At this point I have to ask: Have you gone completely mad? Any sanity left there?

I honestly don´t even ask anymore.

#228 Arkangeln 01


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 02:40 AM

No podíamos esperar nada mejor ..... Cómo han dicho ya, este juego tiene un pie metido en la tumba, seguir así y lo terminaría de matar

#229 f2pTrash


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 03:14 AM

Funny how clan weapons has slowly become more and more identical to their IS counterparts over the years. The sad thing about it is that we get even less variety in play styles. I still play the game every now and then but I'm honestly just waiting for PGI to screw the lore and design completly new weapons, focused on fun. Not just ballistics with different firerates, or lasers with higher or lower durations.
Soooo, I guess what I'm saying is that in my opinion the gameplay hit rock bottom.

But that only leaves room for improvment. Good luck PGI, I hope you try your best. Posted Image

Edited by f2pTrash, 08 July 2018 - 03:14 AM.

#230 xe N on


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 03:40 AM

View PostNinjah, on 08 July 2018 - 12:53 AM, said:

Imaginary case of HBR vs Mauler. HBR has 2 heavy lasers and 4 er mediums, Mauler has AC2s. So HBR can fire once and the shake from AC2s makes the damage (which is huge on paper) spread all over. That takes HBRs heat up to 60%. While it cools down to 40% to fire again it's dead or missing most of the parts. Mauler barely got any significant damage. What are we talking about here? IS has more armor, a lot more DPS, more structure, more everything!

Are you really comparing a 90 ton mech vs. a 65 ton mech in a situation where both a set against without any surroundings?

What about a 30 ton Urban mech against a 100 ton KDK-3. It's so unfair that the KDK-3 will wipe the floor with the urban mech! Nerf clans??! Posted Image

And are you really crying about LRMs? It that meant ironical? Maybe I get you wrong?

Edited by xe N on, 08 July 2018 - 03:42 AM.

#231 Dran Dragore


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 04:25 AM

i dont understand why PGI dont get any wisdom made in the past: for example take the Clan Small Pulse laser. This weapon was once a good weapon for extreme close Brawl. Good damage for a reasonable price in tonnage. Small Heat for good damage in ultra short range. Usable in for example Gargoyles.

Then came PGI and nerf them to the ground. Now i dont see any serious builds with the Small Pulser. This will also happen with the rest of the Clan Lasers when this drops in. Sad :(

#232 Tordin


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 04:53 AM

This is hilarious.. In a bad way. Usually I try to stay open minded about PGI *cough* balance passes, but this is just baffling.
Making clan weapons even closer to IS weapon stats, especially dmg... WHY? There are other ways to balance it. Duration, heat and blahblah. Or is this a foreshadowing that you will nerf, say the laser dmg across the board for the IS? So clan lasers will seeeem better again? Im an IS loyalist but have a ton of clan mechs aswell, to get a perspective on such balance passes. And oh dear, oh dear.

Dont you get it balance lords? Im not sure if I get it all myself but, nerfing weapons across the boards to curb overperforming chassi is nonsense, it will hurt those mechs that are dependent on those weapons. Like oh I dont know... Light mechs! Nerf the particular chassi instead and try to not make it illogical. Those poor small lasers. And arent heavy lasers supposed to do massive damage at the cost of heat and duration/ cooldown?

I had plans to use some of my vacation to enjoy mwo, but the interest are not there, so a double vacation from this game for a while my recharge my interest ( no you cant have my stuff! ).
And such news arent helping. Because world forbids why you dont use great ideas fro mthe community, that document thingy someone made weeks ago?
Most of them make sense. Give them credit for that.
Oooor are you afraid of the ultracomp players threathening to ditch the MWO championship if they cant have their way with comfort meta? I could theorize and speculate all day, oh well.
Gonna stalk the reddits grey sea and this brown sea and spectate the salt and bitterness war spill. Its sad to see but well kinda entertaining Posted Image

#233 Bud Crue


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 05:01 AM

Late to the party. Whatever, PGI isn't listening anyway so who cares what we have to say...I mean, c'mon Chris, you give us two options to consider (recoil and a nerf to clan energy damage) and then come back with a PTS and assert that what you wanted is what player feed back demanded?! Wow, that's not only dishonest but transparently so. I mean we can go look at the original thread for chrisake. Who do you think you are fooling here?

But again, whatever.

You are going to shove the nerfs that few want down our throat, this PTS is just a way to give even more pathetic cover for when you pull the extent of the nerfs back a little and say it was due to further player feedback from the PTS.

Just ****ing do it and be done and save us all the trouble OK?

We know the history. We have heard you and Paul and Russ all carry on about a need for increased TTK (in your warped view of the game you run but somehow STILL don't understand). We get it. Your going to nerf a bunch of stuff...just like you have nearly every month for the last year, until your inane interpretations of your game statistics show what you think it should (Look everyone! We've done it! No one is playing! BALANCE IS ACHIEVED!!! The statistics are perfect!). So, this isn't a surprise. But the way you are going about it is insulting and seemingly designed to create as much negativity toward you within your customers as possible, and that moves it from being merely dishonest and a waste of time to full on self-destructive.

So lets just cut to the chase of whatever magical "internally established values" you people have in mind and just shove me into the live server like always. That way we can get on with letting the cycle of a new meta -that you people will somehow not be ready for or aware of- arise and you can continue your futile chase of balance just like always. Ok?

#234 Yumoshiri


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 05:34 AM

This is a bitter pill. Obviously it's a test session, but the test curve is so extremely steep that even if the target is somewhere halfway, it's still going to cripple a lot of mechs.

This effectively penalizes a lot of 'mediocre' mechs that are not even close to IS mech standards. I'm thinking of the cougar, adder, kitfox, the cheetah or the new incubus, being mostly a light pilot, but the ice ferret, viper, hunchback, nova will definetely feel the punch too. I expect they will loose their niche roles.

What will you bring to these mechs? Quirks? Improved nodes? I thought it was intended to slowly get rid of quirks.

I'll wait for the results. You better make sure that you show you are listening when feeding such a bitter pill, providing data and arguments for the continuation of this decision.

#235 Vorpal Puppy


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 05:54 AM

PGI, you simply don't understand! This will destroy the usefulness of many laser based clan mechs under 65 tons. The ERML and MPL nerfs go way too far. If you want to address boating, do that, not this. Do something stupid simple as putting a laser vomit 'governor' on all mechs - if you fire more than the max alpha in 2 seconds, all lasers get reduced in damage output proportionally to the max value for that shot. Problem solved without making non laser boats useless.

#236 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 05:54 AM

View PostDran Dragore, on 08 July 2018 - 04:25 AM, said:

i dont understand why PGI dont get any wisdom made in the past: for example take the Clan Small Pulse laser. This weapon was once a good weapon for extreme close Brawl. Good damage for a reasonable price in tonnage. Small Heat for good damage in ultra short range. Usable in for example Gargoyles.

Then came PGI and nerf them to the ground. Now i dont see any serious builds with the Small Pulser. This will also happen with the rest of the Clan Lasers when this drops in. Sad Posted Image

Because it was extremely buffed by Russ/Paul to start with, double the damage of base BT values. Did not see PGI get even close to doing that with IS energy weapons.

Really, it was out of whack, an outlier, though I may not have agreed to the amount it was reduced to, it needed to be toned down. And the changes started to happen when Chris came on board. If Chris hadn't come on board I seriously doubt Paul/Russ would have done anything about it in the last year.


cSPL dmg/heat

Lore: 3 dmg / 2 heat

MWO June 2014: initially 3.4 dmg / 3.4 heat
MWO July 2014: increased to 4.4 dmg / 3.4 heat
MWO Nov 2014: Increased to 6.0 dmg / 3.0 heat
MWO June 2017: Decrease to 4.0 dmg / 2.7 heat
MWO July 2017: Heat decreased - 4.0 dmg / 2.4 heat (that patch also introduced Heavy Lasers)
MWO March 2018: Heat decreased 4.0 dmg / 2.05 heat

MWO Dec 2014: Release of Community Warfare aka Faction Play

#237 Maruku Meshima


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 06:03 AM

What about players - opinion polls???
"Want you that we Nerf the Clan Lasers?"
"Want you the old clan puls lasers damage back?"
"Want you ghostheat/jamchance for the double Heavy Gaus?"
"Want you the real Battletech experience without Nerf and Quirks?"
"Want you Omnimechs for IS?"

#238 Smutty


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 06:11 AM

Well PGI that's about 12 pages here of complaints plus a few other multipage threads with people voicing their concerns, soooo

What's next? PTS going live as-is or are we going to see some intelligent changes made before we waste our time reaffirming what we already know?


#239 Aiden Skye


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 06:38 AM

With patch notes like this becoming the increasing trend, I'm afraid my time supporting this game has come to and end.

#240 IllCaesar


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 06:57 AM

So you reduce the power of CERMLs by 25% to discourage boating but you increase the ghost heat cap on CERLLs to four to ensure that no IS mech will ever be able to win large laser trades because apparently clans didn't have enough advantage at range.Now we're gonna have all the clan mechs trying to boat large lasers and staying at an even further range because their medium lasers have been nerfed into uselessness so playing at shorter ranges is off the table.

The game is called MechWarrior Online, not Polar Highlands Warrior Online. I try not to be a monday morning quarterback because I know this ain't as easy as it looks but come on. I have eighty mechs and only seven of them are clan mechs. I would benefit greatly from this numbers but I don't want these changes because they'll make the game significantly less exciting and diverse.You're not destroying the meta by attacking clan medium lasers, you're creating an entirely new one where there are significantly less variety among clan mechs. I'm almost entirely IS player but I don't want to play against the only few handful of clan builds left in the game that are viable and soft nerf two entire weightclasses.

Edited by IllCaesar, 08 July 2018 - 06:59 AM.

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