ApexSun, on 16 August 2018 - 09:17 PM, said:
Cool, the last two events have been really fun and but for a couple minor things this one can be as well:
- Allow either side to receive the planet tag if they have the capture bar pegged and not just the attackers or we will see badly unbalanced sides and poor wait times.
- I like the occasional Conquest or Incursion thrown in the mix, but please don't force us to suffer through 48 hours of facing and participating in friggin crab / assassin rushes. Double up on Dom or Skirmish.
Its going to be a scenario based. Reason why Clan Wolf had no tags made is because of the scenario setup they used. It was like how it was back in Phase 1/2 however; Defenders don't get tags on planets anymore. Clan Wolf didn't have a planet they could take in the exchange if they had won. It was the same when it was Kurita vs Davion. Davions were the defenders in that scenario. If Davion had won one of the events which they did not, No tag would be placed.
I cant recall but I think PGI did something about that years ago where people were queueing on none conflicted planets with no enemy team on it and they would just do a drop or 2 ghost or not just to get easy tags. Cant recall if that was the case before the ghost drop became a feature.
Remember that Queue info we had? When we had events like this going on it would make things easier. I was playing in wolf a few times and many of us were forced to switch because we were getting nothing but search wheel online. Went CJF just to get games. No Offense PGI.
I do agree that the base rush crab/assassins is going to be a problem. Normally I wouldn't do it unless the entire group I am with wants to do it. We often try NOT doing it unless were dealing with some group of idiots who decided force our hand. When our hand is forced, its not pretty. If all first options fail and you need to turn it around at that point, Sure go for it. But if a game ends under 5 minutes, Then we have a problem.