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Invasion Vs Resistance Event And Sale

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#81 latinisator


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 02:38 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 01 October 2018 - 11:32 PM, said:

Text 1

View Postmad kat, on 02 October 2018 - 02:11 AM, said:

Text 2

Ok, I think I need to be that guy, unfortunately. PGI is OFFERING rewards for playing some Mechs and doing some damage / kills with them during a time when you would have most probably also played a few matches. How the hell do they dare?!
PGI is, however, not responsible for the way large portions of the players actually play. Also, PGI - sorry to state that (but you guys just ask for it) - is NOT holding a gun to your head forcing you to "catch 'em all".
It is your very own choice to go mad because of some bolt-ons and tiny MC prices. Besides, the MC ones are relatively easy to get; you just have to direct your guns towards the enemy and melt faces - does not take forever, esp. if you own the Mechs and do not fail at the Mechlab (I will give you that!).
D V Devnull, health and life come first! Well done you for not playing when you could not. Just do not blame PGI for that.

As for the matchmaker, yes, it is a pile of scrap metal. I had lots of stomps, being on both ends.

#82 BumbaCLot


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 05:56 AM

View PostAramuside, on 01 October 2018 - 10:18 PM, said:

You might want to read the thread before cherry picking a bit out of context. Farming Kills/KMDD in trial/new mechs etc has been grim when you're in say a trial raven or spider and competing with 4-5 meta assaults who are ignoring the event targets (probably sensibly).

Personally I was team killed 3 times in 12 games last night before I called it a night - 2 artie deaths and a dual HGR to my back because its been such a cluster xxxx. I find it really rewarding as a light getting killed for 15 damage by an incompetent Victor pilot when I'm trying to save our Supernova....

Having to change mechs 25+ times over the event or use trial mechs has simply meant people are playing mechs that are either awful, have no skill points on or with which they have no experience with at all. Often all three together.

And I chose to play this event another way. I played the Arctic Cheetah and Mist Lynx. Got 550+ one game and 800+ another game, due to strikes, and less than 20 team damage. My best games to date in Mist Lynx and I may play it again.
Thunderbolt Top Dog I play awful in, and had some average to below average games in as usual (one 600+ game though).
Jagermech I had some eggs, and then one decent game to get the score.
Literally 800 damage in any mech shouldn't take over 4 matches, trial or not.
If you are getting team killed then I suggest not standing in front of other mechs.
If you are in a light you shouldn't be in front of any mech typically. You should be on the flanks harassing / scouting / or in the rear chasing off any other lights who are doing what you say about trying to save a SNV. If you got hit by a sloppy HGR round, oh well. It happens.

There are multiple people in higher tiers complaining about damage > 100 being hard and 'omg' damage required! / farming. This literally happens just playing the game.
The KMDD/Deaths for boltons is definitely going to be harder in light mechs, and I didn't play the event. But I try to kill mechs/ get damage every single game I play. I don't think 100 or 200 is hard in any mech, and the 50 MS loot bags was literally the worst motivation for poor play in the past 3 months. But for the people who think > 100 damage is hard, I understand why PGI did it.

#83 BumbaCLot


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 05:59 AM

View PostEdeljoker, on 01 October 2018 - 05:35 AM, said:

Very bad event: Its so hyper boring to drop with that ultra bad trial builds in qp. Ok not all of them, but many.

Fst. time that MCs cant force me to do an event fully, because it feels like WORK not fun. And for such boring work 50 mc is not nearly enough.

Sorry thats my opinion, hope that you will bring some great FW events in the future. Without it its nearly impossible to farm mechbays, mcs etc. in FW - if you drop alone.(non scouting pl. that ruins the whole event bec. many quick play guys never drop invasion then...)

My guess on why no new faction play events is that when people play faction, they don't show up on the normal leaderboards, and then people use that to say that the game is dying. Look at the stats for this past month and the month before. We had an increase this month and there were no faction events, so now it shows that more people are playing. I hate it too, because I prefer faction.

#84 BumbaCLot


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 06:13 AM

View Postmad kat, on 02 October 2018 - 02:11 AM, said:

A couple of observations.
  • The matchmaker is indeed skewed and biased. See this thread: https://mwomercs.com...__fromsearch__1 i for one will readily back this up as my experience of PSR is utter ****. The single worst thing this game has. Hit reg second and PGI's lazy arrogance third.
  • Once you've been pigeonholed buy the cleary biased matchmaker you're screwed trying to claw yourself out of the pit of idiot nascars and soloist's after that. I certainly haven't.
  • Player skill or rather the lack of is more apparent now than ever, even team damage, meat shielding, suiciding and team killing is on the rise...noticeably.
  • PGI blatantly don't play the game and you can be sure they never listen to the forums
  • They clearly think the player base is much much larger than what it is. If what steam sais is true there's on average 600-700 players active at any one point which has plummeted from 4k odd when launched on steam. this obviously doesn't count standalone clients.
  • Every event is the same they assume that everyone has 8 hours a day that they can devote to playing events this merely proves that they either don't give a **** or really do live in cloud cuckoo land. So imagine what it's like when your dropped in a team with a heavily skewed skill imbalance match after match, progress is close to snails pace and far faster if your repeatedly dropped with the 'favoured' team
  • They also repeatedly offer events that actively promote farming AND run them over weekends when people are half asleep, drunk, can't be arsed or casuals or all of the former so match quality is nothing short of abysmal.
So lets face it MWO is on borrowed time PGI clearly can't be arsed with it any more otherwise they'd actually make a concerted effort to fix things that have been wrong, broken, skewed or biased for a long time. They're hedging their bets on MW5 but even i have very little hope for that. Just go and search the forum (use google because unsurprisingly the forum search thing has never worked) for all the crying threads about the 'matchmaker' i for one have posted a couple of threads alone on that subject.

Some other game developer out there desperately needs to buy this title out before its too late and rework it. I'd be fine if they suspended it for a few weeks while they fixed it i'd just go over to Battletech for a bit.

Seeing as this is the internet this post has been brought to you with a very heavy dose of sarcasm and jest....or has it? Posted Image

Here is my perspective on this event. It's for F2P players to get to play trial mechs and get some MC / Cbills, and by making it this way, even players like me (with over 100 mechs I personally didn't but a lot did) play in those same crappy mechs like spiders. It evened the playing field for those who wanted to get these rewards. It added variety from the meta. It made people dust off and even buy Timberwolves.

If someone REALLY had to complete this event, they could, with trials, and effort.
I wasn't interested in bolt-ons, or playing trials, and I have event fatigue from completing all of the good ones (on multiple accounts).

As far as events go, only the loot bag event where you got a free mech of your choice was a 'must do'. This was a mediocre event that you could take or leave, but it's only 4 days, so once it's over, we will get something else. But hey it got some people to buy some non-meta mechs, helped f2p players, changed the game up without forcing LRM day or something awful like that, and if you can't complete it, it's just how it is.

#85 GamerPro4000


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 01:19 PM

I finished all event challenges, but some games were frustrating since people were just rushing in the engage the enemy and get themselves killed just to get damage. There were times I notified the team where the enemy were flanking and the team just ignored my input and we get steam rolled. There times where we don't push and just get flanked on all sides. So as my team played passively l, so did I.

Edited by GamerPro4000, 02 October 2018 - 01:23 PM.

#86 Baron Blitz Fokheimer


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 06:50 PM

The event is fine, but there simply isn't enough time. I play IS exclusively, and it looks like I will barely complete the IS-specific challenges in time, if I sacrifice some sleep.

Events should feel challenging, not grindy. If I can't complete a challenge because I can't get a 1,000-match-score round or whatever, that's a legitimate way to fail, unlike simply not having enough time.

#87 Rahul Roy


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Posted 02 October 2018 - 07:53 PM

View PostRip X, on 01 October 2018 - 10:29 PM, said:

I didn't get my Knuckles for the Arctic Cheetah for finishing the event. I finished that part 2 days ago.

I have 2 Cheetahs yet I can only equip the knuckles on one of them. For the other it doesn't even show up in the list of possible bolt-ons.

Not sure if this is due to the left arm omnipods I'm using on the respective mechs...?

Edited by Rahul Roy, 02 October 2018 - 07:54 PM.

#88 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 12:20 AM

View PostRahul Roy, on 02 October 2018 - 07:53 PM, said:

I have 2 Cheetahs yet I can only equip the knuckles on one of them. For the other it doesn't even show up in the list of possible bolt-ons.

Not slure if this is due to the left arm omnipods I'm using on the respective mechs...?

It is.

#89 Dee Eight


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 12:33 AM

I got every damage goal except the one involving the HBK2C because I don't own any and have no desire to play any...EVER. I don't care if there's a trial version. Don't care to waste my time on it. 50MC and 750k cbills aren't enough motivation for me to change that opinion. And I'm FINE with only getting 7 of 8 event goals finished. Life goes on.

Edited by Dee Eight, 03 October 2018 - 12:34 AM.

#90 Daemonara


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 02:41 AM

Great event!
That's alot of kills/kmdds though, any chance to have it extended a couple of days?

#91 Aramuside


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 04:46 AM

View PostDee Eight, on 03 October 2018 - 12:33 AM, said:

I got every damage goal except the one involving the HBK2C because I don't own any and have no desire to play any...EVER. I don't care if there's a trial version. Don't care to waste my time on it. 50MC and 750k cbills aren't enough motivation for me to change that opinion. And I'm FINE with only getting 7 of 8 event goals finished. Life goes on.

Curious why as its a very good and flexible chassis?

#92 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 05:38 AM

View PostDaemonara, on 03 October 2018 - 02:41 AM, said:

Great event!
That's alot of kills/kmdds though, any chance to have it extended a couple of days?

Same here, I like it, but the timeline with everyone gunning for it, limits the amount you can get from a game.
@PGI,please extend this event till the end of the weekend, its really fun.

#93 Pain G0D


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 07:19 AM

I am bit tired , too much of a good thing , glad its almost over . Yes yes i know nobody is forcing me .

I think PGI should have had either the resistance / invasion or just the trial by fire not both at once . I skipped the Bolt On prizes in favour of MC and I took my time on the MC . If there is a next time i will do Bolt On,s instead of MC .

The MARCH trial by fire event was much better . One mech multiple tasks and get urban block pattern and you could not use all trial mechs , sometimes you needed to buy one and that made life pretty interesting and exciting .

#94 D V Devnull


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 09:37 AM

View PostZortPointNarf, on 03 October 2018 - 05:38 AM, said:

@PGI,please extend this event till the end of the weekend, its really fun.

I second this. B)

Pardon me while I get into a rant, but I never really got to start the Event except for the Seal Clubbing which I took in a ShadowHawk, even though I had wanted to, so I will currently get NOTHING without more time. Between the troubles of Real Life, Medical-type Issues, a Horrible MWO MatchMaker, and awful 'Potato'-grade (yeah, I'm really gonna term it that way... they were worse than horrible too...) Pilots, I was effectively shut out of the queues and rounds. Frankly, this Event stopped any further progression in MWO for me, and that makes me feel like the past 2.5+ years here just weren't worth my time, because you have to keep progressing to not get left behind. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that being totally unable to keep learning and progress forward (or even being blocked from it somehow) is the equivalent of being dead and buried, and that's true of both Games and Real Life. :(

~D. V. "I guess it's time that I finally have to go curl up in a hole and die... Oh well..." Devnull

#95 Bloodwitch


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 09:46 AM

Fairly certain this event serves 2 goal.
1st, buffer so not everyone would play a fafnir.
2nd, make new players ragequit and uninstall thanks to terribad trial'mechs.

#96 Magik Jack


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 10:50 AM

That trial spider humbled me, and taught me the true meaning of pain.

#97 EchoHotel


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 11:03 AM

I already contacted Tech support over this but the kill reward for the Arctic Cheetah didn't show up for me and then when I took a second look, that cosmetic slot does not exist on the mech, no hand items at all.
Am I just tired and missing something?

#98 MrKvola


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 01:53 PM

View PostEchoHotel, on 03 October 2018 - 11:03 AM, said:

I already contacted Tech support over this but the kill reward for the Arctic Cheetah didn't show up for me and then when I took a second look, that cosmetic slot does not exist on the mech, no hand items at all.
Am I just tired and missing something?

It apparently does not work with all omnipods.

#99 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 03 October 2018 - 04:30 PM

I got some MC out of the event, didn't really have time for bolt-ons.

#100 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 04 October 2018 - 04:36 AM

complete the trials in 12 Hours ..the other Bolts event find not my interest ...to ugly and bad designed 99& of the bolts as thats im will have this Orcish Scrapyard S**t for my Mechs

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 04 October 2018 - 06:02 AM.

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