Tiewolf, on 20 November 2018 - 03:28 AM, said:
It is not your fault but pgi`s to implement a working separation of the playerbase, like leagues in real live, to solve this problem. But PGI gave players like you a lot of places like Solaris, FW, GQ or comp play. All places that sooner or later are ghost towns and the dominators wait forever in the queues because no one wants to play with them anymore. What a surprise.
Long time ago groups were in qp,
pugs were crying and groups telling that they dont get any advantage against pugs,
pgi decided to remove groups over 4 from quickplay.
Groups played some games in grouppplay, realized that there are even groups and no pugs to farm,
groups split up to 4 mans to farm pugs in qp again,
pgi removed every group from qp, groupplay is still mostly empty.
Compplayers were crying about bad pugs,
pgi gave compplayers a seperate queue,
comps played some games and realized that there are no bad pugs to farm,
compplayers goes back to normal queue and compplay is mostly empty.
Maybe read some topics in the cw forum about pugs and splitting queues and who much the groups in cw defend their option to farm pugs and why its bad for the game and who much they want challenges ...
You recognized the pattern behind this and dont get fooled by the "We want challenges!", but not pgi ...
Edited by Kroete, 20 November 2018 - 04:42 AM.