I'm The Potato ?
Posted 18 November 2018 - 09:25 AM
Posted 18 November 2018 - 09:30 AM
Any W/L above 3-4 is an indication of significant group play.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 09:31 AM
Posted 18 November 2018 - 09:32 AM
Navid A1, on 18 November 2018 - 09:30 AM, said:
Any W/L above 3-4 is an indication of significant group play.
The question is ... how.
My last 5-6 matches my team was rolled like beach ball. i was typically in the top 2 in the match for Kills, dmg and match score. Seems like on my squad there was 5+ players sub 100 dmg
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:02 AM
Notice how my ave match score and kdr are consistently close month to month, yet the wlr well... for three out of five months it was below 1.00 because I was like you, getting stuck with people who couldn't shoot their way out of a paper bag with a flamethrower. The previous two (april-may) months were also consistent as far as average match score went but they also coincided with the last spike in player population before the major drop off that came in june and has continued ever after.
22 (May '18) 4898 88% 100 1.08 34% 1.52 298 280.2 -1% 0% 39% 0% 52% 21 (Apr '18) 5210 86% 28 1.80 43% 2.19 292 282.0 23% 0% 0% 0% 39%
Look at the global stats... https://leaderboard.isengrim.org/stats and see how there's far more players who average 121-150 match score than those that do 376 or better. The group in the 151-175 segment alone are higher than the 301-350 groups combined.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:03 AM
Racerxintegra2k, on 18 November 2018 - 09:32 AM, said:
The question is ... how.
My last 5-6 matches my team was rolled like beach ball. i was typically in the top 2 in the match for Kills, dmg and match score. Seems like on my squad there was 5+ players sub 100 dmg
Its the worst indication of skill, and more an indication of group cohesion which is only gonna go up with, well, a group.
Perhaps a better indication of skill would be shots fired versus shots hit. Some think kills to deaths, but since people can 'secure' your kills away from you its also a terrible method of judging skill. Match score is another method but in general we're not entirely sure how match score is acquired.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:10 AM
Not all mechs are created equal for “carrying” in solo queue. Some mechs are obviously bad and some just ok...however there are some mechs that have k/d’s far higher than their w/l would lead you to expect. Those mechs might be “match score mechs”.....they do good damage in over the length of the match, but they won’t let you carry your team to victory. Things like lrm mechs can put out numbers, but spread damage and don’t do enough killing damage fast enough to get that all important early lead. I love monkey-ing around with atm mechs in solo queue and I have a vapor eagle (new mech, sq only) that has a 4.0 k/d, but like a 1.4 w/l....it’s early yet, but this mech seemingly doesn’t tip the early balance in matches. So, it does well but not as well in the w/l column as you would expect.
On the other side: A mech like the Grinner is a “carry mech” for me. Over a 2.0 w/l and around 3 k/d. Often I can get the first kill or two of the match in that mech (or enable someone else to finish the kill) and then we are playing 12 v 11 or 12 v 10...from a couple of minutes in. Which is a huge advantage in terms of determining w/l. The Deathstrike and MCII-B are other mechs which can just carry matches in sq. Just to name a few. Conversely I hopped in my free loyalty Rifleman and found that mech very challenging to do what I felt I needed to in order to help my team the way I was going to need to in order to win.
So, I would look through each of your mechs stats and just realize that there may be some “match score mechs” that feel good and do damage.....but that don’t win how they should. Others might not have the gross output in terms of damage, but are real “winners”. If you play more “winners” your w/l should improve.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:11 AM
Simple suggestions tend to go a long way. Such as "lights wait for the battlelines to be drawn before moving in."
"Is anyone in a position to take out that LRM mech (sniper, or whatever special threat exists)? Will attack it with you."
"Attack the spotted on Affirmative." (Use the command wheel affirmative to let them know when to engage the spotted enemy; great for a coordinated attack by lights or assaults on a particularly strong opponent)
"Need help!"
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:14 AM
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:16 AM
Also, like Konnie said, make sure to use the voice commands for target spotted and stuff like that.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:21 AM
FupDup, on 18 November 2018 - 10:16 AM, said:
Also, like Konnie said, make sure to use the voice commands for target spotted and stuff like that.
i'm an odd fellow, i'll play meta etc and do really well ... but like now i'm using an UZIEL with 2 ppcs and cant hit anything and doing terrible. I somehow get bored of doing well and losing so i go potato for a while.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:31 AM
But you can have a big damage, score and kill ratio and having a bad influence on the W/L ratio because you are hiding and using the rest of the team like canon fodder...
I'm playing mostly new mecha for the past few month and it is costly on the scoring board sometimes...
Edited by Damnedtroll, 18 November 2018 - 10:32 AM.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:34 AM
Racerxintegra2k, on 18 November 2018 - 10:21 AM, said:
The Uzi is definitely not the gundam you want to use if you want to bring up your stats.
Assuming you want to use some sort of mobile medium PPC poptart I'd suggest a Huntsman, Nova, Blackjack, or even Vindicator (sadly it's actually better than the Uzi).
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:42 AM
There was an interesting thread about it... it seems like the matchmaker is deciding the outcome of the match. Pgi should rework the matchmaker for more balanced teams (e.g. balance by average Matchsore).
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:44 AM
But yeah, a lot of people here will say you aren't doing enough to win, and in fact your kdr and mm scores are actually a detriment to your team. Oh my!
Edited by BlaizerP, 18 November 2018 - 10:51 AM.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:47 AM
(Focused on mediums as I dont really play much else now days) Tier 3 for the average! Sadly I am like a sneeze from Tier 2, le sigh. But yeah, MM has always tried to give a rough balance between wins and losses on solo QP with about as many rolls one way as the other, with fairly few hard fought wins and even less hard fought losses.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 10:50 AM
Xeno Phalcon, on 18 November 2018 - 10:47 AM, said:
Been there once, fight to avoid it though trying to stay in tier 3 is a royal pain because I keep going up and have to dig my way back down. Its kinda like dig-dug.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 11:21 AM
A lot of players have a tendency to immediately either nascar or go directly to the enemy. This isn't always the best course and in fact it is usually a terrible idea. I wish I had some examples of this but it is best to get behind the enemy to pull off something like this..
This video is ancient, but the premise is simple. The enemy had the advantage of both high ground and a strong firing line. I just moseyed my way around that line and came up behind someone...then behind someone else...then behind someone else, etc... as a STALKER! O_O!
Actual screenshot by Lordred of a time I snuck up on an enemy Catapult. The sparks and smoke are how I got the Catapult's attention.
These are among my most recent videos I uploaded (...not that recent).
This Rifleman (to this day) has 3 unlocks on the skill tree; the bare minimum to get advanced zoom.
Why? Because I'm stubborn.
And this one is shortly after, the Orion admittedly is mastered, but the build (minus a change in machine gun) has been the same since 2013 and it still works because it ignores the ever changing meta and relies on the cohesion of weapon systems.
(Note: I waited too long, in part due to being a father with a toddler, but it still worked out perfectly An acceptable amount of time to wait might be up to 2 minutes, the 5 minutes that nearly passed...not so acceptable).
Still in both videos, take note of a combination of tactical decisions (and mistakes such as the first video in missing a sensor blip of an enemy) and body-part specific aiming to increase income, score and chance for success in every encounter. Doing so ensures that you're both fresh and fully armed and likely to encounter a foe that is not. It also helps to ensure that you're in a position to flank an enemy from a previously unknown position, an important element in teamwork is dividing the enemy's front line.
Is the best strategy? Certainly not. But it is generally effective so long as not too many enemies come for you.
This technique was developed during teamplay in Zhizhu where we'd have the front line and the flanking lance (originally named the Dragon lance as it was a lance of tanky Dragons with rapidly hitting DPS that'd draw a lot of attention and cause a number of enemies to turn. Between the Dragons weaving around the enemy front line and taking out their long range support and our front line moving in, you'd see some teams fall apart and the occasional stomp.
In solo play, rather than a small team doing the flanking, its either just me or me plus a couple of cooperative players (can usually find cooperative lights as a light, but for some reason as a heavy or medium its hard to get cooperation for a flank). As such it is hit or miss.
Lately I've been running this strategy as an assault. Results can be seen in threads where I'm shunning people for crying about Piranhas, by showing my immense success in slaughtering fish while going out on my own away from the team.
This post kinda captures quotes from those with lots of fish-killing screen grabs of decent damage/kill performances, typically (though not always) in victory.
Posted 18 November 2018 - 11:28 AM
Hiding in the back with a low DPS sniper build is a sure fire way to get <1 WLR in the end even with a nice kills/match and damage/match average.
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