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A big thank you to the artists that helped us visulaize the Brigand!
By jjm1 or user000000000001
By Bishop Steiner
By Fed0t
By GiorgioEspinos
Brigand mini
Thanks for getting this far in the thread and an even bigger thank you to the artists for sharing their talents.
For a hero mech I like the idea of an MG boat that maybe has MASC so it could be like a heavier Flea. What do you guys think?
Thanks go to Fupdup for this breakdown of the MWO tech variants. There's also the XPR2 with 5 MLs and Angel ECM but the Angel would need to be changed to Guardian for MWO tech.
As far as MW5 goes, it's true that the Brigand would not be in it's timeline but introducing the Brigand and others from later eras is a good way to get ready for post-clan invasion era DLC.
If you like this mech make sure you support it here on the forums, Reddit, tweeting Russ, etc. Thanks for your time.
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Edited by TheArisen, 23 February 2019 - 01:09 PM.