The assaults as you may know are your very best friends. They will move to get a center position in the main group and operate somewhat like a turret. You know they have heavy firepower but are not so very mobile like you in your lesser tonnage mech. Now the nice thing about this is that they can "facetrade" . You know: you shoot me, I shoot you. Also very nice for your team: the enemy will focus fire on your assaults. They see them as a big threat and beefy too. So you can easily use flanking tactics or use them as a shield ! They are okay with that !
But my dear noobs, what do you do in battle ? You see the enemy coming and immediately sh$%^ starts running down your pants ! You flee. You leave your dear friends behind and let the enemy have a nice meal. NOT OKAY !!!
Now all this is just not necessary. Stay calmly in place, be brave, assist your assaults and you will be fine.
You might even win the game despite a lousy matchmaker. It' s all so simple !
Thanks for listening, take care,
Inatu out.
Edited by Inatu Elimor, 13 December 2018 - 06:19 PM.