You know, its kinda polite to quote with a name and timestamp if you are expecting to be read ...
Khobai, on 18 March 2019 - 11:32 AM, said:
I like how the guy that thinks heat energy magically disappear when a mech's ST gets destroyed is telling other people they need to study thermodynamics.
The model we were talking about only includes the mech itself to begin with. Since the destroyed ST isn't part of the mech anymore than indeed it does magically disappear from the model, along with its heat. If you would have bothered to read more than one post you could have come across several posts where I explain exactly what could happen to said energy.
Khobai, on 18 March 2019 - 11:32 AM, said:
Seriously do you even know the laws of thermodynamics? If you have a closed coolant loop that uses heatsinks to vent heat to the outside and those heatsinks are suddenly destroyed that heat is now trapped inside the mech because the coolant isnt able to carry it to the heatsinks. The heat is going to accumulate inside the mech because it has nowhere else to go.
The whole concept you seem to be missing is that heatsinks themselves dont actually store heat. Heatsinks simply exchange heat between the cryogenic coolant and the outside air. The heat itself is stored in the hundreds of feet of coolant lines and the cryogenic coolant (liquid helium cooled by liquid nitrogen probably) that run through the entire mech. Losing the heatsinks would not make the heat magically disappear. Thats not how cryogenic cooling systems work at all. And if the heatsinks are destroyed or the coolant lines are ruptured they can no longer carry the heat away at all so the heat is definitely going to accomulate.
The problem is we don't have any closed coolant loops in the game. We have heat sinks, that represent both the active venting device and a portion of said closed heat transfer system that I've also mentioned like a dozen times. Hence I refer to it as 'heat sinks'. And since in game the loss of a heat sink also means a loss of heat capacity, then such reference is perfectly valid.
Again, I and others have covered the rest as well. "Destroyed" torso means exactly that - completely destroyed torso structure, along with heat sinks, heat transfer system and whatever else was in it. Which means that all heat present in said torso instantly becomes kinetic energy of bits and pieces that are flying away from the mech carrying "heat" away. That is why its "gone". Because it isn't part of the system we are talking about. If you want to study the effects this debris has on the ecological situation of Caustic Valley, be my guest.
If the heat sink is "critted" and not destroyed, it does indeed stop functioning, which leads to the loss of heat dissipation. However, the heat transfer system is designed in a way that isolates any particular portion of itself automatically or manually when needed. That is why the loss of a active venting element, i.e. the actual heat sink, also leads to the loss of total mech heat capacity, which isn't by itself affected when the venting element stops functioning. And since it happens automatically and instantly, all heat present in the portion of the cut off heat transfer system doesn't magically jump over to the rest of it. It stays in the isolated section and has no impact whatsoever on the rest of the mech.
Obviously the total heat capacity is reduced, but there is NO heat spike because just like the portion of heat capacity is gone, so is the portion of heat that was currently stored in said capacity, it is also gone.
The heat isn't "accumulating" itself because there is no additional heat generation that magically appears. There are weapons, movement and JJs that can generate heat, but it is no different from what it was before the loss of a heat sink. Hence there is NO heat spike and NO gradual raise of heat overtime from any sort of "backflow", because the critted/damaged/destroyed section of the heat transfer system was isolated.
Khobai, on 18 March 2019 - 11:32 AM, said:
The only people that want this heatspike BS are the hardcore simulator crowd. But MWO is not, never has been, and never will be a simulation game. And they need to understand that.
I fail to see how this heatspike BS has anything to do with 'simulation' tho since it completely contradicts physics.