The6thMessenger, on 28 July 2019 - 12:48 AM, said:
Steam earns it's borderline-monopoly because it's a good platform with good service to customers, EGS is NEITHER, and once the exclusivity deal has expired, everyone will flock back to Steam and further validate it's borderline-monopoly.
In a technical sense you are right.
Let me call it "Monopoly on Time" Maybe that names it better.
Everyone knows that the big Money in the game Industrie is made very early in the Lifetime of a game and EPIC monopolizes the most fruitful income phase of the games release.
Also, you do not own the game, you only own acces to the Installation files and the ability to start the game up as long they do not revoke these Access, ability from you for any reason they see fit.
In that regard EPIC and Steam are completely similar and offline play is nothing offesetting that compared to GOG where you realy own the games files and can download and store them for as long there is a Computer able to store, install and execute at your will which is probably for the whole of your lifetime and beyond.
So i stand by what i meant to say.
PS; I speak of Games that can be played as Singleplayer or local Multipayer, not of MMOs of course.
Edited by Thorqemada, 28 July 2019 - 07:22 AM.